What Are Memory Guard Features?

BI Publisher provides a set of features to protect against out-of-memory errors by blocking report requests that generate excessive amounts of data or consume excessive amount of memory.

These memory guard features consist of a set of properties. The properties enable you to configure conditions and processing points at which data size and free memory availability are inspected to determine whether the system continues to process a report request or terminates processing.

Data Size Limits and Memory Usage Estimation

Following are the data size limits and memory usage estimation:

  • Memory guard check points:

    • (Check#1) XML data size is examined against data size limit during data generation phase and also formatting phase (this redundancy is required because XML data can be cached from previous run)

      • Data size limit in online report request can be configured per template type through the following memory guard properties:

        • Maximum report data size for online reports (RTF, XSL, XSLFO, eText templates)

        • Maximum report data size for online reports (PDF template)

        • Maximum report data size for online reports (Excel template)

        • Maximum report data size for online reports (XPT template)

      • Data size limit in offline report request can be configured per template type through the following memory guard properties:

        • Maximum report data size for offline (scheduled) reports (RTF, XSL, XSLFO, eText templates)

        • Maximum report data size for offline (scheduled) reports (PDF template)

        • Maximum report data size for offline (scheduled) reports (Excel template)

        • Maximum report data size for offline (scheduled) reports (XPT template)

    • (Check#2) Free memory availability is examined against estimated memory usage with memory estimate formula during formatting phase. Memory estimate formula applies to both online and offline report processing.

      • Memory estimate formula can be configured per template type through the following Memory Guard properties

        • Memory estimate formula (RTF, XSL, XSLFO, eText templates)

        • Memory estimate formula (PDF template)

        • Memory estimate formula (Excel template)

        • Memory estimate formula (XPT template)