JMS Resource Adapter Outbound Connection Limitations

Note the following connection management limitations:

  • The WebLogic automatic JMS client failover feature enables a JMS client to automatically reconnect to another live server instance in a cluster if a server or network failure occurs. This feature interferes with a JMS resource adapter's ability to associate the best Interposed Transaction Managers (ITMs) for managed connections. The JMS resource adapter automatically disables this feature and throws an exception if application code tries to enable automatic reconnect programmatically.

  • The UP and DOWN events are not currently supported in WebLogic Server. You also cannot create a connection to a specific WebLogic Server instance. This may result in repeated use of a bad connection because JMS resource adapter connection purging may not immediately identify bad connections before they are resused.

  • Because UP events are not currently supported in WebLogic Server, the JMS resource adapter does not support connection rebalancing.

  • The JMS resource adapter outbound implementation is not aware of the UP and DOWN events of Managed Server instances in a cluster with which an outbound application is communicating. Because of this limitation, note the following:

    • You may see the continued use of a bad connection because JMS resource adapter connection purging may not immediately identify a bad connection before it is reused.

    • The JMS resource adapter does not automatically rebalance connections.