A.12.6 Query for Application and Processor Names

All the commands for managing the CQL rules of an Oracle Stream Analytics application require you to know the name of the application, and the particular processor to which you want to apply the rules. Typically you know these names, but if you do not, you can use the QUERY command to get the information from the MBean instances that represent applications and their attached processors.

In particular, use the following -pattern argument to get a list of all applications, processors, and rules for a given Oracle Stream Analytics instance:

-pattern  com.bea.wlevs:*,Type=CQLProcessor 

For example:

java wlevs.Admin 
     -url service:jmx:msarmi://localhost:9002/jndi/jmxconnector 
     -username wlevs -password wlevs 
     QUERY -pretty 
     -pattern com.bea.wlevs:*,Type=CQLProcessor

A sample output of this command is shown below:

Command Output
MBeanName: "com.bea.wlevs:Name=helloworldProcessor,Type=CQLProcessor,Application=helloworld,"
       helloworldRule =  select * from HelloWorldEvent retain 1 event 
--end of command output -------- 

In the sample output above:

  • The name of the application is helloworld.

  • The helloworld application has a processor called helloworldProcessor.

  • The helloworldProcessor has a rule called helloworldRule.