Preparing to Use the BI Publisher Catalog Utility

The BI Publisher catalog utility is installed in the following location:


Configuring the Environment

You must configure each environment in which you run the catalog utility.

To configure the environment for the catalog utility:

  1. Set the environment variables to the values in the following list:
    • path = ($HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/bin $path)

    • BIP_LIB_DIR = $HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/lib

    • BIP_CLIENT_CONFIG = $HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/config

    • JAVA_HOME = $HOME/java/jdk1.6.0_18

    The following example shows setting the environment variables for C-shell:

    % set path = ($HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/bin $path)
    % setenv BIP_LIB_DIR $HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/lib
    % setenv BIP_CLIENT_CONFIG $HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/config
    % setenv JAVA_HOME $HOME/java/jdk1.6.0_18
  2. Edit xmlp-client-config.xml. This configuration file is located under the BIPCatalogUtil/config directory.

    Specify the BI Publisher instance URL ("bipurl") and the user name and password of the BI Publisher instance from which you must export or to which you must import.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
            <comment>BIP Server Information</comment>
        <entry key="bipurl"></entry>
            <entry key="username">OPERATIONS</entry>
        <entry key="password">welcome</entry>

    If you do not want to store this information in the configuration file, then at the time of import/export you can also set the bipurl, username, and password as parameters in the command line to overwrite values defined in xmlp-client-config.xml.