Send Requests

Use the following guidelines when sending requests using the Oracle Business Process Management REST API.

URL Structure

Access the Oracle Business Process Management REST resources using the following URL structure:
  • - Host where Oracle Business Process Management is running.

    You use the same host to access the Oracle Business Process Management REST API as you do to access Oracle Business Process Management itself.

    All the examples in this document use as the host for brevity.

  • /bpm/api/3.0/ - Fixed prefix for Oracle Business Process Management REST resources. For a complete list of resources, see REST Endpoints.

Request Data Format

Request body parameters have the following format:

{ "name1":"value1", "name2":"value2", "name3":"value3" }

If a parameter has subparameters, these are enclosed in square brackets:

{ "name1":[{"subname1":"subvalue1"},{"subname2":"subvalue2"}] }

For example, here is the request body parameter description for the Create a To-Do Task operation:

Body parameters are dueDate, priority, startDate, title, assignees. Parameters of assignees are id and type.

Here is an example of request data for the Create a To-Do Task operation:

    "dueDate":"2015-07-26 11:58:59",
    "startDate":"2015-05-26 11:58:59",

Common Query Parameters

Use the query parameters listed in the following table with GET operations that retrieve lists.

Name Description
Maximum number of list items per page, between 1 and 100, default 25. For example, this sets the items per page to 15:
Index for the first item on a page of list items, default 1. For example, if the items per page is 15, this starts on the second page:

Supported Methods

You can perform basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) on Oracle Business Process Management resources using standard HTTP method requests, as summarized in the following table.

HTTP Method Description
GET Retrieve information about a resource.
POST Create a resource.
PUT Update a resource.
DELETE Delete a resource.

Media Types

The only media type supported by the Oracle Business Process Management REST API is application/json.

Supported Headers

The Oracle Business Process Management REST API supports the following headers that may be passed in the header section of the HTTP request or response.

Header Description Example
Content-Type Media type of the body of the request. Required for POST requests. Content-Type: application/json
Accept Media type of the body of the response. Accept: application/json