63 WSEE-RM-00001 to WSEE-RM-00019

WSEE-RM-00001: Conversation {0} was specified/retained directly by the client, but has expired or has been terminated or destroyed. Please use a new service or dispatch instance.
Cause: A service or Dispatch instance was reused after a reliable sequence was created and completed on it. You should use a new service/Dispatch instance to avoid using the same saved sequence ID for a new sequence.
Action: Use a new service/Dispatch instance before invoking more reliable operations after a prior sequence of invocations.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00002: SourceSequence not ready to send sequence messages. Retry after CreateSequenceResponse and Sequence.getState() == CREATED.
Cause: An attempt was made to use or modify a sequence from the RM source side before that sequence has completed the RM handshake process (when the CreateSequenceResponse message arrives and is processed).
Action: Retry the operation after the RM sequence has been properly initialized, and the CreateSequenceResponse message for the sequence has been processed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00003: Protocol exception, detected a response to a response on the client side. Since there is no protocol-specific back-channel on a client-side response, we attempted to send the secondary response via a new outbound connection, and this failed. This response cannot be delivered. Response was: {0} Send error was: {1}
Cause: Runtime code attempted to send a response after processing a response on the client-side protocol-specific back-channel. The back-channel can only support one message delivery, so we attempted, and failed, to send this secondary response via a new outbound connection. Because of this failure, the secondary response cannot be delivered.
Action: Contact technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00004: Client-side couldn't determine if we have RM policy on target service/port
Cause: Runtime code on the client or sending side of an RM sequence couldn't retrieve a policy.
Action: Contact technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00005: Server-side couldn't determine if we have RM policy on target service/port
Cause: Runtime code on the service or receiving side of an RM sequence couldn't retrieve a policy.
Action: Contact technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00006: No {0} header found on CreateSequenceResponse. Cannot identify sequence to handle this message
Cause: A protocol violation has occurred, and RM cannot identify the message ID of the CreateSequence message by looking at the CreateSequenceResponse message.
Action: Contact the vendor that supplied the RM destination implementation (receiver of CreateSequence message) and indicate a protocol violation.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00007: Got CreateSequenceResponse/Accept when no offer was made on sequence with destination-side ID: {0}
Cause: A CreateSequenceResponse message in response to a CreateSequence message that does not contain an Offer element must not itself contain an Accept element.
Action: Contact the vendor that supplied the RM destination implementation (receiver of CreateSequence message) and indicate a protocol violation.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00008: Null sequence ID specified/found
Cause: A null value was passed to some internal method taking a sequence identifier where that method does not accept null values.
Action: Contact technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00009: Null message ID specified/found
Cause: A null value was passed to some internal method taking a message identifier where that method does not accept null values.
Action: Contact technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00010: Attempt to add a sequence that is null or has already been added: {0}
Cause: A null sequence (or a sequence that already has been added to the list of valid sequences) has been detected.
Action: Contact technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00011: Attempt to update a sequence that is null or has not been added via addSequence: {0}
Cause: A null sequence (or a sequence that never has been added to the list of valid sequences) has been referenced in an update operation.
Action: Contact technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00012: Cannot accept/process this request, and can't assume async response is forthcoming because ReplyTo is anonymous. Cannot continue.
Cause: An incoming request to the RM destination has failed a quality-of-service check (e.g. duplicate or out-of-order) and there is no ReplyTo address to which we can send a fault. Thus, we'll completely abort the processing of this request in order to indicate the failure to the sender.
Action: Send requests according to the quality-of-service requirements of the service.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00013: Could not find sequence {0} on {1} side
Cause: No sequence with the given identifier exists on the given side of the RM message exchange.
Action: Specify a different sequence identifier in the protocol message or contact technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00014: WsrmClient feature not enabled on this port/stub
Cause: A Port/Dispatch instance was used as if it referenced a reliable service, but the service is in fact not reliable (no WS-RM policy attached to it).
Action: Make the target service reliable (by attaching WS-RM policy to it) or pick a different target service.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00015: Cannot call {0} on a sequence that has not yet been fully initialized (no destination sequence ID or CreateSequenceResponse received yet). Source sequence ID: {1}
Cause: You've called a WsrmClient method to interact with the sequence before calling (or getting a true result) from WsrmClient.isInitialized().
Action: Please wait until you have completed a synchronous reliable invocation or have gotten true from WsrmClient.isInitialized before calling such a method.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00016: Got a message using the wrong WS-RM version for action {0}. Expected {1} but got {2}.
Cause: An RM sequence was negotiated using one version of the RM protocol, and a subsequent message was received indicating a different version.
Action: Make sure all messages related to a given sequence use the same RM protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00017: An unexpected error occurred: {0}
Cause: An unexpected exception has occurred.
Action: Contact technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00018: ClientIdentityFeature not enabled or clientId not specified on this port/stub. This is required for WS-RM to track requests and responses for this client.
Cause: A Port/Dispatch instance was created without specifying an 'identity' via the ClientIdentityFeature JAX-WS feature when RM requires such an identity.
Action: Add a ClientIdentityFeature when creating your Port/Dispatch stub instance, and make sure that feature has its clientId field set to a unique, repeatable client ID.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WSEE-RM-00019: No ReliabilityErrorListener provided via WsrmClient for a Port/Dispatch instance {0}. The sequence started on the Port/Dispatch instance encountered the following error: {1}
Cause: A Port/Dispatch instance was created without specifying an 'error listener' via the WsrmClient interface. Subsequently, a WS-RM sequence being managed on that Port/Dispatch instance encountered an error and could not notify the client of this error directly.
Action: Add a ReliabilityErrorListener on the Port/Dispatch instance by calling WsrmClient.setErrorListener().

Level: 1


Impact: WebService