2 Issues Related to Oracle WebCenter Sites Components

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle WebCenter Sites components. It includes the following sections:

2.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

2.1.1 A/B Testing

  • If a page on which an A/B test is running is changed and republished, then the A/B test shows new data for variant A. If the page is changed in such a way that the differentials no longer apply, then the variants are not shown correctly either.

  • Template assets that are used in A/B testing but are not used elsewhere can also be deleted. However, deleting a template used in a differential of an A/B test prevents the A/B test from displaying the intended content to the site visitors.

  • When an A/B test is running, it is possible to modify and publish the base page. These changes may prevent the test variants from being delivered correctly and invalidate the test results without warning.

2.1.2 Accessibility

  • After a successful rollback of an asset, the focus does not stay in the browser, and the keyboard shortcuts do not work in the Contributor interface.

  • In the Contributor interface, the JAWS accessibility reader does not read the field names for flex assets that use the Pulldown, Uploader, and typeAhead attribute editors. In addition, the reader does not read all field names on the Workflow Status screen. Lastly, the reader does not read the field name for multiple-value date fields that use the date picker attribute editor.

2.1.3 Admin Interface

  • Downloaded log files from System Tools do not include information from cas.log.

  • Right-clicking REFRESH does not refresh the page for Thread Info, Sites Info, and DB Info.

  • The message "An error has occurred" appears when attempts are made to view logs in Log Viewer, but the logs are empty.

  • "No access allowed" messages appear multiple times when permissions are insufficient for viewing table information in DB Info.

  • Unable to run the File System test multiple times without changing the type of test to run.

  • System Tools, File System Test information is not displayed in graph form in Internet Explorer. To view this graph, use Firefox.

  • When you create a new AssetMaker asset type, using the Tab key to move through the fields will result in the Browse button disappearing from view. Clicking in the area where the button originally appeared will allow Browse to continue.

  • When WebCenter Sites is configured to use a hierarchical LDAP, if the user has access only to the Management Site and you log in to the Admin interface, the tree tab loads and shows the tabs, but all the tabs are empty.

2.1.4 API

  • ics.CommitBatchedCommands() does not return the correct status or set the errno variable properly in every situation.

  • JSP processing adds white space.

  • When asset:export / asset.export tags are used on an asset that is not a page or collection, the output XML does not contain information about the unnamed associations.

  • The XML tag ASSET.DELETEREVISION, which deletes a specific revision of the asset, fails to execute. The JSP variant asset:deleterevision should be used.

  • For case-sensitive databases, setting the case sensitivity to false does not disable the case sensitivity of the search query.

2.1.5 Approval

  • Approving a site plan using the right-click in the Contributor interface will not include any slot assets in the approval. Pages with slots will need to be approved separately.

  • When a recommendation or promotion is approved, it does not show segment as a dependency.

2.1.6 AssetCache

  • When a revision-tracked asset is deleted, on the initial inspection of the asset, AssetCache shows this asset with updated time and valid dependency, which is incorrect.

  • Uploading a blob larger than 5 MB will result in an exception, which can be safely ignored:

    "Error met serializing / deserializing <Assettype ID> for copying purpose in AssetCache"

  • <render:LogDep> could cause unlinked cache. If there is an unrecognized rendermode passed, the system will cache the page and not log the dependencies. This will cause the page to not be flushed in any way since their dependencies are not there.

  • A warning message in the log is sometimes seen: "Creating a new instance of CacheManager using the diskStorePath". The message can be safely ignored.

2.1.7 Authentication

Integrating WebCenter Sites with the WebLogic Server embedded LDAP may affect the listing of users previously assigned to the site on the Manage Sites Users page in the WEM Admin interface. This display issue does not affect functionality; previously assigned users can log in to the site successfully.

2.1.8 Bulk Approver Utility

Running the Bulk Approver utility no longer requires login credentials as plain text in the bulkapprove.ini file. The utility now accepts the credentials as arguments in the command line, as follows:

BulkApprover <config=...> <action=initialize,notify,approve,mark_publish> <output_file=xxx> <target_list=...> <username=...> <password=...>
target_list=<...>[optional, overrides approvalTargetList

2.1.9 Caching: inCache

The disk store size keeps growing as the cache gets more usage, even if the actual number of items in cache remains the same.

2.1.10 Caching: Satellite Server

  • Any blob that is not supposed to be cached by the Satellite Server will be added under sscachedir/uncachedblob. This directory can grow if blobs are not being cached on the Satellite Server. The content of this directory can be safely deleted at any time. It can be deleted manually or by using the FlushServer reset call.


    The FlushServer reset call will clear all the cache from the Satellite Server.
  • Pages based on a template variant are not cached on Remote Satellite Server on the first request.

2.1.11 CKEditor

  • A frame shows a "Loading" message if the target is set to "not set", "frame", or "Same Window (_self)" during creation of the external link in CKEditor.

  • Editing an asset in the Contributor interface using multiple attribute editors (such as CKEditor), where each editor has its own custom config.js file, works in form mode but not in edit mode. In edit mode, the customized config.js files do not load.

2.1.12 Cluster

After a successful user log in to a WebCenter Sites cluster environment, an error message displays in the sites.log file indicating that the ticket is either invalid or already expired. This message does not affect functionality and can be ignored.

2.1.13 Contributor Interface

  • When a page is previewed in a new window in the Contributor interface, it first checks the wrapper element in the request. If this element is not available, the page uses the default wrapper configured for the site in the Admin interface.

  • If there is a failure due to template compatibility reasons while a slot is swapped, the original slot content is cleared. Refresh or cancel the save to revert back to the previously saved state.

  • Bookmarks are not appearing in the tree for sites that are imported using Developer Tools. To resolve this, edit and save the bookmark tree tab in the Admin interface.

  • During dragging and dropping from the docked search, the avatar window (showing the asset name in blue) tends to hide behind the search.

  • Drag-and-drop of pages to the Site Plan Tree is not supported. Doing so may cause the tree node indicator to spin and not return results. Other operations are able to continue during this time except action initiated from the node of the Site Plan Tree that is no longer responding.

  • The progress bar is not displayed accurately for large file uploads (greater than 64 MB) for Basic Assets.

  • Setting bs.security=true results in blobs failing to render in Web Mode or Preview

  • Setting bs.security=true results in the failure of a blob to render correctly on create screen; inspect will display properly.

  • The select layout template appears behind videos added as part of a proxy asset in the Contributor interface.

  • Date picker does not work in Web Mode if the value is empty.

  • In Web Mode, the selected layout in the Change Layout option is retained in the browser even when the asset is not saved

  • Changes to the presentation of a slot are not copied during an asset copy operation in Web Mode.

  • When Right-to-Left (RTL) orientation is used in the Contributor interface, the context menu and submenu may overlap in the navigation pane tree. In addition, the Content menu's submenu options may not display fully.

2.1.14 Developer Tools

  • Importing a Developer Tools export from version or to will fail if the export includes fw_attributeeditor or fw_uiconfiguration assettypes. Users should remove these types from the datastore prior to the import.

  • A Developer Tools import from version 7.6.x will not be successful if the date picker attribute editor is included in the datastore, as the calendar is different between this version and 11gR1+. Remove the attribute to import this data.

  • When creating templates using the existing element option, if the specified element does not exist, an empty template will be created in WebCenter Sites, but cannot be exported.

  • If the file name length of an exported file exceeds the operating system file name limitation, the file cannot be exported. This is likely to happen if the file name of an uploaded blob is too long.

  • Deleting a site does not update information about the exported assets. The workaround is to first unshare the assets from the site that you want to delete, and then delete the site.

  • Deleting of non-asset resources should be done manually on each destination. This is currently no sync for deleted non-asset resources.

  • You must be cautious of the order in which resources are imported. Consider the situation in which all developers have "A points to B" in their system. Then one developer changes A to point to C and deletes B. If other developers were to sync B before A, the import would fail, since an asset that is being referenced cannot be deleted.

  • During import, you may experience some indexing data exceptions. This will affect only the search index and not the actual data import. Re-index the affected asset types after the import, if necessary.

  • Resources that contain fw_uids that include slashes or commas cannot be exported.

  • The Sync and FW workspace views in Eclipse do not properly display UTF-8 characters in Windows environments.

  • The locale hierarchy information is not preserved for an exported hierarchical DimensionSet. The workaround is to manually configure the hierarchal information after import.

  • SiteCatalog resources do not contain a dependency on the ElementCatalog resource. These currently need to be exported/imported manually.

  • The Developer Tools Eclipse Plug-in auto complete will add double quotation marks if your application server does not support this. The double quotation marks must be changed to single quotation marks manually.

  • Import fails to import segment assets when the segment criteria contain a history definition with a string value.

  • During a connection to a remote instance, the project WEB-INF folder points to a nonexistent location. As a result, code completion will not work. To work around this issue, map to local jars / tlds when working with remote connections.

  • If an ElementCatalog entry is created with the name of an existing ElementCatalog entry, the JSP will be overridden with a new empty JSP.

  • In some Linux systems, the WebCenter Sites interface and log sections are not appearing.

2.1.15 Engage

  • To add segments in Recommendation assets, Oracle recommends using forms in the Contributor interface instead of enabling the Asset Forms functionality provided in the Admin interface. In the Contributor interface, the asset creation forms can be created using the Content > New menu, and these forms are accessible through Search/Tree tabs.

  • Due to an issue with the Add Selected Segment option accessible through Recommendation Asset Creation in the Admin interface, after enabling Asset Forms you may not be able to add segments. (The Add Selected Segment option is available after setting the advancedUI.enableAssetForms property to true through Property Management in the Admin interface and enabling the Recommendation asset type for the site.)

  • Setting an asset that is part of a recommendation to a rating of 100 results in only that asset being returned.

2.1.16 Flex Assets

If you are using multiple parents, they should all use the same Parent Select Style.

2.1.17 Image Optimization

The default Image Optimization filter does not optimize GIF images. This is a JDK limitation. Custom image optimization APIs may need to be implemented if you need optimized GIF images.

2.1.18 Insights

This release does not support data loading to Endeca SSL domains due to an existing bug. Resolution of this issue is planned for a WebCenter Sites patch.

2.1.19 Installation

  • During and after installation, an exception related to the jersey-container-servlet-core-2.9.jar library may display when the WebCenter Sites server is shut down. This exception does not interrupt the shutdown process and can be ignored.

  • If your WebLogic domain is configured in a nondefault directory, you must reset the path to grant-opss-permission.py in the grant-opss-permission.sh file after running the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard. Both the grant-opss-permission.sh and grant-opss-permission.py files are located in the DOMAIN_HOME/wcsites/bin directory.

  • During a WebCenter Sites Managed Server and Administration Server shutdown, an exception may display in the Managed Server or Administration Server log files. These exceptions do not affect functionality and can be ignored.

2.1.20 Logging

  • The log configuration files in which you specify the logging levels for WebCenter Sites and its components Insights and Visitor Services are as follows:

    • For WebCenter Sites: DOMAIN_HOME/wcsites/wcsites/config/logging-config.xml

    • For Insights: DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/servers/wcsites_server1/logging.xml

    • For Visitor Services: DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/servers/visitorservices_server1/logging.xml

    Administrators can set the logging levels for Insights and Visitor Services manually if they are unable to do so using Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control. The changes made to the logging.xml files for Insights and Visitor Services are applied only after these components are restarted.

  • The Sites.log and cas.log files are not displayed in the Fusion Middleware Control console.

  • ODL logging for Site Capture does not work without the -DuseODL JVM argument.

2.1.21 Mobility

  • Zooming in on more than 150 percent does not render the mobility preview page correctly.

  • The devices.xml file provides a sample that works best using user-agent identification to identify by device name. Modify this file for greater granularity.

  • Entering more than 31 characters in the device name field will result in the name appearing outside the device area in multidevice preview.

2.1.22 Proxy Assets

Creating a Content Query that contains proxy assets will show only dots (…) in the search results.

2.1.23 Publishing

  • During publishing to a cluster, the progress bars in the publish status screen show progress out of order from the actual steps.

  • Export to Disk: Changing display template results in multiple assets in pub list. Contact technical support for a utility to resolve this.

  • Removing a published child page from the site plan and later publishing only the parent will leave the child page on the destination, but the page will not appear in the site plan.

  • Temp files created during publishing remain in the file system after publication.

  • Dependent asset relation for promotion is lost after publishing. This also occurs through REST and Developer Tools import / export.

  • Error -3100 when publishing blobs may occur. This can be safely ignored.

  • In the Admin interface's Publish console, deleting a publish session that failed does not remove the session. The deleted session continues to display on the History tab.

  • When a user with the Publisher role publishes a page, the Publish screen does not list the page's dependent (children) assets. This behavior differs from the Approval screen, which lists a page's dependent (children) assets for approving the page.

2.1.24 REST API

  • To make a REST call, the user first gets the multi-ticket from CAS. Once the multi-ticket is received, the user should send the POST request to the URL http://<host:port>/sites/wem/service/encrypttoken. This POST request should contain the ContentType header value as applications/x-www-form-urlencoded. The user will get the encryptedtoken value as a response to this call. All calls to REST URLs must include this encryptedtoken value as the value of the X-CSRF-Token header in the request. This change applies to all REST calls, including those made through the legacy REST API.

  • When you use an invalid multi-ticket in a REST call to Satellite Server, instead of redirecting to the log in screen, it throws the following exception: javax.servlet.ServletException: Failed to parse assertion for multi ticket xxx

  • When you use an invalid multi-ticket in a REST call to Satellite Server, it does redirect to the log in screen. However, instead of generating a ticket and displaying the requested information, the redirect fails, and an error is shown.

  • Initiating a REST call using an invalid ticket or multi-ticket via the browser while you are logged into WebCenter Sites will be successful, as it will use the session ticket.

  • Multivalued association is not returned with the ordinal value.

  • Deleted groups are not deleted from the Security Configuration. The group can be manually deleted by removing the entries from the FW_CSSecurityConfig table.

  • Under load, the following exception may occur during use of Buffered Writes. This can be safely ignored, as the data is properly returned:

    com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl onException SEVERE: Internal server error javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException

  • A content-type header must be set to allow delete operations.

  • During creation of asset types in REST, Plural Form is not reflected/honored in the Admin interface.

  • Invoking the Delete method on a non-existent object returns a 200 status code.

  • Update is not working for an Application object type if Delete permission is not also granted.

  • If the first request after a restart of WebCenter Sites is a PUT, the create will fail with a 500 error.

  • The Navigation service will return a 500 instead of 200 error if there are no Page assets.

  • Although description is a required attribute for a Site, the WebCenter Sites REST service doe not validate for a Site description during create/edit.

  • When roles are deleted via REST, the corresponding entry for Site and Users is not deleted. Use the WEM Admin interface to delete a role or manually clean up the UserPublication table to remove the dependencies.

  • Access to the navigation service requires the user to be part of the RESTAdmin Group.

  • REST API for asset data sometimes returns an empty string when the attribute data is null.

  • REST API calls to Remote Satellite Server through Central Authentication Service (CAS) must be made after acquiring a multi-ticket and using that multi-ticket in each REST call.

2.1.25 Revision Tracking

  • Viewing the version of a revision-tracked asset where the parent has been deleted will display a blank screen.

  • If access to Checkout is denied, clicking the Checkout button in the Contributor interface will result in no response.

  • Deleting an asset that was associated to a revision-tracked asset removes all associations on rollback.

2.1.26 Satellite Server

  • In a Remote Satellite Server instance that runs on Apache Web Server, one or more operations related to uncached templates may get blocked because of another ongoing operation. This blocking of operations or threads occurs due to a bug in Apache, and it results in decreased throughput. This issue is exacerbated by an increased number of uncached templates.

  • A content-type header is lost when a wrapper page is called using Co-resident Satellite Server. WebCenter Sites logs "Unable to set header (header name) because the header has already been committed".

    The workaround is to increase the application server response buffer size.

2.1.27 Search

  • When assets in Contributor are assigned multiple tags, and advanced search does not return the correct results. For example, if an asset is assigned three tags and an advanced search looks for the asset based on one of its tags, no search results display for the asset.

  • When an attribute-specific advanced search in Contributor begins with an uppercase character, advanced search displays no results.

2.1.28 Shared File System (NIO)

  • When an NIO (Nonblocking I/O) shared file system is used in which the shared file system is stored on a separate database, a delay of 2-5 minutes on the first log in to WebCenter Sites is expected.

  • When the shared file system is managed in the database, the download option available under System Information tools is not working.

2.1.29 Site Capture

  • Site Capture cannot be integrated with Oracle Access Manager in this release.

  • Download Archives action may time out if the archive size is large.

  • Multiple Jobs and Archives get created if schedules overlap for the same crawler. Oracle recommends creating only one schedule for each crawler to avoid creation of duplicate jobs and archives.

  • In some cases, when the installation is performed on Solaris, if the start URI is not configured correctly, errors will be reported as HTTP instead of network errors. Ensure that the start URI is configured correctly.

  • Site Capture shares two caches with WebCenter Sites: linked-cache.xml and cas-cache.xml. The default values are the same for Site Capture and WebCenter Sites.

    For cache configuration, Site Capture should be treated as a cluster member of WebCenter Sites. If the WebCenter Sites ports change, the Site Capture ports must be updated to match. If WebCenter Sites is changed to unicast, then Site Capture must also be changed to unicast.

    If Site Capture and WebCenter Sites reside on different machines, the timeToLive (ttl) value needs to be adjusted, as if they were members of the same cluster.

2.1.30 Site Navigation

  • The site navigation in avisports shows only the unplaced pages when an updated page is republished. The site navigation works as expected in the newly created sites.

  • If a page is moved to a different site navigation while another user is editing or viewing the page in the Contributor interface, the multidevice preview may not accurately reflect the correct device group.

  • Setting showparentnodes=false will result in related assets of the last node in the tree appearing as children of the root node.

2.1.31 Sites Explorer

Oracle recommends using Sites Explorer on Windows 7 if it is configured using https.

2.1.32 Start Menu

Start menus that contain more than 21 characters are not displayed properly in the search box in the Contributor interface.

2.1.33 System Tools

  • The ResultSet Summary screen refresh does not always refresh properly. Use the individual screen for each cache for more accurate reporting.

  • Setting fatwire.logging.cs.xml logger to the DEBUG level will cause the Admin interface to fail to load properly until the server is restarted.

2.1.34 Tags

  • The POST tag works incorrectly when a USERNAME, PASSWORD, or LOGOUT attribute are is passed to it. Log in and log out requests are sent to the URL being posted to, instead of CatalogManager. One workaround is to perform log in before this tag is executed. Alternatively, the FormPoster API can be directly used to perform the post operation.

  • SEARCHSTATE.ADDRICHTEXTCONSTRAINT fails when the ResultSet returns more than 1000 rows.

  • You cannot delete page and basic assets using the asset:void tag if a valid pubid is not present in the session. The workaround is to set the pubid in the session to "0", then remove it again after voiding.

2.1.35 UI Customization

If the left navigation and right navigation panels in LayoutConfig are swapped, the Contributor interface throws errors and does not load.

2.1.36 Upgrade

The upgrade support from previous releases is not available in 12.2.1.

2.1.37 Vanity URLs

Prior to release 12.2.1, administrators configured a URL rewriter filter to resolve Vanity URLs by modifying the web.xml file. In release 12.2.1, administrators now configure the rewriter filter by modifying the site.prefix property in the wcs_properties.json file using the Property Management Tool, as described in Property Files Reference for Oracle WebCenter Sites. The site.prefix property provides a comma-separated list of unique site prefixes required for resolving vanity URLs using the rewriter filter.

2.1.38 Visitor Services

Configuring Visitor Services requires profile, identity, and access provider (optional) JAR files. You can create these files in the following ways:

  • Create new implementations. For information, see "Developing WebCenter Sites: Visitor Services" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing with Oracle WebCenter Sites.

  • Modify the sample source and Java files shipped with the distribution. These sample JAR and source files are available in the samples folder when Visitor Services is installed with the With Samples option selected in the Configuration Wizard. If you installed Visitor Services without the samples, contact Oracle Support for these JARs and source files.

2.1.39 WEM Admin Interface

  • When you add a new site in the WEM Admin interface, a message may occur indicating that an error has occurred. This error message can be ignored.

  • Case sensitivity for sorting is inconsistent.

  • Site names with special characters or symbols are not getting deleted. Delete the site by using the Admin interface.

  • Deleting a site does not clean up the applications assigned to the site. To resolve this, manually remove the site entries from the urlaccessroles column in the FW_Applications table, using Sites Explorer.

  • You cannot assign roles to a user who has stale group membership data. The workaround for this is to edit and save the user in the WEM Admin interface.

2.1.40 WEM Framework

  • The SiteAdmin role is not added to the user for WEM Admin by default when the user has been assigned the SiteAdmin role in another site. The user should be manually assigned access to the WEM Admin application, if required.

  • If the last accessed application or asset no longer exists, a subsequent log in to WebCenter Sites will result in a blank screen.

  • If an incorrect old password is entered when you are changing the password in the WEM Admin interface, selecting Save and Close will fail to display a warning that the old password is incorrect. The password will not be changed in this case.

2.1.41 Workflow

Shared roles need to be reselected if a workflow report is edited after the initial save.

2.1.42 XMLPost

  • When invoking the XMLPost utility, as described in "Importing Assets of Any Type" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing with Oracle WebCenter Sites, developers should include the ESAPI.properties file in the class path to avoid security warnings.

  • XML namespaces are stripped from XML elements during evaluation.

  • XMLPost is created as a recursive dependency on the asset during modification of a parent asset.

2.2 Limitations

2.2.1 API

  • Dynamic loading of a new DataSource using the loadproperty tag is not supported.

  • When the Asset API is used in a standalone application and called from the main method, it does not automatically terminate after the Asset API call is complete (unlike other Java applications). The reason is that Asset API behaves like another cluster member of WebCenter Sites and boots up all the events in the background. To terminate, code should call System.exit(0).

2.2.2 Asset Type Name Restrictions

  • All administrative database tables created by WebCenter Sites are prefixed with FW_ (the tables were added after the 7.5 release of FatWire Content Server). Asset types should not be created with a prefix of FW_.

  • The following tables display the asset type names used by WebCenter Sites.

    Table 2-1 lists asset types that are created by default.

    Table 2-1 Default Asset Types

    Default Asset Type Default Asset Type Default Asset Type




    Content Query



    Device Group
















    Site Plan





    Table 2-2 lists asset types that are installed by the avisports sample site.

    Table 2-2 Asset Types in the Avisports Sample Site

    Avisports Asset Types Avisports Asset Types Avisports Asset Types










    Table 2-3 lists asset types that are installed by the FirstSite II sample site.

    Table 2-3 Asset Types in the FirstSite II Sample Site

    FirstSite II Asset Types FirstSite II Asset Types FirstSite II Asset Types































    Table 2-4 lists names (in alphabetical order) that are reserved for use by WebCenter Sites and must not be assigned to custom asset types.

    Table 2-4 Restricted Names for Asset Types

    Restricted Names Restricted Names Restricted Names Restricted Names
































































































































































































































    Any name that starts with VMz


















    WorkflowGrp Actions
















  • For a given database, the name of a flex asset type must have ten characters less than the maximum number of characters that are allowed for database table names.

  • For a given database, the name of a basic asset type must have five characters less than the maximum number of characters that are allowed for database table names.

  • The attributes "Start Date" and "End Date" are reserved because WebCenter Sites uses them for out-of-the-box asset types. They should not be used in user-created AssetMaker assets.

2.2.3 Browser Support

  • If Apache Web Server is not configured to use HTTP 1.1, pages will be cached by Internet Explorer.

  • In Internet Explorer, the Tools > Internet Options > Settings > Every Visit to the page option must be set to true.

2.2.4 BulkLoader and BulkApprover

  • Without validation, the utility ignores versioning of content. With validation, if the content type is under versioning, the utility will not update the content.

  • Page cache is not flushed by BulkLoader. Because page cache is persistent, the cache should be cleared prior to running BulkApprover.

  • Using BulkApprover requires running WebCenter Sites because BulkApprover is implemented via WebCenter Sites tags.

  • Flex filters are not fired (for example, FieldCopier).

  • BulkLoader does not support blobs. For this, you should use XMLPost.

  • Start and end date cannot be specified nor configured for bulk transferred assets using BulkLoader.

  • BulkLoader should not be executed while WebCenter Sites is running.

  • When assets are added using BulkLoader, the assets will not be indexed in Lucene. You will need to re-index after import.

  • Running multiple BulkLoader instances is not recommended unless they are performing the same operations; for example, all insert or all update, and multiple source tables do not refer to the same asset. Doing so would cause data corruption.

  • BulkApprover will not update the PubAsset table to reflect the publish status after running Approve and Mark Publish.

2.2.5 CatalogManager

  • If revision tracking is enabled for an object table, and you delete the table using CatalogManager, WebCenter Sites continues to treat the table as revision tracked.

  • WebCenter Sites allows the value in the tablename column in the SystemSQL table to be null. However, for ResultSet caching to work properly, this value must be specified.

  • You cannot log in to WebCenter Sites if your user name has the "id" value of an existing user in the SystemUsers table. For example, DefaultReader has an ID value of 2. If you create a user with the user name "2," that user cannot log in.

2.2.6 CatalogMover

CatalogMover does not export from columns that hold blobs. For example, a table is created with a column using the data type specified by the property cc.blob. An image is uploaded to the table. When CatalogMover exports the row, the image is not written to the export data.

2.2.7 Collection

Modifying the rank of assets in a collection that has been previously approved does not put the collection into the approval queue, even after rebuilding.

2.2.8 Content Tags

Newly added tags appear in search results only after a refresh.

2.2.9 Contributor Interface

  • Use of the browser back button is not supported in this release.

  • Approval and Delete listing screens show references based on evaluation of the layout template. If the layout template execution fails for any reason, the assets presented in the tables may not be correct.

  • Page Layout allows for multiple levels of nested slots. However, the slot properties are only for the first two levels. The tool allows drag-and-drop to multiple levels.

  • Drag-and-drop in the Contributor interface will not work if the page uses an iFrame.

  • Clarkii Image Editor is not supported in Web Mode.

  • Changing device views in Web Mode will not retain unsaved changes.

  • The Contributor interface does not support multiselection of items in docked search mode.

  • The use of Internet Explorer in Compatibility Mode is not supported.

2.2.10 Database

WebCenter Sites 12c uses the length specification for strings to specify the underlying database column sizes in bytes. When specifying the maximum length of a text field, keep in mind that multibyte characters will need more bytes per character.

2.2.11 Developer Tools

Developer Tools does not support assets enabled for revision tracking.

2.2.12 Installing WebCenter Sites

  • When cs.use.short.jsp.names=false (the new default value, which used to be true by default), JSP elements that contain dots (such as www.xyz.com/common/flexLinkButton) will not be deployed properly. They will be deployed without the .jsp extension. As a result, the application server will not be able to run them. To work around this, if you use dots in your JSP element names, set cs.use.short.jsp.names=true.

  • When installing a web server in between Remote Satellite Server and WebCenter Sites, you must set the cookie header property http.protocol.single-cookie-header=true in the httpaccess.properties file and place it in the remote_satellite_server install folder/WEB-INF/classes folder

  • For security reasons, Oracle recommends providing only internal access for the following servlets:

    • Install

    • HelloCS

    • CatalogManager

    • TreeManager

    • CacheServer

    • Inventory

  • WebCenter Sites is not supported on the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) web cache with a WebLogic domain. Currently this is supported on OHS in standalone mode.

2.2.13 Localization

  • Non-ASCII characters should not be used in the following Form Name Fields:

    • Site

    • Template

    • Site Entry

    • CS-Element

    • Attribute

    • Recommendation

    • Segment

  • Use only alphanumeric characters for the following:

    • AssetTypes

    • Asset Definitions

    • Asset Subtypes

    • Legal Arguments

2.2.14 Page Cache: inCache

  • Persisting cache to disk clears the Last Access Time and hit count on Remote Satellite Server.

  • The recommendation is to initialize inCache by accessing one page of the site from each of the WebCenter Sites cluster members.

2.2.15 Publishing

  • Ensure that the maximum number of open file handles for your publishing destination operating system is set to 65000. The source system should be set to at least 32000. These numbers are only a guideline and may need to be adjusted based on the type of data and size of publishing operations.

  • Export to Disk: Exported page is effectively rendered with wrong template when using SIMPLENAME. Contact technical support for a utility to remove the duplicate pub keys.

  • Publishing is not supported from multiple development WebCenter Sites instances to a single delivery WebCenter Sites instance.

2.2.16 REST API

  • The INPUTFORM tag support is limited in the Asset API when you are creating basic asset types via REST. As a result, unsupported INPUTFORM TYPES are interpreted as <INPUTFORM TYPE="TEXT" WIDTH="48" REQUIRED="YES"/>. For users to see proper asset type attributes in WebCenter Sites interfaces, the INPUTFORM tags need to be updated in the asset descriptor file through the database (AssetType table in Sites Explorer).

  • Setting BufferingConfig.xml to use multiple threads is not supported.

  • It is possible to create duplicate fw_uid values if you perform a GET operation and use PUT on the resulting bean when using the REST API. In this scenario, a new asset with a different asset id will be created, but it will still have the same fw_uid. The workaround is to clear the fw_uid in the bean before performing the PUT operation.

  • When using the REST API, you will see the following message displayed on the server side. The message can be safely ignored:

    com.sun.jersey.core.impl.provider.xml.SAXParserContextProvider getInstance
    WARNING: JAXP feature XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING cannot be set on a
    SAXParserFactory. External general entity processing is disabled but other
    potential security related features will not be enabled.

2.2.17 Satellite Server

WebCenter Sites and Satellite Server must be configured to be in the same time zone.

2.2.18 Search

  • Lucene fails to index text that comes after dashes, underscores, and other special characters.

  • If indexing takes longer than the cs.timeout setting, exceptions will be thrown and indexing may be in an unstable state. The timeout should be adjusted based on the size of the index.

  • SQL Server only stores milliseconds up to 3.33 millisecond precision with the data type DATETIME.

  • WebCenter Sites does not support indexing of legacy Word 95 documents and throws exceptions in the logs.

  • Lucene standard analyzer treats words differently if they contain a hyphen (-). For example:

    ABC-DEF-HIJ is sometimes indexed as one word and sometimes indexed separately as "ABC" and "DEF-HIJ"; when this occurs, searching for "ABC-DEF-HIJ" will not always return the proper results.

  • Searching for text within XML or HTML tags is not supported.

2.2.19 Site Capture

  • Status messages are not shown in the application user interface. Check the crawler.log file for log messages.

  • Site Capture session failover is not supported in this release.

2.2.20 Sites Explorer

Sites Explorer fails to start on some Windows 2008 R2 servers.

2.2.21 Site Management

  • Creating a site without a Preview asset assigned results in errors in the log, which can be safely ignored.

    CS.XCELERATE.ASSET][ERROR] error: unable to load asset type information for Variables.previewAssetType, in tag asset.load pagename:OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Admin/SiteFront" and "[CS.XML][ERROR] object.get no object named previewAsset"

  • Site names that include a hyphen ('-') are not supported if you are using LDAP.

2.2.22 Tags

The choice of values entered for a variant attribute used in insite:calltemplate must be applicable to all types valid for the clegal argument.

2.2.23 Template, Site Entry, and CS-Element

  • Wrapper pages with "." in the name will not execute. Templates and Site Entry assets should not have a dot (.) in their names.

  • Do not use the tag <throwexception> in the code of a template asset. The <throwexception> tag effectively terminates execution in WebCenter Sites for itself and any nested or parent WebCenter Sites engine. This breaks template execution and streaming of data to the client. In addition, when a user approves a template for export publish, a <throwexception> terminates the execution of the approval page and the user gets no feedback.

  • No warning is given regarding the potential for broken pages when templates are deleted. Users should delete templates with care because they may be used as default templates in other assets. Deletion will result in failure to render those pages.

2.2.24 Vanity URL

Removing a URL pattern does not remove the URLs based on that pattern.

2.2.25 WebCenter Content Integration

When importing assets into WebCenter Sites, the WebCenter Content connector does not check asset permissions and will take action regardless of asset-level restrictions (for example, if the asset is revision tracked). This is an Asset API limitation.

2.3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

There are no known issues at this time.

2.4 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata for Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Sites: Visitor Services, in the following sections:

2.4.1 Cache Tool Resources Missing From Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Sites: Visitor Services

Cache Tool Resources:



The resource endpoint can be used to fetch the list of all the providers currently installed in Visitor Services.


Path Parameters: Name Description Format

Region: Accepts the values common and shared_cache. Common returns the list of all the installed providers, and Shared_cache returns the list of all the installed providers with the date of install/update String.

RESPONSE:Supported Media Types: application/json

200 Response: The list of installed providers.

Example 1: Fetch the list of currently installed providers

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET
  "type": "cacheToolResponse",
  "status": "success",
  "entry": {
    "entry": [
        "key": "profileProviderConfig.pr1",
        "value": "profileProviderConfig.pr1"
        "key": "profileProviderConfig.pr2",
        "value": "profileProviderConfig.pr2"
        "key": "profileProvider.pr1",
        "value": "profileProvider.pr1"
        "key": "profileProvider.pr2",
        "value": "profileProvider.pr2"
        "key": "identityProviderConfig.identityProvider1",
        "value": "identityProviderConfig.identityProvider1"
        "key": "identityProvider.identityProvider1",
        "value": "identityProvider.identityProvider1"

Example 2: Fetch the installed/updated time of currently installed providers

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET
  "type": "cacheToolResponse",
  "status": "success",
  "entry": {
    "entry": [
        "key": "profileProviderConfig.pr1",
        "value": "Fri Sep 04 12:03:41 IST 2015"
        "key": "profileProviderConfig.pr2",
        "value": "Fri Sep 04 12:03:41 IST 2015"
        "key": "profileProvider.pr1",
        "value": "Fri Sep 04 12:03:41 IST 2015"
        "key": "profileProvider.pr2",
        "value": "Fri Sep 04 12:03:41 IST 2015"
        "key": "identityProviderConfig.identityProvider1",
        "value": "Fri Sep 04 12:03:41 IST 2015"
        "key": "identityProvider.identityProvider1",
        "value": "Fri Sep 04 12:03:41 IST 2015"

2.4.2 Updated Parameter in the getAggregatedProfile API Methods

The public String getAggregatedProfile(String visitorId, String rule, boolean updated) and public String getAggregatedProfile(String visitorId, String rule) methods use the same REST point: http://host:port/context/rest/v1/visitor/id/visitorId/profile/aggregated/rule

The method to use depends on the query parameter updated in the REST URL; for example, the URL http://host:port/context/rest/v1/visitor/id/visitorId/profile/aggregated/rule ?updated=true will use public String getAggregatedProfile(String visitorId,String rule, boolean updated). However, if you do not provide the query parameter updated, then the public String getAggregatedProfile(String visitorId, String rule) is called, which ultimately calls the first method with 3 parameters only, passing the value of the updated parameter as false. These two methods simplify the API for those who do not want to provide any value for the updated parameter so that they can call visitorClient.getAggregatedProfile(visitorId, rule) instead of having to specify the value false: visitorClient.getAggregatedProfile(visitorId, rule, false).

2.4.3 Visitor Services Sample Code

If the With Samples option is selected, the distribution includes the samples folder. The samples folder contains the source code and JAR for the default provider bundles available in WebCenter Sites. This sample code can be used for modifying the code in the default provider bundles, or it can be used as a starting tool for creating custom provider bundles.