Retrieve an Alert



Retrieves the Alert details based on alert name.


There are no request parameters for this operation.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml
200 Response
Root Schema : /paths/~1projects~1{projectname}~1queries~1businessqueries~1alerts~1{alertname}/get/responses/200/schema
Example application/json

            "oContinuousQueryString":"CREATE SCHEDULED QUERY BAMFramework.ASN_KPI_SLAViolation_Email_Alerting_HIGHAlert_ScheduledQuery AS \"SELECT SUMSLAViolationForKPI AS KPI_MEASURE, 10 AS KPI_THRESHOLD, 'ASN_KPI_SLAViolation_Email_Alerting' AS KPI_NAME, '/project/BAMFramework/kpi/ASN_KPI_SLAViolation_Email_Alerting' AS KPI_ID, 'HIGH' AS KPI_RISK_STATUS, CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS TIMESTAMP) AS KPI_TIMESTAMP FROM ( SELECT SUM(CASE  WHEN ( (((CAST(DeliveredTimestamp AS DATE) - CAST(ReceivedTimestamp AS DATE)) * 24 * 60 * 60) >300 ) ) THEN (1) ELSE (0) END) AS SUMSLAViolationForKPI  FROM BEAM_VIEW_68 WHERE  ( (DeliveredTimestamp IS NOT NULL )  AND  ((((CAST(LOCALTIMESTAMP AS DATE) - CAST(DATAOBJECT_CREATED AS DATE)) * 24 * 60 * 60) /60)<60 ) )  HAVING  (SUM(CASE  WHEN ( (((CAST(DeliveredTimestamp AS DATE) - CAST(ReceivedTimestamp AS DATE)) * 24 * 60 * 60) >300 ) ) THEN (1) ELSE (0) END)>(10.0+10) )  ) S1\" REFRESH ON \"2015/03/12 02:37:00 PM -0700\" EVERY  1 DAY START IMMEDIATE  destination \"jms:queue/oracle.beam.cqservice.mdbs.alertengine:queuecf/oracle.beam.cqservice.mdbs.alertengine?batch=true\"",
        "strAlertXml":"            KPI      CQL      BAMFramework.ASN_KPI_SLAViolation_Email_Alerting_HIGHAlert_ScheduledQuery      300 ) ) THEN (1) ELSE (0) END) AS SUMSLAViolationForKPI  FROM BEAM_VIEW_68 WHERE  ( (DeliveredTimestamp IS NOT NULL )  AND  ((((CAST(LOCALTIMESTAMP AS DATE) - CAST(DATAOBJECT_CREATED AS DATE)) * 24 * 60 * 60) /60)<60 ) )  HAVING  (SUM(CASE  WHEN ( (((CAST(DeliveredTimestamp AS DATE) - CAST(ReceivedTimestamp AS DATE)) * 24 * 60 * 60) >300 ) ) THEN (1) ELSE (0) END)>(10.0+10) )  ) S1\" REFRESH ON \"2015/03/12 02:37:00 PM -0700\" EVERY  1 DAY START IMMEDIATE  destination \"jms:queue/oracle.beam.cqservice.mdbs.alertengine:queuecf/oracle.beam.cqservice.mdbs.alertengine?batch=true\"]]>      /project/BAMFramework/kpi/ASN_KPI_SLAViolation_Email_Alerting      HIGH                          notify      Send,      SMTP                ",
                                "strMessageText":"BAM Alert-Common Audit SLA violation count exceeds 20. Appropriate action should be taken.\n\nRegards\nBAMAdmin\n",
                                "strMessageSubject":"DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT-BAM Alert  : CommonAudit SLA Violation [Date/Time Sent] ",
                                        "strValue":"DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT-BAM Alert  : CommonAudit SLA Violation ",
                                        "strValue":"Date/Time Sent",
                                        "strValue":"BAM Alert-Common Audit SLA violation count exceeds 20. Appropriate action should be taken.\n\nRegards\nBAMAdmin\n",
        "description":"HIGH alert for KPI ASN_KPI_SLAViolation_Email_Alerting"