A.5 Starting the Reconfiguration Wizard

The Reconfiguration Wizard (reconfig.sh|cmd) is available in the ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin directory.

To start the Reconfiguration Wizard in graphical mode:
  1. Log in to the system on which the domain resides.
  2. Open command shell (on UNIX operating systems) or open command prompt window (on Windows operating systems).
  3. Edition Based Database Users Only: If you have configured your schemas with Edition-Based Reassociation, you must manually supply a default edition name before running the Reconfiguration Wizard.
    To set the default edition, enter the following SQL command:

    Where, edition_name  is the name of the default database edition.

  4. On the Unix operating system, change directory to: ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin
    On the Windows operating system, change directory to: ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
    Replace the ORACLE_HOME with the actual path to Oracle home which you provided while installing the product.
  5. To create a log file for the domain reconfiguration session, enter the following command:
    On the Unix operating system: ./reconfig.sh -log=log_file
    On the Windows operating system: reconfig.cmd -log=log_file
    Replace log_file with the absolute path of the log file you'd like to create for the domain reconfiguration session. This can be helpful if you need to troubleshoot the reconfiguration process.


    When you run the reconfig.cmd or reconfig.sh command and see the following error message:

    *sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir
    , this indicates that the default cache directory is not valid.

    You can change the cache directory by setting the environment variable CONFIG_JVM_ARGS. For example:
