59 WLS-WSEE-00002 to WLS-WSEE-00116

WLS-WSEE-00002: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}
Cause: The server may not be properly configured.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00003: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}
Cause: The HTTP header status length does not agree.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00004: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}
Cause: The server is not providing HTTP V1.0 or V1.1 protocol.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00005: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}
Cause: The returned server status code was not recognized.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00006: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}.
Cause: The server status code was given.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00007: Content-length was specified but no value was provided.
Cause: The content-length field must contain a value.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00008: The specified content-length {0} is invalid.
Cause: The provided content-length field is invalid.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00009: HTTP keep-alive was specified, but the content-length was not set.
Cause: The provided content-length field is invalid.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00010: Received EOF before reading the entire message from the server.
Cause: The server sent an EOF (end-of-file) before the entire message was received.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00011: A MIME-encoded SOAP response must include a content-type mime header specifying the MIME start and boundary.
Cause: The content-length was zero or the content-type was null. An attachment, however, was provided.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00012: A bad value was provided for {0} : {1}. The default value will be used: {2}.
Cause: The value was not correctly provided.
Action: Correct the system configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00013: The ID may not be null.
Cause: The XML stream may be corrupted.
Action: Check the content of the XML stream and retry the message.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00014: The ID referenced by {0} is unknown.
Cause: The XML stream is invalid or corrupted.
Action: The unknown ID must be resolved and the action retried.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00015: Incorrect XML stream open. Use open(XMLNode node) to open this stream.
Cause: The module was incorrectly called.
Action: Correct the program to use XMLNode. After doing so, retry the action.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00016: Incorrect XML stream open. Use open(XMLNode node) to open this stream.
Cause: The module was incorrectly called.
Action: Correct the program to use XMLNode. After doing so, retry the action.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00017: The start element was not found.
Cause: The XML stream is corrupted.
Action: Correct the XML stream and retry the task.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00018: Element {0} is not a start element.
Cause: The XML stream is corrupted.
Action: Correct the XML stream and retry the task.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00031: Failed to create Web services reliable agents. {0}.
Cause: There is a configuration error Administration Server failure.
Action: Check the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00033: Failed to create MessageContext after a SOAP message was recovered from the storage. {0}.
Cause: There was an invalid format from the store or an error accessing the store.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00034: Failed to access the store for reliable delivery. {0}.
Cause: There was a failure accessing JMS.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00100: An error occurred while registering this Web service for monitoring. Although this does not affect the Web service itself, monitoring information about it may be unavailable. The specific error was {0}.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00101: An error occurred while loading class {1} from handler-chain {0} in global handler configuration. Error is: {2}
Cause: The configured class is not present in the classpath.
Action: Check the classpath and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00102: An error occurred while loading global handler chain. Error is: {0}
Cause: An error may have occurred while parsing the server-handler-chain.xml file.
Action: Check the server-handler-chain.xml file and ensure that the syntax is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00105: Web services async/reliable invocations for service {0} are NOT available because the async/reliability queue was not found: {1}
Cause: You have deployed a Web service that indicates it can use async/reliable features, but the queue for async/reliable invocations (specified in WebservicesMBean, @Buffer or @ReliabilityBuffer annotations, or allowed to default) is not deployed to the local server. Therefore, async and reliable invocations will fail if attempted. Standard synchronous invocations will still work correctly despite this problem.
Action: Remove any async or reliable features from the Web service (e.g. @AsyncResponse, @Buffer, @ReliabilityBuffer annotations or @Policy annotations specifying reliable policy) or properly configure this server for async/reliable invocations. See the WebLogic Server online documentation in the 'Web Services->Get Started Using JAX-RPC' section for help on fixing this configuration problem. Once you have defined the proper async/reliable resources, you must redeploy your application.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00106: OWSM Security requires that a WSDL be associated with the Web service.
Cause: You have deployed a Web service that does not have a WSDL associated with it.
Action: Associate a WSDL with the Web service. For example you can add a wsdlLocation attribute to a WebService or WebServiceProvider annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00107: An unexpected error occurred: {0}
Cause: Unknown
Action: Contact Oracle support

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00108: The service port {1} bound to https transport in service {0} is NOT available, the https address cannot be resolved because SSL is not enabled for the server. The service port definition will be removed from WSDL that is being accessed through {2}.
Cause: While a WSDL is being retrieved through http protocol, the server requires replacing the service port address in WSDL with the actual address for the server. For any web service which defines one or more service ports bound to https transport, if the domain does not enable SSL functionality then the service port address could not be replaced correctly because https address for the server cannot be resolved.
Action: Enable SSL functionality for the server.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00112: Implicit/generated Client Identity {0} has been used in multiple calls to Service.getPort()/createDispatch() where these calls have used different services and/or sets of features. Monitoring statistics for this client will include all these different usages. Validation failures were: {1}
Cause: WebLogic JAX-WS web service clients are assigned a unique identity that is intended to represent the business purpose of that client. This identity can be specified directly using weblogic.jws.jaxws.client.ClientIdentityFeature or it can be allowed to be implicit. Implicit identity is generated automatically based on environmental information at the point where a Port/Dispatch instance is created. Your code has received an implicit client identity that is getting used (again implicitly) across multiple services or sets of features. All statistics gathered for a given client instance are rolled up under the client instance's client identity. If client instances using different services and/or feature sets contribute statistics to the same client identity, this can be confusing. It is even possible for clients to behave incorrectly when more advanced web service features are used.
Action: Best practice is to create a specific client identity (with a name representing a logical business purpose) for the client and denote this identity by passing weblogic.jws.jaxws.client.ClientIdentityFeature to the call to Service.getPort/createDispatch. Further, it is recommended that you pass a single/global set of web service feature objects to that call (e.g. Create WebServiceFeature instances as static class members or in a method annotated with @PostConstruct for containers compatible with this annotation). The actual call to Service.getPort()/createDispatch() should still be made in any way that makes sense for your uses (e.g. calling getPort on demand in a web service method, with Service created as a static class member).

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00113: Error starting the JMS listener {0} {1}
Cause: A connection to the JMS replyToQueue could not be made.
Action: Verify that the proper queue name is being used, and check the status of JMS queue.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00114: Error closing JMS connection {0} {1}
Cause: The JMS queue connection could not be closed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00115: JMS onMessage exception {0} {1}
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-00116: Can't find injection @WebServiceRef target {0} in class {1} of application {2}
Cause: An invalid @WebServiceRef or missing injection target in a client class.
Action: Correct or remove this invalid or unsupported client class.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService