Configuring the Repository for Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management

You can use the organization's licensed Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management repository, if you have the appropriate privileges.

The Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management repository is part of a default installation with no additional configuration changes are required. Some features such as comments and status overrides, require repository configuration in order to work.


See the following sections in User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for more information about these features:

Configuring the Repository for Comments and Status Overrides

Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management provides the capability to add comments (annotations) or to override the status that is associated with specific dimension values for KPIs, Objectives, and Initiatives.

KPI Watchlists offer the capability to add comments or to override statuses for KPIs. To enable these features, you must configure the repository to include a database object for storing the comment and status override information.

The database that you installed for use with Oracle Business Intelligence contains the Business Intelligence Platform schema, which includes required Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management schema tables. For more information about installing a database for Oracle Business Intelligence and running the Repository Creation Assistant (RCU) to create the required schemas, see Installing and Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence.

To configure the Oracle BI repository for comments and status overrides:

  1. In the Oracle BI Administration Tool , open the repository in online mode.

    Online mode is strongly recommended for performing data access security tasks, such as the task described in Step 12 of this procedure.

  2. In the Physical layer, right-click and select New Database. The Database dialog is displayed.
  3. For Name, enter BSC.
  4. For Database, select the type of database that you have installed for use with Oracle Business Intelligence, typically Oracle 12c.
  5. Select the Connection Pool tab and click the Add button. The Connection Pool dialog is displayed.
  6. For Name, enter BSC.
  7. Select the Call interface appropriate for the database, for example, OCI 11g/12c for Oracle Database.
  8. For Data source name, provide the information that is appropriate for the database that you have installed and configured for use with Oracle Business Intelligence. For example, for Oracle Database, enter a connection string similar to the following:

    When connecting to an Oracle Database data source, you can include the entire connect string, or you can use the net service name defined in the tnsnames.ora file. If you choose to enter only the net service name, then you must set up a tnsnames.ora file in the following location within the Oracle Business Intelligence environment, so that the Oracle BI Server can locate the entry:

  9. Select Shared logon and enter values for User name and Password. In this step, you provide the user/schema name and password that you created when you used the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to populate the Business Intelligence Platform schema in the Oracle Business Intelligence database.

    Ensure that the user that you provide has read/write privileges for the ANNOTATIONS and ASSESSMENT_OVERRIDES tables in the Business Intelligence Platform schema.

  10. Click OK in the Connection Pool dialog.
  11. Click OK in the Database dialog.
  12. Use the Identity Manager in the Administration Tool to allow the BISystem application role to execute direct database requests by default for the BSC database object. See Allowing or Disallowing Direct Database Requests for more information.
  13. Save and close the repository.
  14. Restart the Oracle BI Server.