B.1 Overview of Using the Deployer Utility

The Deployer utility is a Java-based deployment utility that provides administrators and developers command-line based operations for deploying Oracle Stream Analytics applications.

In the context of Oracle Stream Analytics deployment, an application is defined as an OSGi bundle at http://www.osgi.org/ JAR file that contains the following artifacts:

  • The compiled Java class files that implement some of the components of the application, such as the adapters, adapter factory, and POJO that contains the business logic.

  • One or more Oracle Stream Analytics configuration XML files that configure the components of the application, such as the processor, adapter, or streams.

    The configuration files must be located in the META-INF/wlevs directory of the OSGi bundle JAR file.

  • An EPN assembly file that describes all the components of the application and how they are connected to each other. The EPN assembly file extends the standard Spring context file.

    The EPN assembly file must be located in the META-INF/spring directory of the OSGi bundle JAR file.

  • A MANIFEST.MF file that describes the contents of the JAR.

The Deployer utility uses HTTP to connect to Oracle Stream Analytics, which means that you must configure Jetty for the server instance to which you are deploying your application.

Oracle Stream Analytics uses the deployments.xml file to internally maintain its list of deployed application OSGi bundles. This file is located in the DOMAIN_DIR/servername directory, where DOMAIN_DIR refers to the main domain directory corresponding to the server instance to which you are deploying your application and servername refers to the server instance itself.


The XSD for the deployments.xml file is provided for your information only. Oracle does not recommend updating the deployments.xml file manually.