E Smart Upgrade Support for JDBC

This appendix describes WebLogic Server SmartUpgrade Support for JDBC. WebLogic Server SmartUpgrade is an Oracle JDeveloper extension and command-line utility that analyzes the applications previously deployed on Oracle OC4J. It then offers advice and performs actions that can help you successfully redeploy the applications on Oracle WebLogic Server. You can analyze an application archive, or you can analyze an application or project you have opened in Oracle JDeveloper. In addition, SmartUpgrade can analyze the OC4J server where you deployed your applications and provide advice on how to set up a similar configuration in Oracle WebLogic Server.

In addition to providing a comprehensive report with specific findings about each application, SmartUpgrade can also automate some of the upgrade tasks. For JDBC, the OC4J J2EE_HOME\home\config\data-sources.xml file and each data source configuration file defined for an application (ear) can be upgraded to the corresponding WebLogic Server JDBC data source definitions.

Smart upgrade supports the following feature conversions.

  • If an OC4J data source is configured with an Oracle RAC service (long form) URL and fastConnectionFailoverEnabled=true or ONSConfiguration is set, an Active GridLink data source is configured.

  • fastConnectionFailoverEnabled=true implies that fan-enabled is set to true.

  • ONSConfiguration (nodes and optional wallet information), for example, nodes=racnode1:4200,racnode2:4200\nwalletfile=/mydir/Wallet\nwalletpassword=mypasswd, is parsed to get the node list and the optional wallet information. This information is then used to set the node-list, wallet directory, and wallet password.

  • Remove-infected-connections is always be set to false to match the OC4J behavior.

  • Wrap-types is always set to true to match the OC4J behavior.

  • Oracle-proxy-session is set to true if OC4J proxy-sessions is set to true.

  • The fatal-error-codes list is set if the OC4J fatal-error-codes and values are available.

  • Min-capacity is set to OC4J min-connections, if available.

  • Identity-based-connection-pooling-enabled and use-database-credentials is always set to true to match the OC4J behavior.

Smart Upgrade is not shipped with WebLogic Server but can be downloaded separately from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/downloads/smartupgrade-085160.html.