Changing Essbase Ports in Oracle Business Intelligence

Essbase Agent runs on two types of ports. Since Agent runs on BI Managed WebLogic Server, it has an HTTP Port that it listens to.

Since this port is common to all the applications hosted on the BI Managed server, this section covers the changing of Essbase specific ports.

By default, Essbase Agent is always designed to run on 9799 port. To change this port, edit the "Essbase" port="" setting in biee-domain.xml.

The Essbase Server uses a port range and by default it uses the available ports. To explicitly specify a server port range, define SERVERPORTBEGIN and SERVERPORTEND settings in essbase.cfg.

Use these steps to update the Essbase Agent port number or Essbase server port range.
  1. To update the Essbase Agent port number.
    1. Open biee-domain.xml for editing in:.
    2. Locate and update the "Essbase" port="" setting.

      For example:

      <BIComponent id="essbaseserver1" componentType="Essbase" port="9798" clusterStyle="SELF_MANAGED"/>

    3. Save the biee-domail.xml file.
    4. Restart the Essbase server.
  2. To update the Essbase server port range.
    1. Open the essbase.cfg file for editing in:
    2. Add SERVERPORTBEGIN and SERVERPORTEND entries to suit your environment.

      For example:



    3. Save the essbase.cfg file.
    4. Restart the BI Managed server.


      If you are performing this step after a scaleout, make sure to edit the corresponding essbase.cfg on all other nodes, to have the same entries as primary and restart the BI Cluster (all the managed servers of bi_cluster).