Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Learn the keyboard shortcuts available when using the Oracle BI Administration Tool menu options.

File Menu Shortcuts

  • The shortcut for New is Ctrl + N.

  • The shortcut for Open, and then Offline is Ctrl + F.

  • The shortcut for Open, and then Online is Ctrl + L.

  • The shortcut for Save is Ctrl + S.

  • The shortcut for Check Global Consistency is Ctrl + K.

Edit Menu Shortcuts

  • The shortcut for Cut is Ctrl + X.

  • The shortcut for Copy is Ctrl + C.

  • The shortcut for Paste is Ctrl + V.

  • The shortcut for Delete is Delete.

View Menu Shortcut

  • The shortcut for Refresh is F5.

Tools Menu Shortcuts

  • The shortcut for Show Consistency Checker is Ctrl + E.

  • The shortcut for Query Repository is Ctrl + Q.

General Menu Shortcuts

The following table lists the general keyboard shortcuts available in the Administration Tool menus. You can use the Window menu options to change the focus from the menus to the navigation panes.

Action Keyboard Shortcut

Quit the application

Alt+ F4

Move cursor to the menu option

Alt + Underlined letter

Open application's control menu

Alt+ Spacebar

View the shortcut menu for the selected item

Shift + F10

Move through the menu bar

Left arrow key

Right arrow key

Open a menu option

Down arrow key

Move through a menu list

Up arrow

Down arrow

Close the current menu


Select or deselect items in a check box or list


Make noncontinguous selections

Ctrl + Up arrow + Spacebar