
This guide describes how to administer Oracle WebCenter Content and Oracle WebCenter Content Server. It describes how to start and stop Content Server instances, how to access and use Content Server utilities, how to configure WebCenter Content components and security, and also how to archive, retrieve, and migrate WebCenter Content repository structure and content items.


This guide is intended for Oracle Fusion Middleware administrators responsible for WebCenter Content installations and Content Server deployments.

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The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the window, or text that you enter.

WebCenter Content Terminology

WebCenter Content documentation uses the following terms when referring to variables in the directories associated with the WebCenter Content and Content Server configuration:

  • IdcHomeDir: This variable refers to the ucm/idc directory in the Oracle WebCenter Content home where the Oracle WebCenter Content server media is located. The server media can run Oracle WebCenter Content Server, Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery, or Oracle WebCenter Content: Records software. This is essentially a read-only directory. The default location is WCC_ORACLE_HOME/ucm/idc. The variable portion of the default location can be changed, but the path cannot be changed from ucm/idc.

  • DomainHome: This variable refers to the user-specified directory where an Oracle WebCenter Content application is deployed to run on an Oracle WebLogic Server application server. The DomainHome/ucm/short-product-id/bin directory contains the intradoc.cfg file and executables. The default location for DomainHome is MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain, but you can change the path and domain name (base_domain) during the deployment of an Oracle WebCenter Content application to an application server.

  • short-product-id: This variable refers to the type of Oracle WebCenter Content server deployed to an application server. This name is used as the context root (default HttpRelativeWebRoot configuration value). Possible values include:

    • cs (Oracle WebCenter Content Server)

    • ibr (Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery)

    • urm (Oracle WebCenter Content: Records)

  • IntradocDir: This variable refers to the root directory for configuration and data files specific to an Oracle WebCenter Content instance that is part of an Oracle WebCenter Content application deployed to an application server. This Idoc Script variable is configured for one type of Oracle WebCenter Content instance: Content Server (cs), Inbound Refinery (ibr), or Records (urm). This directory can be located elsewhere, but the default location is DomainHome/ucm/short-product-id. The specified directory must be an absolute path to the instance directory and must be unique to a particular server or node. The directory includes a bin/ directory, which contains the startup files (intradoc.cfg and executables).