JMS Resource Adapter Components

The JMS resource adapter includes the following components:

  • ra.xml file—An xml file used to configure the JMS resource adapter to interoperate between foreign application servers and WebLogic JMS.

  • wlthint3client.jar file—The WebLogic Thin T3 Java client is a lightweight client that provides integration between applications running on foreign application servers and WebLogic Server. One common use case is integration with WebLogic JMS destinations.

    For more information, see Understanding the WebLogic Thin T3 Client in Developing Stand-alone Clients for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  • The following classes and JAR files to support Oracle Wallet:

    • oraclepki.jar

    • osdt_cert.jar

    • osdt_core.jar

    • WalletUtilWrapper.class

    For more information, see Securing Credentials with Oracle Wallet.

  • weblogic.jms.ra.jar file—The WebLogic Server resource adapter implementation that complies with the Java EE Connector Architecture version 1.7.