Performing Common JDeveloper Configuration Steps

This section provides a summary of the common configuration steps for beginning an Oracle RightNow adapter project using Oracle JDeveloper. While you can use Oracle JDeveloper to configure an Oracle RightNow adapter and create a BPEL project, you can also configure the adapter for use with other service engines, such as Oracle Service Bus.

Creating a SOA Application Project in JDeveloper

To configure an Oracle RightNow adapter for use as an outbound or inbound service using Oracle JDeveloper, first create the SOA application project.

  1. Click New and select Application from the File menu of Oracle JDeveloper.
  2. The New Gallery page is displayed. Select SOA Application from the Items list.

    Figure 3-2 Create SOA Application

  3. Provide a suitable name to your application.

    Figure 3-3 Name Your Application

    Description of Figure 3-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-3 Name Your Application"
  4. Click Next and provide a suitable name to your project.

    Figure 3-4 Providing a Name for Your Project

    Description of Figure 3-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-4 Providing a Name for Your Project"
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select Standard Composite.
  7. Select Composite with BPEL Process.

    Figure 3-5 Configuring SOA Settings

    Description of Figure 3-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-5 Configuring SOA Settings "
  8. Click Finish.
    The SOA composite application is displayed for designing in the SOA Composite Editor.
    Note that when dragging and dropping service and reference cloud adapters to the Exposed Service and External References swimlanes, the following features are not supported:
    • The message encryption and decryption features available when you right-click a cloud adapter in the Exposed Service swimlane or External References swimlane in Oracle JDeveloper:

      • Protect Sensitive Data > Encrypt Request Data for cloud adapters in the Exposed Service swimlane.

      • Protect Sensitive Data > Decrypt Sensitive Data for cloud adapters in the External References swimlane.

    • The policy attachments feature available when you right-click a cloud adapter in the Exposed Service swimlane or External References swimlane in Oracle JDeveloper.

Configuring an Oracle RightNow Adapter for Inbound Services

To configure an Oracle RightNow adapter for use as an inbound service using Oracle JDeveloper:

  1. Drag and drop the Oracle RightNow adapter component from the Components in Oracle JDeveloper to the Exposed Services swimlane.
  2. Click the Oracle RightNow adapter icon in the swimlane. The Oracle RightNow adapter Basic Info screen appears.
  3. Enter basic information to connect to the Oracle RightNow adapter.

    Configure Example/Information

    What do you want to call your endpoint?

    Enter a meaningful name.

    What does your endpoint do?

    Enter a description.

  4. Click Next. The Connection page appears.
  5. Enter connection information.

    Configure Example/Information


    Obtain the WSDL from your RightNow administrator.

    Security Policy

    Select a policy.

    Authentication Key

    You can obtain the authentication key from your RightNow administrator.


    Test the connection to validate the credentials.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the business object or event subscription that you want to receive from Oracle RightNow Cx as a request document to start this integration, then select Next. The standard WSDL can include support for both business objects and event subscriptions. This enables you to receive either a business object or an event subscriptions as a request from the Oracle RightNow application. Event subscriptions are supported only if the Oracle RightNow application version is equal to or greater than version 15.5 (May 2015 release). Otherwise, only business objects are visible for selection in the configuration wizard.
  8. Select a response type and optional business object for the response.
    • Select None if a response is not required.

    • Select Immediate, then select a business object that you want the integration to send as a response document to Oracle RightNow Cx.

  9. Click Next.

    The Summary page is displayed.

  10. Click Finish.

Configuring an Oracle RightNow Adapter for Outbound Services

To configure an Oracle RightNow adapter for use as an outbound service using Oracle JDeveloper:

  1. Drag and drop the Oracle RightNow adapter component from the Components list in Oracle JDeveloper to the references swimlane.
  2. Click the RightNow adapter icon in the swimlane. The Basic Info screen appears.
  3. Enter basic information to connect to the Oracle RightNow adapter.

    Configure Example/Information

    What do you want to call your endpoint?

    Enter a meaningful name.

    What does your endpoint do?

    Enter a description.

  4. Click Next. The Connection page appears.

  5. Enter connection information.

    Configure Example/Information


    Obtain the WSDL from your RightNow administrator.

    Security Policy

    Select a policy.

    Authentication Key

    You can obtain the authentication key from your RightNow administrator.


    Test the connection to validate the credentials.

  6. Click Next. The RightNow adapter configuration wizard displays additional information for you to select:
    • The operation you want to perform.

    • The objects against which you perform the operation.

    • Any operation-specific configurations.

    At this point, you can indicate to either perform single CRUD operations or perform operations in a batch:

    • Single Operation - Select this option to work with a single operation.

    • Batch Operation - Select this operation to work with multiple operations.

      The following figure shows the Operation screen in which you perform the large part of your work related to selecting operations.

  7. Click Next.

    The Summary page is displayed.

  8. Click Finish.