This image shows the LDAP hierarchy tree, with certain aspects called out. The first item called out are the Organizational Units, in this image grouped under OU=Sites. Underneath, each site is listed and under each site the groups for the site. Further down the hierarchy tree, a CN=Users node is shown, on the same node level as OU-Sites. Underneath this Users node, the users are listed, who are members of the roles listed under the site earlier in the hierarchy. The list of users includes users who access all applications on LDAP-integrated system.

OU=Sites: Organizational unit for sites

OU=BurlingtonFinancial: Site

CN=Approver and CN=WorkflowAdmin: Groups (roles) for the site

CN=Users and CNCertPublishers: Users are members of the groups (roles) in the previous item. (The list of users includes users who access all applications on the LDAP-integrated system.)