1 Introduction

This guide describes how to use Oracle Site Studio Publisher to publish an Oracle Site Studio web site.

This section covers the following topics:

1.1 Understanding Oracle Site Studio Publisher

This guide describes how to use Oracle Site Studio Publisher to publish an Oracle Site Studio web site. With Oracle Site Studio, you store the web sites you build in Oracle Content Server. At some point, you may find that you would like to create a static copy of a web site and transfer it from an Oracle Content Server environment to a pure web server environment that is not running an Oracle Content Server instance. This process is referred to as publishing.

Oracle Site Studio Publisher creates a static snapshot of a dynamic site by traversing all the links in a web site (visiting all of the linked pages) and downloading a copy of each page and all of the resources (images, flash movies, and so on) on each page. Your entire web site, including the content of queries, layout pages, fragments, contributor data files, and native documents, are then copied and published to the new server.

The most efficient use of a dynamic site would have immediate updates and automatically update only the changed areas of the web site. Since Oracle Site Studio web sites are dynamic and created using a large number of variables, it is very difficult to track and publish the affected areas of the web site in a reliable and consistent manner. Oracle Site Studio Publisher can selectively process, or not process, pages on a web site based on different control methods. When each asset does not need to be compared each time, then it is much easier to keep the static site up to date, and the site owner can easily control the process.

Oracle Site Studio Publisher operates from an initial list of available links, and then compares them to a previous version of links used by Oracle Site Studio Publisher. The use of controls and filters can control the list, and also limit Oracle Site Studio Publisher to using only certain parts of the list. The first time Oracle Site Studio Publisher examines a web site, all links are examined and added to the list.

When Oracle Site Studio Publisher examines a link and determines that it has changed, the content is analyzed and the new set of links for that page is determined. If the examination is skipped, either because no changes were found or because the controls and filters require that a specific link is skipped, then the previous list of links is used for comparison.

1.2 Installing Oracle Site Studio Publisher

Oracle Site Studio Publisher installation is simple. On Oracle Content Server 11g, the Oracle Site Studio Publisher component is pre-installed, and is enabled through the Content Server UI.

To enable Oracle Site Studio Publisher, perform these tasks:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Content Admin Server page with administrator credentials.

  2. Open the Component Manager.

  3. Select the checkbox next to Oracle Site Studio Publisher under the Web Content Management section.

  4. Click Update at the bottom of the page.

    A dialog opens confirming your selection.

  5. The server must be restarted to complete enabling Oracle Site Studio Publisher.

To install and enable the Oracle Site Studio Publisher component on a 10gR3 Oracle Content Server instance, see the Content Server 10gR3 documentation.

1.3 Starting Oracle Site Studio Publisher

Oracle Site Studio Publisher is run from the Oracle Site Studio Administration section of the Oracle Content Server user interface.

To get to the Oracle Site Studio Publisher interface, perform these tasks:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Content Server with administrator credentials.

  2. Open the Administration tray or page, depending on your layout.

  3. Select Oracle Site Studio Administration.

  4. Select Oracle Site Studio Publisher.

1.4 Guidelines for Publishing

To publish a web site from an Oracle Content Server environment to a web server, all the content of your site is copied by Oracle Site Studio Publisher. However, the copy of the site must be both complete and self-contained. That is, the copy must contain all of the resources of the original site, and pages in the copy must refer only to resources within the copy itself. To create a self-contained copy, Oracle Site Studio Publisher rewrites any absolute (full) URLs within the original site to relative URLs to allow the static copy to be hosted on a different hosting instance.

Oracle Site Studio Publisher uses the following procedures to identify and evaluate links and resources contained in a particular page:

  • When handling HTML, Oracle Site Studio Publisher looks for any attributes in tags that may contain links (for example, the 'HREF' attribute in an 'A' tag or the 'SRC' attribute in an 'IMG' tag), and downloads these images. If the link is absolute, the link in the copied site is updated to refer to the downloaded image (through a relative URL) instead of the original image.

  • When handling JavaScript, Oracle Site Studio Publisher looks for specific JavaScript commands that are commonly used to load a new image or change what is being displayed on the page. When those specific commands are encountered, it examines the JavaScript and interprets each command. However, an unrecognized JavaScript command may cause Oracle Site Studio Publisher to not include a referenced page or fail to download an image.

Be careful when appending URL parameters to a page URL. By default, in Oracle Site Studio Publisher, extra page parameters that result in a variant of the dynamic page are not used when naming the static page. Oracle Site Studio pages should not be customized by appending URL parameters to a node reference, as any appended parameters are ignored (that is, any node parameters not defined using Oracle Site Studio are not used in naming the pages).

1.5 Guidelines for Customizing Oracle Site Studio Pages

When customizing Oracle Site Studio-generated JavaScript or writing your own components, be sure to use relative URLs for all images, movies, and so on, that are referenced in the script; avoid concatenating strings to build up paths to resources. This makes it easier for Oracle Site Studio Publisher to properly identify and evaluate the external references.

Pay special attention to those items included in a dynamic list or using JavaScript patterns, and also to naming conventions for published pages.

Using JavaScript in Links for Published Pages

You may want to specify a JavaScript pattern in a link to be used in your published Web pages. Certain patterns must be used for Oracle Site Studio Publisher to identify and evaluate JavaScript references and links in order for these references to be converted to relative references in the published version.

Oracle Site Studio Publisher looks for specific patterns in the embedded JavaScript of Web pages. When these patterns are encountered, Oracle Site Studio Publisher examines the JavaScript and interprets the command.

  • Oracle Site Studio Publisher evaluates general JavaScript patterns that are commonly used to load a new image or change what is being displayed on the page.

  • Oracle Site Studio Publisher also evaluates certain Oracle Site Studio–specific JavaScript patterns.


An unrecognized JavaScript command may cause Oracle Site Studio Publisher to not include a referenced page or fail to download an image.

In all patterns listed below, double quotation marks (") and single quotation marks (') are treated as equivalent. The crawler attempts to match any valid URL within the quotes.

General JavaScript Patterns

JavaScript fragment Link to be traversed Replacement
"http://www.example.com/test.html" http://www.example.com/test.html none
something.src = "foo.gif"; foo.gif none
top.location.href = "other.html"; other.html none
foo.open("test.html"); test.html none
frame.replace("something.html"); something.html none

Oracle Site Studio-Specific JavaScript Patterns

JavaScript fragment Link to be traversed Replacement
var g_httpCgiUrl = "...";   See note 1
var ssAssetsPath = "..."   See note 1
var ssUrlPrefix = "..."   See note 1
link(XXX) ?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&ssDocName=XX See note 2
nodelink(YYY) ?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=YYY See note 2


  1. The parameters of these JavaScript calls, which are references to files or directories, are converted to a relative reference in the published version.

  2. A hierarchical path is constructed using the URL Page Name and URL Directory Name properties of the site and the nodes. If no properties are defined the node label with underscores is used.

1.6 System Requirements

The Oracle Site Studio Publisher application requires Java version 5 (JRE 1.5) or higher.