This is a screenshot of the Fusion Middleware Composer graphical interface that shows two hosts (host1 and host2), an Oracle home (home1), a domain (domain1), an Administration Server (server1), a cluster (cluster1), two Managed Servers (server2 and server3), and two Node Managers (nm1 and nm2) added to the topology.

On the left side of the screen, there are two boxes. One is labeled “Host:host1” and the other “Host:host2.” Inside the “Host:host1” box, there is a box labeled “Oracle Home:home1.” Inside the “Host:host2” box, there is also a box labeled “Oracle Home:home1.” Inside each “Oracle Home:home1” box, there is a box labeled “Domain:domain1.” In the boxes labeled “Domain:domain1”, there is a box labeled “Cluster:cluster1” encompassing both hosts. Inside the “Cluster:cluster1” box, there are two boxes. One box is labeled “Server:server2” in “Host:host1” and the other is labeled “Server:server3” in “Host:host2.” Inside the “Domain:domain1” in “Host:host1,” there is a box labeled “Server:server1” and a box labeled “Node Manager:nm1.” Inside the “Domain:domain1” box in “Host:host2,” there is a box labeled “Node Manager:nm2.”

On the right side of the screen, there is one box labeled “Oracle Home:home1” and one box labeled “Domain:domain1.” There are also two other boxes. One is labeled “Node Manager:nm1” and the other “Node Manager:nm2.” Inside the “Domain:domain1” box, there is a box labeled “Server:server1” and a box labeled “Cluster:cluster1.” Inside the “Cluster:cluster1” box, there are two boxes. One is labeled “Server:server2” and the other “Server:server3.”