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Perform on-demand scaling for a dynamic cluster

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Create dynamic clusters.

On-demand scaling allows you to manually add or remove running dynamic server instances to scale up or scale down a dynamic cluster. For more information about on-demand scaling and elasticity, see Configuring Elasticity in Dynamic Clusters.

To control on-demand scaling for a dynamic cluster:

  1. In the left pane of the Console, select Environment > Clusters.
  2. In the Clusters table, select the name of the dynamic cluster you want to configure.
  3. Select Control> Scaling.
  4. In the Desired Number of Running Servers field, enter the number of running dynamic server instances you want in this dynamic cluster to either scale up or scale down the dynamic cluster.
  5. On the Scaling page, you can also view related settings for this dynamic cluster:
    1. Current Number of Running Servers displays the number of running dynamic server instances in this dynamic cluster.
    2. Current Dynamic Cluster Size displays the current size of the dynamic cluster (the number of dynamic server instances in the cluster).
    3. Max Dynamic Cluster Size displays the maximum number of dynamic server instances allowed in this dynamic cluster.
    4. Min Dynamic Cluster Size displays the minimum number of running dynamic server instances that should be available in this dynamic cluster.
    5. Last Scaling Status displays the status of the last scaling operation for this dynamic cluster.

    For more information about configuring these properties for a dynamic cluster, see Configure elasticity for a dynamic cluster

  6. Click OK.

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