PDF Output Properties

See the table below which describes the properties available for PDF output.

Property Name Description

Compress PDF output

Default: true

Description: Specify "true" or "false" to control compression of the output PDF file.

Internal Name: pdf-compression

Hide PDF viewer's menu bars

Default: false

Description: Specify "true" to hide the viewer application's menu bar when the document is active. The menu bar option is only effective when using the Export button, which displays the output in a standalone Acrobat Reader application outside of the browser.

Internal Name: pdf-hide-menubar

Hide PDF viewer's tool bars

Default: false

Description: Specify "true" to hide the viewer application's toolbar when the document is active.

Internal Name: pdf-hide-toolbar

Replace smart quotes

Default: true

Description: Set to "false" if you do not want curly quotes replaced with straight quotes in the PDF output.

Internal Name: pdf-replace-smartquotes

Use only one shared resources object for all pages

Default: true

Description: The default mode of BI Publisher creates one shared resources object for all pages in a PDF file. This mode has the advantage of creating an overall smaller file size. However, the disadvantages are the following:

  • Viewing may take longer for a large file with many SVG objects

  • If you choose to break up the file by using Adobe Acrobat to extract or delete portions, then the edited PDF files are larger because the single shared resource object (that contains all of the SVG objects for the entire file) is included with each extracted portion.

Setting this property to "false" creates a resource object for each page. The file size is larger, but the PDF viewing is faster and the PDF can be broken up into smaller files more easily.

Internal Name: pdf-use-one-resources

PDF Navigation Panel Initial View

Default: Bookmarks Open

Description: Controls the navigation panel view that is presented when a user first opens a PDF report. The following options are supported:

  • Panels Collapsed - displays the PDF document with the navigation panel collapsed.

  • Bookmarks Open (default) - displays the bookmark links for easy navigation.

  • Pages Open - displays a clickable thumbnail view of each page of the PDF.

Internal Name: pdf-pagemode