A.12.1 Specifying MBean Types

To specify which MBean or MBeans you want to access, view, or modify, all of the MBean management commands require either the -mbean argument or the -type argument.

Use the -mbean argument to operate on a single instance of an MBean.

Use the -type argument to operate on all MBeans that are an instance of a type that you specify. An MBean's type refers to the interface class of which the MBean is an instance. All Oracle Stream Analytics MBeans are an instance of one of the interface classes defined in the com.bea.wlevs.management.configuration, com.bea.wlevs.management.runtime, com.bea.wlevs.deployment.mbean and com.bea.wlevs.server.management.mbean packages. For a complete list of all Oracle Stream Analytics MBean interface classes, see the Java API Reference for Oracle Stream Analytics for the respective packages.

To determine the value that you provide for the -type argument, do the following: Find the MBean's interface class and remove the MBean suffix from the class name. For example, for an MBean that is an instance of the com.bea.wlevs.management.configuration.CQLProcessorMBean, use CQLProcessor.