About Working with Parent-Child Settings in the Logical Table Source

Learn about when a logical table is part of a dimension with a parent-child hierarchy that is based on relational tables.

When this is the case, the logical table includes both a physical source and a source for the parent-child relationship table required for the parent-child hierarchy. Parent-child relationship tables explicitly define the inter-member relationships for parent-child hierarchies.

Typically, logical table sources for parent-child relationship tables are created automatically when you run the scripts created by the Generate Parent-Child Table Wizard. You access this wizard from the Parent-Child Table Settings dialog, available in the dimension object.

The Generate Parent-Child Table Wizard feature is not available from the Logical Table Source dialog. You must go to the dimension object to create scripts to generate the parent-child relationship table.

You can view details for the parent-child relationship table source in the Parent-Child Settings tab of the Logical Table Source dialog. The following information appears in the tab:

  • Parent-Child Table: Shows the name of the parent-child relationship table on which this source is based.

  • Member Key: The name of the column in the parent-child relationship table that identifies the member.

  • Parent Key: The name of the column in the parent-child relationship table that identifies an ancestor of the member.

  • Relationship Distance: The name of the column in the parent-child relationship table that specifies the number of parent-child hierarchical levels from the member to the ancestor.

  • Leaf Node Identifier: The name of the column in the parent-child relationship table that indicates if the member is a leaf member (1=Yes, 0=No).

See Creating Dimensions with Parent-Child Hierarchies.