Using the BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar Utility to Change Connection Pool Passwords

When moving your Oracle BI repository from one environment to another, you often need to change connection pool information for data sources, because the connection information in one environments is typically different from the connection information in another environments.


Although you can use BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar to update connection pool passwords, Oracle's preferred method is the updateConnectionpool command. See Update Connection Pool Command for information.

Connection pool passwords are encrypted and stored inside the encrypted repository file. Because of this, plain-text passwords must first be encrypted before they can be applied to an Oracle BI repository.

You can use the BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar utility to programmatically change and encrypt connection pool passwords in a repository. Note that the utility only works with repositories in RPD format; you cannot use the utility with MDS XML-format repositories. In addition, the utility requires JDK 1.6.

To use the BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar utility to change connection pool passwords:

The location of BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar is:


  1. Run BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar using the -generate option to generate a template file where you can input the new passwords, as follows:
    java -jar ORACLE_HOME/bifoundation/server/bin/BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar -generate repository_name -output password_file


    repository_name is the name and path of the Oracle BI Repository that contains the connection pools for which you want to change passwords.

    password_file is the name and path of the output password text file. This file will contain the connection pool names from the specified repository.

    Then, enter the repository password when prompted.

    For example:

    java -jar BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar -generate original.rpd –output
    Enter the repository password: My_Password
  2. Edit the password file to replace <Change Password> with the updated password for each connection pool. A sample password file might appear as follows:
    "SQLDB_UsageTracking"."UTCP" = <Change Password>
    "SQLDB_Data"."Db Authentication Pool" = <Change Password>


    Make sure to only edit the text to the right of the equals sign. If you change the text to the left of the equals sign, then the syntax for the connection pool names will be incorrect.

    Save and close the password file when your edits are complete.

  3. Run BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar again with the -passwords option, as follows:
    java -jar BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar -passwords password_file
    -input input_repository -output output_repository


    password_file is the name and path of the text file that specifies the connection pools and their corresponding changed passwords.

    input_repository is the name and path of the Oracle BI repository where you want to apply the changed passwords.

    output_repository is the name and path of the output repository that contains the updated passwords.

    Then, enter the repository password when prompted.

    For example:

    java -jar BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar -passwords inputpasswords.txt -input
    original.rpd -output updated.rpd
    Enter the repository password: My_Password
  4. Oracle does not recommend leaving clear-text passwords available on the system. Instead, either delete the input password file completely, or encrypt it so that it cannot be viewed.