2 Entities

The following sections describe the data models on which the REST resources operate. These data models describe the information exchanged in REST resources.


This entity represents errors and exceptions.

The properties of the java.lang.Throwable entity are as follows:


This property contains the stack trace of errors and exceptions.

Type: java.lang.Throwable


This property contains the reason why the error or exception was thrown.

Type: string


This entity represents a date as a string in ISO 8601 format, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSX


This entity represents a JSONObject with a property for each property in the properties object, where the key is the property's name the the value is a string containing the property's value.


This entity represents the health of the services that are in a WebLogic server domain. Selected subsystems within each WebLogic Server instance monitor their health status based on criteria specific to the subsystem.

The properties of the weblogic.health.HealthState entity are as follows:


This property indicates the partition name for which the health state is reported.

Type: string


This property indicates the reported state as:

  • OK - Service is healthy.

  • WARN - Service could have problems in the future

  • CRITICAL - Something must be done now to prevent service failure

  • FAILED - Service has failed and must be restarted

  • OVERLOADED - Service is functioning normally but there is too much work in it

  • UNKNOWN - Service state cannot be determined

Type: string


This property indicates the service for which the health state is reported.

Type: string


This property idicates the cause ot the reported state.

Type: array of weblogic.health.Symptom


This entity represents an observation reported by a service with its health state. A symptom can be used to determine the reason for the current health state of a WebLogic server.

The properties of the weblogic.health.Symptom entity are as follows:


This property provides additional information about the symptom if available.

Type: string


This property represents an identifier for the symptom.

Type: string


This property indicates a low, medium, or high severity level.

Type: string


This property represents the cause of the symptom (low memory, network error, stuck threads, and so on).

Type: string


The authenticated user that is making the request.

The properties of the weblogic.management.rest.bean.model.CurrentUser entity are as follows:


The ID of the partition where the component that is being invoked resides.

Type: string


The human readable name of the partition ID.

Type: string


The login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, or null if the user has not been authenticated.

Type: string


A Version entity describes a version of the WebLogic Server resources.

The properties of the weblogic.management.rest.bean.model.Version entity are as follows:


True if this is the default version.

Type: boolean


The lifecycle of this version: active or deprecated

Type: string


The name of this version.

Type: string


This MBean provides deployment operations for an application. Currently only start and stop are supported. In the future, this MBean may be enhanced with operations to support deployment applications to the domain as well as extended WLS deployment features such as production redeployment and partial deployment of modules in an enterprise application.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.AppDeploymentRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The application's name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The application's version identifier.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The list of modules for the application. These modules can be used in module level targeting.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the partition the application is in.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides access to runtime state for deployed applications.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.AppRuntimeStateRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.BatchJobRepositoryRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Runtime services for the console.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ConsoleRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Is the console enabled?

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Gets the URL for the console's home page

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This MBean provides deployment operations.

A DeploymentManager object is a stateless interface into the WebLogic Server deployment framework. It currently provides access to the AppDeploymentRuntimeMBeans that allow the user to start and stop deployments. In the future, this MBean may be enhanced with operations to support deployment applications to the domain, as well as extended WebLogic Server deployment features, such as production redeployment and partial deployment of modules in an enterprise application.

This MBean emits notifications when an application is created or removed and when the application state changes. The notification types are:

  • appdeployment.created

  • appdeployment.deleted

  • appdeployment.state.new

  • appdeployment.state.prepared

  • appdeployment.state.admin

  • appdeployment.state.active

  • appdeployment.state.retired

  • appdeployment.state.failed

  • appdeployment.state.update.pending

  • appdeployment.state.unknown

The userdata is the object name of the application.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.DeploymentManagerMBean entity are as follows:


The maximum number of progress objects allowed.

Type: int

Constraints: Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This MBean is the user API for monitoring deployment operations and exists only on an Administration Server. Currently only start and stop operations initiated by AppDeploymentRuntimeMBean are supported.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.DeploymentProgressObjectMBean entity are as follows:


The name of the application for the current deployment operation.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


Provides an ordered array of status messages generated for the current deployment operation.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The targets on which the current deployment operation failed.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The unique ID for the current deployment operation.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The deployment operation type for the current deployment operation. Possible values are 1 (start) and 2 (stop).

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has succeeded, failed, or is in progress.

Type: string


If the current deployment operation has failed, this method may return zero or more exception(s) which represent the root cause of the failure. The array will not contain WLS exception classes; instead they will be new Exceptions containing the stack traces and messages from the original WLS Exceptions.

Type: array of java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time that the current deployment operation began. The value is in milliseconds consistent with the system time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The state of the current deployment operation. Possible values are STATE_INITIALIZED, STATE_RUNNING, STATE_COMPLETED, STATE_FAILED and STATE_DEFERRED.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The targets specified for the current deployment operation.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for domain level partition handling.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.DomainPartitionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns partition ID value for corresponding partition.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic domain. A domain may contain zero or more clusters. A cluster may be looked up by a logical name.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.DomainRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The time when the domain became active.

Type: java.util.Date

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the domain partition runtime MBean for the "current" partition

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.DomainPartitionRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.EditSessionConfigurationManagerMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.EditSessionConfigurationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The original creator of the edit session.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current editor of the edit session. The editor owns the lock.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The description of the edit session configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the edit session configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The JNDI name of the related EditSessionServer

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns true if another edit session activates its changes after the last activation of this edit session or after its creation but before this edit session was ever activated.

It indicates that this edit session configuration is probably not the actual runtime configuration. Use the resolve method to merge changes to this configuration.

If this edit session configuration was also modified then there can be conflicts between this session and the runtime configuration. Use the resolve method to remove possible inconsistencies.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The partition name to which this edit session belongs.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ElasticServiceManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This MBean provides deployment operations for a library..

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.LibDeploymentRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The library's implementation version, null if none is set

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The library's identifier.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The library's name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the partition the library is in.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The library's specification version, null if none is set

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface defines the control operations for a log in the WebLogic Server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.LogRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Gets the opened state of the log file stream represented by this instance.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface contains controls to suspend and resume the MDBs. This RuntimeMBean is deployed only on the AdminServer.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MessageDrivenControlEJBRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring the Migratable Service Coordinator.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Runtime information about one past or ongoing migration.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MigrationDataRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Name of the server that acted as the cluster master for this migration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the server that acted as the cluster master for this migration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Machine from which the server was migrated from

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Machine to which the server was migrated to or is in the process of being migrated to.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get all the machines attempted for migration.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


End time of migration

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Start time of migration

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the server migrated

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the server migrated

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides methods for retrieving runtime information about a server instance and for transitioning a server from one state to another.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.NodeManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides methods that transition partitions from one state to another. This class is instantiated once for each partition but only on the Administration Server. Even so, you can use a partition's instance to change the state of the partition on Managed Servers as well as on the Administration Server.

Detecting when Operations Complete

Methods representing operations on partitions return a PartitionLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean object. The caller should monitor the returned instance, invoking its PartitionLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean#isRunning() method to detect when the operation has completed. In particular, the caller should not rely on the value returned from getState() to indicate when an operation on a partition that is targeted to multiple servers has finished. That value will be accurate as described in detail on getState() but can change before the operation has finished.

Desired States

The system tracks the desired state for each partition, which defaults to the state SHUTDOWN and substate HALTED. Whenever a lifecycle operation method is called the system not only performs the requested action on the partition but also records the resulting state as the new desired state for the partition.

The system uses the desired state for a partition to bring the partition to the correct state during server restart. It can also be used when the getState() method computes the overall state for the partition.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PartitionLifeCycleRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current overall state of the partition.

The value returned is the highest state for the partition on all servers where it is targeted. As a result, the overall partition state can change (for example, to RUNNING) as soon as the operation (such as start) has finished on one server, even while the operation is still in progress elsewhere.

If the partition is not currently targeted to any running server then its reported state is the desired state indicated by the most recent partition life cycle operation on the partition.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current substate of the partition. It is mostly useful for knowing whether the partition is completely shutdown and the administrative resource groups are not running, in which case this method returns HALTED, or if the partition is in the SHUTDOWN.BOOTED state and the administrative resource groups are running, in which case this method returns BOOTED

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Exposes information about a long-running task related to the partition life cycle.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PartitionLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the name of the current operation.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the name of the partition being operated on.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the name of the server on which operation happens.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for partition user file system handling.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PartitionUserFileSystemManagerMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides methods that transition resource groups from one state to another. This class is instantiated once for each resource group but only on the Administration Server. Even so, you can use a resource group's instance to change the state of the resource group on Managed Servers as well as on the Administration Server.

Detecting when Operations Complete

Methods representing operations on resource groups return a ResourceGroupLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean object. The caller should monitor the returned instance, invoking its ResourceGroupLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean#isRunning() method to detect when the operation has completed. In particular, the caller should not rely on the value returned from getState() to indicate when an operation on a resource group that is targeted to multiple servers has finished. That value will be accurate as described in detail on getState() but can change before the operation has finished.

Desired States

The system tracks the desired state for each resource group, which defaults to the state RUNNING. Whenever a lifecycle operation method is called the system not only performs the requested action on the resource group but also records the resulting state as the new desired state for the resource group.

The system uses the desired state for a resource group to bring the resource group to the correct state during server and partition start-up. The desired can also be used when the getState() method computes the overall state for the resource group.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ResourceGroupLifeCycleRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current overall state of the resource group.

The value returned is the highest state for the resource group on all servers where it is targeted. As a result, the overall resource group state can change (for example, to RUNNING) as soon as the operation (such as start) has finished on one server, even while the operation is still in progress elsewhere.

If the resource group is not currently targeted to any running server then its reported state is the desired state indicated by the most recent resource group life cycle operation on the resource group.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ResourceGroupLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the name of the current operation.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the name of the resource group being operated on.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the name of the server on which operation happens.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.RolloutServiceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Runtime information for an SNMP agent that is running in the current WebLogic Server domain.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.SNMPAgentRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Gets the name of the SNMPAgent MBean configuration that is currently active. Returns null if no SNMPAgent configuration is currently active on this Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The UDP port on which this SNMP agent is listening for incoming requests from SNMP managers.

SNMP agents can also communicate through the host server's TCP listen port (7001 by default) or through a TCP port that is configured by a custom network channel.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of attribute change notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of counter monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests that this agent has rejected because of incorrect user credentials.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests that this agent has rejected because an authenticated user does not have sufficient privileges to view the requested information. You use the WebLogic Server security realm to assign privileges to users.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests that this agent has rejected because of incorrect privacy (encryption) credentials

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of gauge monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of log message notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The port that this SNMP agent uses to communicate with subagents.

The agent uses subagents to provide access to custom MBeans (MBeans that you create and register) and to other Oracle software components. WebLogic Server SNMP agents do not enable users to register their own subagents.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of all notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this SNMP agent is running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of serverStart notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of serverShutdown notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of string monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ScalingTaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: java.util.Properties

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides methods that transition servers from one state to another. This class is instantiated only on the Administration Server, but you can use it to transition the states of Managed Servers as well as Administration Servers.

You cannot use it to start an Administration Server, and if you want to use it to start Managed Servers, you must first set up a Node Manager on each Managed Server's host machine.

If you want to use the methods that transition a server into the ADMIN state, you must first set up an administration channel for that server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ServerLifeCycleRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The Oracle Middleware installation directory.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of times the server has been restarted using the NodeManager since creation. The first start does not count. The count is valid only if the NodeManager is used to start and restart the server everytime.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current state of the server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The directory where the WebLogic Server instance (server) is installed, without the trailing "/server".

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Exposes monitoring information about a server's lifecycle. Remote clients as well as clients running within a server can access this information.

An operation (task) to change a server's state will fork a separate thread to perform the actual work and immediately return an instance of this MBean to the caller. The caller can then use this MBean to track the task's progress as desired.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ServerLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Gets the name of the method that was invoked on the ServerLifeCycleRuntime to initiate this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides methods for retrieving runtime information about a server instance and for transitioning a server from one state to another.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ServerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Indicates whether the default SSL listen port is enabled on the server

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The time when the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the server is an Administration Server.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The address on which the Administration Server is listening for connections. For example, this might return the string: santiago

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The port on which the Administration Server is listening for connections.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the port that the server uses for administrative traffic is configured to use a secure protocol.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the administration port is enabled on the server

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The URL that the server and its clients use for administrative connections.

If no administration channel is enabled, then this method returns the URL for connections through the default channel. If the default channel is de-activated, this method returns the URL for a secure channel. If no secure channel is enabled, the method returns null.

The returned URL will be consistent with dynamic channel updates.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The absolute path of the directory from which the server was started.

This may be used in conjunction with other relative paths in ServerMBean to compute full paths.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the machine on which the server is running. This will be different from the configuration if the server gets migrated automatically.

Type: string

Constraints: Restart Required


The URL that clients use to connect to this server's default network channel.

The returned value indicates the default protocol, listen address and listen port:


Note: The default protocol, listen address and listen port are persisted in the domain's config.xml file, however when a server instance is started, command-line options can override these persisted values. This getDefaultURL method returns the URL values that are currently being used, not necessarily the values that are specified in config.xml

The returned URL will be consistent with dynamic channel updates.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The health state of the server as reported by the server's self-health monitoring.

For example, the server can report if it is overloaded by too many requests, if it needs more memory resources, or if it will soon fail for other reasons.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the default listen port is enabled on the server.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Oracle Middleware installation directory.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of sockets registered for socket muxing on this server.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Determine the overall health state of this server, taking into account the health of each of its subsystems.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the server must be restarted in order to activate configuration changes.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the classpath for this server including domain/lib contents that are automatically picked up and appended to the classpath.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current life cycle state of this server.

For example, a server can be in a RUNNING state in which it can receive and process requests or in an ADMIN state in which it can receive only administrative requests.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns current state of the server as in integer. weblogic.management.runtime.ServerStates has more information about the available server states

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The directory where the WebLogic Server instance (server) is installed, without the trailing "/server".

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The version of this WebLogic Server instance (server).

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Runtime information about one past or ongoing migration.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ServiceMigrationDataRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Name of the cluster

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the server that acted as the coordinator for this migration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get all the destinations attempted for migration.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Where this object was migrated from

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Where this object was migrated to

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


End time of migration

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Start time of migration

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the object migrated

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Status of the migration (SUCCESSFUL, IN_PROGRESS, or FAILED)

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides methods that transition system component from one state to another. This class is instantiated only on the Administration Server, but you can use it to transition the states of all managed system component servers.

To start system components, you must first configure a Node Manager on each component's host machine.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.SystemComponentLifeCycleRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of times the server has been restarted using the Node Manager since its creation. The first start does not count. The count is valid only if the Node Manager is used to start and restart the server every time.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current state of the server.

Server states are described in "Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server."

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Exposes monitoring information about a system component's life cycle.

An operation (task) to change a system component's state will fork a separate thread to perform the actual work and immediately return an instance of this MBean to the caller. The caller can then use this MBean to track the task's progress as desired.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.SystemComponentLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Gets the name of the method that was invoked on the ServerLifeCycleRuntime to initiate this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Exposes monitoring information about an ongoing and potentially long-running administrative process. This should be taken to mean, at minimum, any OA&M operation involving I/O. Examples include starting and stopping servers, deploying and undeploying applications, or migrating services.

An MBean operation of this sort should fork a separate thread to perform the actual work and immediately return an instance of TaskRuntimeMBean to the caller. The caller can then use this to track the task's progress as desired. Users can also query for all instances of TaskRuntimeMBean to get a summary of both currently-running and recently-completed tasks.

Instance of TaskRuntimeMBean continue to exist in the MBeanServer after the completion of the work they describe. They will eventually either be explicitly deregistered by the user, or removed by a scavenger process which periodically purges instances of TaskRuntimeMBean that have been completed for some time.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


TaskRuntimeMBean for any workflow (WorkflowProgress) executed using management orchestration framework.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WorkflowTaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


Lists all errors in the workflow.

Type: array of java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of completed commands in the workflow. Together with {@code getNumTotalCommands()} defines kind of progress information.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of all commands in the workflow. Together with {@code getNumCompletedCommands()} defines kind of progress information.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Human-readable message containing information about the current workflow progress.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides step by step information (log) about the progress of the workflow.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Each workflow has a unique id.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


User defined name of this workflow.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the target that was specified when the workflow was created. It will typically be either the name of the domain, of one or more clusters, or one or more servers.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns a string that can be used to identify the different types of workflows.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseePolicySubjectManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required