This image shows the Find content or visualize field, into which the user has typed “sales.” The drop down window shows the results for both the search and for BI Ask. The section that contains the search results displays in the top part of the drop down window and contains a row showing the word “sales” in bold font (the word that the search matched to the user’s input), and before the word “sales” is a gray magnifying glass icon indicating that the row is showing search results.

The section that contains the BI Ask results displays in the bottom part of the drop down window and contains two rows, showing that the search matched the user’s input to the data sources containing a row names Sales. The first row contains the word Sales in bold font and below it in a smaller, non-bold font is Sample Order Lines, which is the name of the data source that includes a Sales column. The second row also contains the word Sales in bold font and below it in a smaller, non-bold font is Output test, which is the name of the data source that includes a Sales column. Before both of these rows is an orange hash icon indicating that each row contains a column with the number data type.