How Do Antivirus Software and Privileges Affect Agents?

This section provides the following information about how antivirus software and privileges affect agents.

How Does Antivirus Software Affect Agents?

Some antivirus software programs, such as Norton AntiVirus, enable a script-blocking feature, which tries to block all calls made by scripts to system objects (such as the Windows file system object) that the antivirus software deems unsafe.

If you start a script as part of post-agent processing, then this antivirus feature might cause unexpected results. If you run antivirus software with a script-blocking feature on the computer where Oracle BI Scheduler is installed, then disable the script-blocking feature to prevent the software from unexpectedly blocking agent script calls.

What Privileges Affect Agents?

You access the privilege settings for agents in the Delivers section of the Manage Privileges page in Oracle BI Presentation Services Administration.

To create an agent, users must be granted the Create Agent privilege. To enable users with the Publish Agents for Subscription privilege, which provides the ability to change or to delete an agent, you must grant them the Modify permission to the shared agent objects and child objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog. For information, see Managing Presentation Services Privileges in Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


If the Oracle BI Presentation Services is configured to authenticate users through database logons, then impersonation is permitted until the number of associated variables exceeds one (for example, when session variables other than USER are associated with the initialization block). If the number of associated variables exceeds one, then the impersonated user does not have the password to log in to the database and to fill the other session variables. Agents work with database authentication, if only the initialization block that is set up for authentication in the Oracle BI Administration Tool uses a connection pool with pass-through login. That connection pool cannot be used for any other initialization block or request.

For information about user authentication options, see Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. For information about pass-through login, see Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.