Building Expression Filters

Expression filters enable you to define more complex filters using SQL expressions. Expression filters can reference zero or more data elements.

For example, you can create the expression filter "Sample Sales"."Base Facts"."Revenue" < "Sample Sales"."Base Facts"."Target Revenue". After applying the filter, you only see the items that did not achieve their target revenue.

You build expressions using the Expression Builder. You can drag and drop data elements to the Expression Builder and then choose operators to apply. Expressions are validated for you before you apply them.

To build an expression filter:

  1. On the filter bar, click Action and then select Add Expression Filter.
  2. In the Expression Filter panel, compose an expression. For more information, see About Composing Expressions.
  3. In the Label field, give the expression a name.
  4. Click Validate to check if the syntax is correct.
  5. When the expression filter is valid, then click Apply. The expression is applied to the visualizations on the canvas.