Creating a Bursting Job

Bursting is the splitting of the report data into multiple blocks based on a key field in the data and then applying specific parameters for the layout and delivery for each block of data.

For example, a customer invoice report can be burst to deliver each customer's invoice to their own email address. A bursting definition for a report is set up in the report's data model. For more information, see Adding a Bursting Definition to Your Data Model in Data Modeling Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

If the report has been enabled for bursting, the Use Bursting Definition to Determine Output & Delivery Destination box on the Output tab is enabled. If you select this option, the Output and Destination options for the job are disabled because output and destination details are supplied by the bursting definition.

Enable a report to use a bursting definition on the Report Properties dialog of the report editor. For more information, see Configuring Report Properties in Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.