A.1 Overview of the wlevs.Admin Utility

The wlevs.Admin utility is a command-line interface to administer Oracle Stream Analytics, to dynamically configure the rules for Oracle CQL processors, and to monitor the event latency and throughput of an application. The utility uses JMX to query the configuration and run time MBeans of servers and deployed applications.

The Oracle Stream Analytics configuration framework enables concurrent changes to the application and server configuration by multiple users. The framework does not use locking to manage this concurrency, but uses optimistic version-based concurrency. This means that two users can always view the configuration of the same object with the intention to update it, but only one user can commit their changes. The other user get an error when they try to update the same configuration object and must refresh their session to view the updated configuration.

Each wlevs.Admin utility command runs in its own transaction, which means that there is an implicit commit after each execution of a command. If you want to batch multiple configuration changes in a single transaction, use JMX directly to make these changes rather than the wlevs.Admin utility.