D BI-Specific WLST Command Reference

This appendix lists BI-specific WLST commands.

For information about WLST, see Using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

The following commands manage BI components. All component commands take a DOMAIN_HOME a machine name and an optional port specification

Command Description

createOBICCSComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None, portMonitor=None)

This command creates a new cluster component.

createOBISCHComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None, portMonitor=None,portScript=None)

This command creates a new scheduler component.

createOBIPSComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None)

This command creates a new BI Presentation Server component.

createOBIJHComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None)

This command creates a new JavaHost component


This command returns a list of all the system components in the domain.

getBISystemComponents(domainHome, instanceId)

This command displays details of system component with specified instanceID.

deleteBISystemComponent(domainHome, instanceId)

This command deletes a system component with specified instanceID.

The following commands manage the domain service instance.

Command Description


This command lists all Service Instance keys in the BI domain.


This command gets service instance details for a given service instance key.


This command scales-out the Service Instance(s) onto the new computer, ensuring that the service instance is available on the specified computer within the BI domain. This command is only used in advanced cases.


This command exports a service instance to a given export directory in the form of BAR file.


This command imports an already exported bar (service instance) as a customization to a given environment.


This command refreshes certain aspects of a service instance service Key that are inherited from the BI domain. For example, if a new product is added to the BI domain (for example, Calculation Manager template is deployed post domain creation), the permission sets for that product will only be made available to the service instance when the service instance is refreshed.


This command refreshes all the service instances of the domain. The equivalent to calling refreshServiceInstance on each service instance.


This command resets the given service instance to empty state equivalent to importing the empty BAR file.

The sync_midtier_db command synchronizes connection details with the mid-tier database.

Command Description


This command synchronizes connection details to the mid-tier database ensuring that BI components can access the mid-tier database when connection details (including credentials) are changed.

Location of command:


Supported mid-tier database types are DB2, SQLServer, MSSQL, and Oracle.

On UNIX this must be performed on the master host.

On Windows this must be performed on every host.

Supported mid-tier datasources must be created by RCU, and management is limited to the following component id:

BIPLATFORM — There is no validation, you must validate connectivity after updating Datasource connection pools in Weblogic Admin console or WLST before synchronizing.

To Synchronize mid-tier database connection details:

1. Execute synchronisation script:


2. Script displays Datasources that were updated.

3. Re-start Managed Server and BI System Components.

For example, in DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/ enter:


The commands for cloning and deleting a Oracle BI EE machine are:

  • cloneBIMachine(domainHome, listenAddress,baseMachine=None, baseServer='bi_server1', machineName=None)

  • deleteBIMachine(domainHome, machine)