E Configuration Files

The default Oracle HTTP Server configuration contains the files described in the following sections:

For more information about the configuration files, see Section 1.6, "Understanding Configuration Files".

E.1 httpd.conf File

The following table describes the httpd.conf file.

Description Top-level web server configuration file
Format Apache HTTP Server .conf file format
Primary feature configured Various, including non-SSL listening socket

E.2 ssl.conf File

The following table describes the ssl.conf file.

Description Web server configuration file for SSL
Format Apache HTTP Server .conf file format
Primary feature configured mod_ossl

E.3 admin.conf File

The following table describes the admin.conf file.

Description Web server configuration file for administration port
Format Apache HTTP Server .conf file format
Primary feature configured mod_dms; administration port used for communication with node manager


Only the listen port and local address are intended for customer configuration.

E.4 mod_wl_ohs.conf File

The following table describes the mod_wl_ohs.conf file.

Description Web server configuration file for WebLogic plugin
Format Apache HTTP Server .conf file format
Primary feature configured WebLogic plugin (mod_wl_ohs)

E.5 mime.types File

The following table describes the mime.types file.

Description Web server configuration file for mod_mime
Format mod_mime file format
Primary feature configured Mime types used by mod_mime

E.6 ohs.plugins.nodemanager.properties File

The following table describes the ohs.plugins.nodemanager.properties file.

Description Configuration file for Oracle HTTP Server node manager plug-ins
Format Java property file format
Primary feature configured Oracle HTTP Server plug-ins

E.7 magic File

The following table describes the magic file.

Description Optional, disabled web server configuration file for mod_mime_magic
Format mod_mime_magic file format
Primary feature configured File content patterns used by mod_mime_magic

E.8 keystores/<wallet-directory> File

The following table describes the default keystores file.

Name example: keystores/default

Description Oracle wallet
Format Oracle wallet format
Primary feature configured Oracle wallets for SSL/TLS communication

E.9 auditconfig.xml File

The following table describes the auditconfig.xml file.

Description Configuration of OHS auditing and logging
Format FMW audit framework audit configuration XML format
Primary feature configured FMW audit framework auditing of Oracle HTTP Server operations

E.10 component-logs.xml File

The following table describes the component-logs.xml file.

Description Configuration of OHS log files for log collection
Format FMW log file configuration XML format
Primary feature configured Log collection

E.11 component_events.xml File

The following table describes the component_event.xml file.

Description Static configuration of OHS audit event definitions
Format FMW audit framework component event XML format
Primary feature configured FMW audit framework


This configuration file is not intended for modification by customers.

E.12 Additional Reference

For additional information, see the following documentation: