Setting Properties for PDF Output

The Report Properties page includes a set of properties specific to rendering Flash templates.

These properties enable you to specify the size and placement of the Flash object when you select PDF as the output type.


To produce PDF output, you must specify the height and width of the template in the Flex Builder. See Creating the Layout.

To set properties for the PDF output:

  1. Navigate to the report in the catalog. Click Edit to launch the Report Editor.
  2. In the Report Editor, click Properties to open the Report Properties dialog.
  3. Click the Formatting tab and scroll down to the set of properties under the Flash heading.

    The following illustration shows the Flash heading in the Formatting tab.

  4. Enter values for the properties. Note that no properties are required. If you do not enter any values, the default values assume an 11 inch by 8.5 inch document (standard landscape), with a quarter inch inset from the upper left corner of the page as the insertion point of the Flash object. The default area in the document is the size of the SWF object.
    • Page width of wrapper document - specify in points the width of the output PDF document. The default is 792, or 11 inches.

    • Page height of wrapper document - specify in points the height of the output PDF document. The default is 612, or 8.5 inches.

    • Start x position of Flash area in PDF - using the left edge of the document as the 0 axis point, specify in points the beginning horizontal position of the Flash object in the PDF document. The default is 18, or .25 inch.

    • Start y position of Flash area in PDF - using the upper left corner of the document as the 0 axis point, specify in points the beginning vertical position of the Flash object in the PDF document. The default is 18, or .25 inch.

    • Width of Flash area - enter in points the width of the area in the document for the Flash object to occupy. The default is the width of the SWF object.

    • Height of Flash area - enter in points the height of the area in the document for the Flash object to occupy. The default is the height of the SWF object.