Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Feed

Using the HTTP (XML Feed) data set type, you can create data models from RSS and XML feeds over the Web by retrieving data through the HTTP GET method.


You might require additional configuration to access external data source feeds depending on your system's security. If the RSS feed is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) then see Configuring BI Publisher for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Communication in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

To include parameters for the data set, it is recommended that you define the parameters first, so that they are available for selection when defining the data set. See Adding Parameters and Lists of Values.

There is no metadata available from HTTP XML feed data sets, therefore grouping and linking are not supported.

Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Data Set

You can set up an HTTP (XML Feed) data sources in two different ways.

  • On the Administration page:

    Connections to HTTP data sources can be set up on the Administration page and then used in multiple data models. For more information, see Setting Up a Connection to a HTTP XML Feed in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

  • As a private data source:

    You can also set up a private connection accessible only to you. See Managing Private Data Sources for information about private data source connections.

  1. On the toolbar, click New Data Set and select HTTP (XML Feed). The New Data Set - HTTP (XML Feed) dialog launches, as shown below.
  2. Enter a name for this data set.
  3. Select a data source.
  4. Enter the URL Suffix for the source of the RSS or XML feed.
  5. Select the Method: GET.
  6. To add a parameter, click Add Parameter. Enter the Name and select the Value. The Value list is populated by the parameter Name defined in the Parameters section.
  7. Click OK to close the data set dialog.