Overview  |   Related MBeans  |   Attributes  |   Operations


Controls which JMX agents are initialized in the current WebLogic Server domain. Each JMX agent supports specific functions such as monitoring run-time statistics or modifying the domain's configuration.

Fully Qualified Interface NameIf you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:
Factory Methods No factory methods. Instances of this MBean are created automatically.
Access Points You can access this MBean from the following MBean attributes:


    This section describes the following attributes:


    Private property that disables caching in proxies.

    Privileges Read only
    Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


    Enables JMX clients to use the deprecated MBeanHome interface.

    Prior to 9.0, WebLogic Server supported a typed API layer over its JMX layer. Your JMX application classes could import type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans, retrieve a reference to the MBeans through the interface, and invoke the MBean methods directly.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Valuetrue


    Specifies whether the Administration Server initializes the Domain MBean Server, which provides federated access to all run-time MBeans and read-only configuration MBeans in the domain. Through it, JMX clients can access all MBeans in a domain through a single connection.

    The Administration Console and the WebLogic Scripting Tool use this MBean server for many (but not all) of their read operations.

    This MBean server exists only on the Administration Server. The Administration Server initializes it the first time a JMX client requests a connection to it. If you set this attribute to false, the Administration Server will not start this MBean server and JMX clients cannot connect to it.

    While this MBean server is instantiated lazily (only when requested), once it is instantiated it does use some memory and network traffic. Disabling this MBean server can conserve a minimal amount of resources, but the trade off is that JMX clients must maintain separate connections for each WebLogic Server's Runtime MBean Server.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Valuetrue


    Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

    Privileges Read only
    Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


    Specifies whether the Administration Server initializes the Edit MBean Server, which contains the hierarchy of MBeans used to make modifications to the domain's configuration. All JMX clients, including utilities such as the Administration Console and the WebLogic Scripting Tool, use the Edit MBean Server to modify a domain's configuration.

    This MBean server exists only on the Administration Server. By default, when the Administration Server starts, it starts the Edit MBean Server. If you set the EditMBeanServerEnabled attribute to false, the Administration Server will not start this MBean server. If you disable this MBean server, JMX clients cannot modify the domain's configuration. You can, however, modify the domain configuration through the offline editing feature of WebLogic Scripting Tool.


    Disabling the Edit MBean Server is not sufficient to prevent changes to a domain configuration. Because the WebLogic Server deployment service does not use JMX, the Administration Console and WLST can deploy or undeploy applications even if you have disabled the Edit MBean Server.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Valuetrue


    Return the unique id of this MBean instance

    Privileges Read only
    Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


    The number of seconds that internal WebLogic Server processes wait to connect to an MBean server, invoke an MBean server method, and return the results of the invocation. If the MBean server method does not complete (return) within the timeout period, WebLogic Server abandons its invocation attempt.

    Some internal management processes within WebLogic Server require a server instance to connect to MBean servers in other WebLogic Server instances and invoke an MBean server method. The timeout period prevents the internal process from locking up if an MBean server cannot successfully return a method invocation.

    A value of 0 (zero) prevents the method invocation from timing out. With such a value, the internal process will wait indefinitely until the MBean server's method returns.

    Available Since Release
    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Value0
    Minimum value0
    Maximum value2147483647


    Specifies whether the WebLogic Server Domain Runtime MBean Server will support notifications from the federated Runtime MBean Servers on the managed and administration servers.

    Supporting notifications requires a significant amount of memory resources. A list of ObjectNames is maintained for each MBean from the Runtime MBean Servers. If notifications are not required for this domain, then disabling them will save on CPU and memory resources. This is particularly critical if there are large numbers of runtime MBeans and/or large numbers of servers.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Valuetrue


    Enables access to the Management EJB (MEJB), which is part of the Java EE Management APIs (JSR-77).

    The Management API specification provides a standardized management data model for common resources on Java EE Web application servers.

    The MEJB provides access to Java EE Managed Objects (JMOs), which describe the common Java EE resources. If you set this attribute to false, WebLogic Server does not register the MEJB in the JNDI tree, and effectively disables the Java EE Management APIs for the domain.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Valuetrue


    Returns the MBean info for this MBean.


    Privileges Read only
    Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


    The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

    This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's


    Privileges Read/Write


    Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

    WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

    Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

    Privileges Read/Write


    Returns the ObjectName under which this MBean is registered in the MBean server.


    Privileges Read only
    Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


    Return the immediate parent for this MBean

    Privileges Read/Write


    Specifies whether each server instance initializes the JDK's platform MBean server. Enabling it, along with isPlatformMBeanServerUsed, causes WebLogic Server to use the platform MBean server as its Runtime MBean Server.

    As of JDK 1.5, JVMs provide a platform MBean server that local processes can instantiate. There can be only one instance of the platform MBean server for each JVM. When a process instantiates this MBean server, the JVM creates several platform MXBeans that provide monitoring data for the JVM itself.

    If you set this attribute to true, each WebLogic Server instance invokes the method and thus causes the initialization of the JVM's MXBeans.

    Privileges Read/Write


    Specifies whether WebLogic Server will use the platform MBean server for its Runtime MBean Server. Previously, WebLogic Server used the platform MBean server by default if it was enabled. This attribute provides a separation between enabling the platform MBean server and using it for WebLogic Server MBeans.

    The default value for this attribute is based on the DomainVersion attribute of the DomainMBean. If the domain version is prior to, then the default value of this attribute is false and the platform MBean server is not used. If the domain version is or higher, then the default value of this attribute is true and the platform MBean server is used.

    In this case, the server's Runtime MBean Server uses the MBeanServer returned by method as its MBean Server. This makes it possible to access the WebLogic Server MBeans and the JVM platform MXBeans from a single MBean server. In addition, if you enable the Runtime MBean Server to be the Platform MBean Server, local processes in the JVM can directly access this MBean server through the MBeanServer interface that returns.

    Privileges Read/Write


    Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered.


    Privileges Read only
    Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


    Specifies whether each server instance in the domain initializes its Runtime MBean Server, which provides access to a server's run-time MBeans and read-only configuration MBeans.

    The Administration Console and the WebLogic Scripting Tool use this MBean server for some (but not all) of their read operations.

    If RuntimeMBeanServerEnabled is true, each server starts its Runtime MBean Server during the server's startup cycle. If this attribute is false, no server instance in the domain will start its Runtime MBean Server.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Valuetrue


    Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

    Available Since Release
    Privileges Read/Write
    Typeclass java.lang.String[]


    Returns the type of the MBean.

    Privileges Read only
    Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


    This section describes the following operations:


    Add a tag to this Configuration MBean. Adds a tag to the current set of tags on the Configuration MBean. Tags may contain white spaces.

    Operation Name"addTag"
    ParametersObject [] {  tag }


    • tag is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

      tag to be added to the MBean

    SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
    Returns boolean
    • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
      IllegalArgumentException if the tag contains illegal punctuation


    If the specified attribute has not been set explicitly, and if the attribute has a default value, this operation forces the MBean to persist the default value.

    Unless you use this operation, the default value is not saved and is subject to change if you update to a newer release of WebLogic Server. Invoking this operation isolates this MBean from the effects of such changes.

    Note: To insure that you are freezing the default value, invoke the restoreDefaultValue operation before you invoke this.

    This operation has no effect if you invoke it on an attribute that does not provide a default value or on an attribute for which some other value has been set.


    Operation Name"freezeCurrentValue"
    ParametersObject [] {  attributeName }


    • attributeName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:


    SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
    Returns void


    Return all properties' names whose value is inherited from template mbean. this is a convenient method to get inheritance info on multiple properties in one jmx call.

    Operation Name"getInheritedProperties"
    ParametersObject [] {  propertyNames }


    • propertyNames is an object of type [Ljava.lang.String; that specifies:

      properties to check

    SignatureString [] { "[Ljava.lang.String;" }
    Returns class


    Check if the value of a property is inherited from template mbean or not.

    Operation Name"isInherited"
    ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


    • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

      the name of the property

    SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
    Returns boolean


    Returns true if the specified attribute has been set explicitly in this MBean instance.

    Operation Name"isSet"
    ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


    • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

      property to check

    SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
    Returns boolean


    Remove a tag from this Configuration MBean

    Operation Name"removeTag"
    ParametersObject [] {  tag }


    • tag is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

      tag to be removed from the MBean

    SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
    Returns boolean
    • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
      IllegalArgumentException if the tag contains illegal punctuation


    If the specified attribute has a default value, this operation removes any value that has been set explicitly and causes the attribute to use the default value.

    Default values are subject to change if you update to a newer release of WebLogic Server. To prevent the value from changing if you update to a newer release, invoke the freezeCurrentValue operation.

    This operation has no effect if you invoke it on an attribute that does not provide a default value or on an attribute that is already using the default.


    Operation Name"restoreDefaultValue"
    ParametersObject [] {  attributeName }


    • attributeName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:


    SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
    Returns void


    Restore the given property to its default value.

    Operation Name"unSet"
    ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


    • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

      property to restore

    SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
    Returns void