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Get available active sources

Gets the list of sources active in MFT based on the criteria like application type, binding type, etc. The response contains the list of sources with URLs.

The following tables summarize the client request.

Query Parameters
Name Description Format
application Type of the application binding you want to discover string
bindingType Binding type of source you want to discover string
onlyEventEnabled Discover only event enabled sources boolean
searchFilter Full/partial Name of source(s) to be discovered string

The following tables summarize the server response.

Supported Media Types
  • application/json

200 Response


404 Response


Example of Response Body: 200 Response

The following example shows the contents of the response body for a successful request in JSON format:

	"sources": [
		"name": "src1",
		"url": "/scratch/demo",
		"bindingType": "File",
		"eventInvokeUrl": "/mftapp/rest/v1/events"
		"name": "src2",
		"url": "/scratch/username",
		"bindingType": "File",
		"eventInvokeUrl": "/mftapp/rest/v1/events"

Example of Response Body: 404 Response

The following example shows the contents of the response body for an successful request in JSON format:

  "errorMessage":"Discovery service is unable to query MFT Sources for the given application {application} and search Filter {search filter}."