High-Level Roadmap for Setting Up Security in Oracle Business Intelligence

Use this high level roadmap to understand typical sequence of actions to maintain security in Oracle Business Intelligence.

To set up security in Oracle Business Intelligence, you must do the following:

  1. Read the rest of this chapter to get an overview of security concepts, tools, and terminology.
  2. Learn about users, groups, and application roles by reading the summary in Working with Users, Groups, and Application Roles.
  3. Decide which authentication provider to use to authenticate users.
  4. Set up the required users and groups.
  5. Set up the required application roles.
  6. Assign each group to an appropriate application role.
  7. Fine-tune the permissions that users and groups have in the Oracle BI repository.
  8. Fine-tune the permissions that users and groups have in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.
  9. If required, configure Single Sign-On (SSO).
  10. If required, configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).