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Configure migratable targets for the JTA Transaction Recovery Service

Before you begin

Before you can migrate the JTA Transaction Recovery Service (TRS) to another server in the cluster, you must configure the managed servers in the cluster for migration, including assigning managed servers to a machine and configuring Node Manager. See Configure server migration in a cluster.

In addition, you must configure the default persistent store so that it stores records in a shared storage system that is accessible to any potential machine to which a failed migratable server might be migrated. See Configure the default persistent store for Transaction Recovery Service migration.

A migratable target is a list of servers in the cluster that can potentially host a pinned service, such as the JTA Transaction Recovery Service. Migratable targets control the servers to which you can migrate a service, either manually or automatically. For the TRS, you must specify the list of candidate servers that have access to the current server's transaction log files (stored in the default WebLogic store). For automatic migration, you must select the appropriate migration policy. You can also define the appropriate pre-migration and post-migration scripts to perform any unmounting and mounting of shared storage, as needed.

To configure the migratable target servers for JTA Transaction Recovery Service migration:

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
  2. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Environment, then select Migratable Targets.
  3. On the Summary of Migratable Targets page, click New.
  4. On the Create a new Migratable Target page:
    1. In Name, enter a name for the migratable target.
    2. In Cluster, select a configured cluster for the migratable target.
    3. Click Next.
  5. On the Migratable Target Properties page, select the preferred server in the cluster that you want to associate the migratable target with, and then click Finish.
  6. On the Summary of Migratable Targets page, select the migratable target created in steps 2-4.
  7. On the Migratable Target > Configuration > Migration page, update any additional parameters as required:
    • Service Migration Policy -- change the Manual Service Migration Only default to Auto-Migrate Failure Recovery Services if you want to have the JTA Transaction Recovery Service automatically migrated from an unhealthy server instance to a healthy server instance, with the help of the server health monitoring services.
    • User Preferred Server -- select the preferred server in the cluster that you want to associate the migratable target with.
    • Constrained Candidate Servers -- select the servers you want to use as a the JTA Transaction Recovery Service server backup and move them to the Chosen list.
    • Pre-Migration Script Path -- the path to the pre-migration script to run before a migratable target is actually activated.
    • Post-Migration Script Path -- the path to the post-migration script to run after a migratable target is fully deactivated.
    • Post-Migration Script Failure Cancels Automatic Migration -- specifies whether or not a failure during execution of the post-deactivation script is fatal to the migration.
    • Allow Post-Migration Script To Run On a Different Machine -- specifies whether or not the post-deactivation script is allowed to run on a different machine.

    Note: For JTA, you must specify the list of candidate servers that have access to the current server's transaction log files (stored in the default WebLogic file store).

    For more information about these fields, refer to Configuration Options.

  8. Click Save to save your changes.
  9. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
    Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).

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