Configuring MapViewer to Support Map Views

Oracle Fusion Middleware MapViewer is installed as part of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and deployed in the same domain as Oracle BI EE on the web application server.

The default context path of MapViewer in the application server is /mapviewer. You must use the administration console in MapViewer to configure it for use with map views. See Configuring MapViewer in User's Guide for Oracle MapViewer.

You can configure a separate remote instance just for MapViewer to act as a proxy that supports the heavy processing load that maps require. If performance is not a major concern, then you can use a MapViewer instance that is co-located with Oracle BI EE as the rendering engine.

The MapViewer engine can serve in the following roles:

  • Co-located MapViewer — Also known as nonproxy mode. If the MapViewer is located in the same domain as Oracle BI EE and used as the rendering engine, then all map resources (such as JavaScript files and images) are downloaded from that instance of MapViewer.

  • Remote MapViewer — Also known as proxy mode. If a separate remote instance of MapViewer is configured as the rendering engine, then the browser cannot communicate with the remote instance for resources. Browsers do not permit cross-domain AJAX calls for security reasons. To overcome this limitation, all requests are first forwarded to the co-located MapViewer, which in turn communicates with the actual remote instance.

    Complete the following steps to configure for a remote MapViewer:

    • Edit the RemoteOracleMapViewerAbsoluteURL element in the instanceconfig.xml file, as described in Manually Configuring for Map Views.

    • Edit the proxy_enabled_hosts element in the mapViewerConfig.xml configuration file for MapViewer to point to the MapViewer on the remote server, as shown in the following example:


      The mapViewerConfig.xml file is located in the following directory:



    If you edit the mapViewerConfig.xml file, then your edits are overwritten when you upgrade or patch Oracle Business Intelligence. Before upgrading or patching, ensure that you make a backup copy of the mapViewerConfig.xml file. When the upgrade or patch operation is complete, copy the backed-up file to its original location. After copying the file, restart the server for MapViewer so that map views are displayed properly in analyses and dashboards in Oracle Business Intelligence.

The figure below shows the preferred architecture for map views, which provides better performance through a proxy than the default architecture that is shown in the table below. You can store the data either in an Oracle Database or in other databases that Oracle BI EE supports.