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Version Resources

Get all versions, resources in a version, metadata resources in a version
Task Method Path
Get all the REST resources for a versionget/resources/{version}
Get all the versions of the REST APIget/resources
Get the metadata links for all REST resources in a given versionget/resources/{version}/metadata-catalog
Get all versions, resources in a version, metadata resources in a version
Task Method Path
Get all the versions of the REST APIget/resources
Get all the REST resources for a versionget/resources/{version}
Get the metadata links for all REST resources in a given versionget/resources/{version}/metadata-catalog
Get all versions, resources in a version, metadata resources in a version
Task Method Path
Get all the versions of the REST APIget/resources
Get all the REST resources for a versionget/resources/{version}
Get the metadata links for all REST resources in a given versionget/resources/{version}/metadata-catalog