47 SOAPWS-BUF-00001 to SOAPWS-BUF-00005

SOAPWS-BUF-00001: No BufferingFeature registered for targetUri: {0}
Cause: A request to buffer a message used an unknown targetUri
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

SOAPWS-BUF-00002: Attempt to register targetURI=''{0}'' currently associated with BufferingRuntime=''{1}'' with a DIFFERENT BufferingRuntime=''{2}''.
Cause: A request to buffer a message used a targetUri that has already been associated with another buffering configuration. This is not allowed because a given targetURI MUST be routed to a unique BufferingFeature instance.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

SOAPWS-BUF-00003: Cannot create a BufferingRuntime when effective buffering configuration (via WebServiceBufferingMBean/BufferingFeature) for a client/service is disabled altogether ({0}) or both request and response queues are disabled ({1})
Cause: A request to buffer a message was made but buffering configuration (via WebServiceBufferingMBean/BufferingFeature) makes the Buffering Service unavailable.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

SOAPWS-BUF-00004: Invalid effective (based on direction of message, request/response) queue JNDI name: {0}
Cause: Queue configuration for the current message direction (request or response) gives an invalid JNDI name
Action: Check the queue configuration and give valid JNDI names

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

SOAPWS-BUF-00005: Could not enqueue buffered message
Cause: There was an error enqueuing a message to the underlying buffering provider
Action: Check JMS configuration, and runtime state, including quotas

Level: 1


Impact: WebService