A.9 HELP Command

The HELP command provides syntax and usage information for all Oracle Stream Analytics commands or for a single command if a command value is specified on the HELP command line.

You can issue this command from any computer on which Oracle Stream Analytics is installed. You do not need to start a server instance to invoke this command, nor do you need to supply user credentials, even when security is enabled for the server.


java wlevs.Admin HELP [COMMAND]

The COMMAND argument can be:

  • The keyword ALL, which returns usage information about all commands.

  • One of the keywords MBEAN, RULES, or LIFECYCLE, which returns usage information about the three different groups of commands.

  • A command such as UPLOAD, which returns usage information about the particular command.


In the following example, information about using the UPLOAD command is requested:

java wlevs.Admin HELP UPLOAD

The command returns the following output:

Uploads rules to be configured in the processor.

java wlevs.Admin
   [-url | -listenAddress <host-name> -listenPort <port>]
  -username <username> -password <password>
   UPLOAD -application <application name> -processor <processor name> -sourceURL "source url"

-application = Name of the application.
-processor = Name of the processor.
-sourceURL = source URL containing the rules in an XML format.

java wlevs.Admin -url service:jmx:msarmi://localhost:9002/jndi/jmxconnector 
     -username wlevs -password wlevs UPLOAD -application myapplication 
     -processor processor -sourceURL file:/d:/test/rules.xml