Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (



00001 /*
00002 * DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00019 #include "coherence/lang.ns"
00021 #include "coherence/net/ConfigurableCacheFactory.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/net/OperationalContext.hpp"
00023 #include "coherence/net/cache/AbstractBundler.hpp"
00024 #include "coherence/net/cache/BundlingNamedCache.hpp"
00025 #include "coherence/net/cache/CacheLoader.hpp"
00026 #include "coherence/net/cache/CacheMap.hpp"
00028 #include "coherence/run/xml/XmlDocument.hpp"
00029 #include "coherence/run/xml/XmlElement.hpp"
00030 #include "coherence/run/xml/XmlValue.hpp"
00032 #include "coherence/util/Map.hpp"
00033 #include "coherence/util/MapListener.hpp"
00035 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE2(coherence,net)
00037 using coherence::net::cache::AbstractBundler;
00038 using coherence::net::cache::BundlingNamedCache;
00039 using coherence::net::cache::CacheLoader;
00040 using coherence::net::cache::CacheMap;
00041 using coherence::run::xml::XmlDocument;
00042 using coherence::run::xml::XmlElement;
00043 using coherence::run::xml::XmlValue;
00044 using coherence::util::Map;
00045 using coherence::util::MapListener;
00048 /**
00049 * DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory provides a facility to access caches
00050 * declared in a "cache-config.dtd" compliant configuration file.
00051 *
00052 * This class is designed to be easily extendable with a collection of factory
00053 * methods allowing subclasses to customize it by overriding any subset of
00054 * %cache instantiation routines or even allowing addition of custom schemes.
00055 *
00056 * There are various ways of using this factory:
00057 * <pre>
00058 *   ConfigurableCacheFactory::Handle factory =
00059 *       DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory::create(sPath);
00060 *   ...
00061 *   NamedCache::Handle cacheOne = factory->ensureCache("one");
00062 *   NamedCache::Handle cacheTwo = factory->ensureCache("two");
00063 * </pre>
00064 * This approach allows an easy customization by extending the
00065 * DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory and changing the instantiation line:
00066 * <pre>
00067 *   ConfigurableCacheFactory::Handle factory =
00068 *       CustomConfigurableCacheFactory::create();
00069 *   ...
00070 * </pre>
00071 *
00072 * Another option is using the static version of the "ensureCache" call:
00073 * <pre>
00074 *   NamedCache cacheOne = CacheFactory::getCache("one");
00075 *   NamedCache cacheTwo = CacheFactory::getCache("two");
00076 * </pre>
00077 * which uses an instance of ConfigurableCacheFactory obtained by
00078 * {@link CacheFactory#getConfigurableCacheFactory()}.
00079 *
00080 * @see CacheFactory#getCache(String::View)
00081 *
00082 * @author mf  2008.04.08
00083 */
00084 class COH_EXPORT DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory
00085     : public class_spec<DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory,
00086         extends<Object>,
00087         implements<ConfigurableCacheFactory> >
00088     {
00089     friend class factory<DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory>;
00091     // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
00093     protected:
00094         /**
00095         * Create a new %cache factory.
00096         *
00097         * @param vsFile  the name of the configuration file to load relative
00098         *                to the current working directory, or NULL for an
00099         *                unconfigured CacheFactory
00100         */
00101         DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(String::View vsFile = String::null_string);
00104     // ----- typedef: SchemeType --------------------------------------------
00106     public:
00107         /**
00108         * Scheme types.
00109         */
00110         typedef enum
00111             {
00112             scheme_local,
00113             scheme_class,
00114             scheme_near,
00115             scheme_remote_cache,
00116             scheme_remote_invocation,
00117             scheme_unknown
00118             } SchemeType;
00121     // ----- nested class: CacheInfo ----------------------------------------
00123     public:
00124         /**
00125         * CacheInfo is a placeholder for cache attributes retrieved during
00126         * parsing the corresponding cache mapping element.
00127         */
00128         class CacheInfo
00129             : public class_spec<CacheInfo>
00130             {
00131             friend class factory<CacheInfo>;
00133             // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------
00135             protected:
00136                 /**
00137                 * Create a new CacheInfo.
00138                 *
00139                 * @param vsCacheName    the cache name
00140                 * @param vsSchemeName   the corresponding scheme name
00141                 * @param vMapAttribute  the corresponding map of attributes
00142                 */
00143                 CacheInfo(String::View vsCacheName, String::View vsSchemeName,
00144                         Map::View vMapAttribute);
00146             // ----- accessors ------------------------------------------
00148             public:
00149                 /**
00150                 * Obtain the cache name.
00151                 *
00152                 * @return the cache name
00153                 */
00154                 virtual String::View getCacheName() const;
00156                 /**
00157                 * Obtain the scheme name.
00158                 *
00159                 * @return the scheme name
00160                 */
00161                 virtual String::View getSchemeName() const;
00163                 /**
00164                 * Obtain the attribute map.
00165                 *
00166                 * @return the attribute map
00167                 */
00168                 virtual Map::View getAttributes() const;
00170             // ----- helpers --------------------------------------------
00172             public:
00173                 /**
00174                 * Find and replace the attributes names in "{}" format with
00175                 * the corresponding values for this cache info.
00176                 *
00177                 * Note: the content of the specified XmlElement could be
00178                 * modified, so the caller is supposed to clone the passed in
00179                 * XML if necessary.
00180                 *
00181                 * @param hXml  the XmlElement to replace "{}" attributes at
00182                 */
00183                 virtual void replaceAttributes(XmlElement::Handle hXml) const;
00185                 /**
00186                 * Generate a synthetic CacheInfo for a cache that has a name
00187                 * suffixed with the specified string.
00188                 *
00189                 * @param vsSuffix  the cache name suffix
00190                 *
00191                 * @return the "cloned" synthetic CacheInfo
00192                 */
00193                 virtual CacheInfo::Handle getSyntheticInfo(String::View vsSuffix) const;
00196             // ----- data fields ----------------------------------------
00198             protected:
00199                 /**
00200                 * The cache name.
00201                 */
00202                 FinalView<String> f_vsCacheName;
00204                 /**
00205                 * The corresponding scheme name.
00206                 */
00207                 FinalView<String> f_vsSchemeName;
00209                 /**
00210                 * Map of scheme attributes.
00211                 */
00212                 FinalView<Map> f_vMapAttribute;
00213             };
00216     // ----- DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory interface ----------------------
00218     public:
00219         /**
00220         * In the configuration XML find a "cache-mapping" element associated with a
00221         * given cache name.
00222         *
00223         * @param vsCacheName  the value of the "cache-name" element to look for
00224         *
00225         * @return a CacheInfo object associated with a given cache name
00226         */
00227         virtual CacheInfo::View findSchemeMapping(String::View vsCacheName);
00229         /**
00230         * In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a
00231         * given cache and resolve it (recursively) using the "scheme-ref"
00232         * elements. The returned XML is always a clone of the actual configuration
00233         * and could be safely modified.
00234         *
00235         * @param vInfo  the cache info
00236         *
00237         * @return a resolved "scheme" element associated with a given cache
00238         */
00239         virtual XmlElement::View resolveScheme(CacheInfo::View vInfo);
00241         /**
00242         * Translate the scheme name into the scheme type. Valid scheme types are
00243         * any of the SCHEME_* constants.
00244         *
00245         * @param vsScheme  the scheme name
00246         *
00247         * @return the scheme type
00248         */
00249         virtual SchemeType translateSchemeType(String::View vsScheme);
00251         /**
00252         * Create an Object using "class-scheme" element.
00253         *
00254         * @param vInfo       the cache info
00255         * @param vXmlScheme  "class-scheme" element.
00256         *
00257         * @return a newly instantiated Object
00258         */
00259         virtual Object::Handle instantiateAny(CacheInfo::View vInfo,
00260                 XmlElement::View vXmlScheme);
00263     protected:
00264         /**
00265         * Resolve the specified "XYZ-scheme" by retrieving the base element
00266         * refered to by the "scheme-ref" element, resolving it recursively,
00267         * and combining it with the specified overrides and cache specific attributes.
00268         *
00269         * @param vXmlScheme  a scheme element to resolve
00270         * @param vInfo       the cache info (optional)
00271         * @param fChild      if true, the actual cache scheme is the only "xyz-scheme"
00272         *                    child of the specified xmlScheme element;
00273         *                    otherwise it's the xmlScheme element itself
00274         * @param fRequired  if true, the child scheme must be present; false otherwise
00275         *
00276         * @return a "scheme" element associated with a given cache name; NULL if
00277         *         the child is missing and is not required
00278         */
00279         virtual XmlElement::Handle resolveScheme(XmlElement::View vXmlScheme,
00280                 CacheInfo::View vInfo, bool fChild, bool fRequired);
00282         /**
00283         * In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a
00284         * given cache name.
00285         *
00286         * @param vsSchemeName  the value of the "cache-name" element to look for
00287         *
00288         * @return a "scheme" element associated with a given cache name
00289         */
00290         virtual XmlElement::Handle findScheme(String::View vsSchemeName);
00292         /**
00293         * In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a
00294         * given service name.
00295         *
00296         * @param vsServiceName  the value of the "service-name" element to look for
00297         *
00298         * @return a "scheme" element associated with a given service name
00299         */
00300         virtual XmlElement::Handle findServiceScheme(String::View vsServiceName);
00302         /**
00303         * Ensures a cache for given scheme.
00304         *
00305         * @param vInfo       the cache info
00306         * @param vXmlScheme  the corresponding scheme
00307         *
00308         * @return a named cache created according to the description
00309         *         in the configuration
00310         */
00311         virtual NamedCache::Handle configureCache(CacheInfo::View vInfo,
00312                 XmlElement::View vXmlScheme);
00314         /**
00315         * Release a cache managed by this factory, optionally destroying it.
00316         *
00317         * @param cache     the cache to release
00318         * @param fDestroy  true to destroy the cache as well
00319         */
00320         virtual void releaseCache(NamedCache::Handle hCache, bool fDestroy);
00322         /**
00323         * Ensure the service for the specified scheme.
00324         *
00325         * @param vXmlScheme  the scheme
00326         *
00327         * @return running Service corresponding to the scheme
00328         */
00329         virtual Service::Handle configureService(XmlElement::View vXmlScheme);
00331         /**
00332         * Configures a backing map according to the scheme.
00333         *
00334         * @param vInfo         the cache info
00335         * @param vXmlScheme    the scheme element for cache configuration
00336         *
00337         * @return a backing map configured according to the scheme
00338         */
00339         virtual CacheMap::Handle configureBackingMap(CacheInfo::View vInfo,
00340                 XmlElement::View vXmlScheme);
00342         /**
00343         * Instantiate a BundlingNamedCache based on the "operation-bundling" 
00344         * configuration.
00345         *
00346         * @param hCache        the wrapped cache
00347         * @param vXmlBundling  the "operation-bundling" element
00348         *
00349         * @return a newly instantiated BundlingNamedCache
00350         */
00351         virtual BundlingNamedCache::Handle instantiateBundlingNamedCache(
00352                 NamedCache::Handle hCache, XmlElement::View vXmlBundling);
00354         /**
00355         * Initialize the specified bundler using the "bundle-config" element.
00356         *
00357         * @param bundler    the bundler
00358         * @param xmlBundle  a "bundle-config" element
00359         */
00360         virtual void initializeBundler(AbstractBundler::Handle hBundler, XmlElement::View vXmlBundle);
00362         /**
00363         * Instantiate a custom (class-name) based cache based on the supplied
00364         * configuration and scheme.
00365         *
00366         * @param vInfo       the CacheInfo
00367         * @param vXmlScheme  the cache scheme
00368         *
00369         * @return a new NamedCache instance.
00370         */
00371         virtual NamedCache::Handle instantiateCustomCache(CacheInfo::View vInfo,
00372                 XmlElement::View vXmlScheme);
00374         /**
00375         * Instantiate a local cache based on the supplied configuration and
00376         * scheme.
00377         *
00378         * @param vInfo       the CacheInfo
00379         * @param vXmlScheme  the cache scheme
00380         *
00381         * @return a new NamedCache instance.
00382         */
00383         virtual NamedCache::Handle instantiateLocalCache(CacheInfo::View vInfo,
00384                 XmlElement::View vXmlScheme);
00386         /**
00387         * Create a MapListener using the using the "class-scheme" element.
00388         * If the value of any "param-value" element contains the literal
00389         * "{cache-name}", replace it with the actual cache name.
00390         *
00391         * @param vInfo      the cache info
00392         * @param vXmlClass  "class-scheme" element
00393         *
00394         * @return a newly instantiated MapListener
00395         *
00396         * @since Coherence 12.1.2
00397         */
00398         virtual MapListener::Handle instantiateMapListener(CacheInfo::View vInfo, 
00399                 XmlElement::View vXmlClass);
00401         /**
00402         * Instantiate a remote cache based on the supplied configuration and
00403         * scheme.
00404         *
00405         * @param vInfo       the CacheInfo
00406         * @param vXmlScheme  the cache scheme
00407         *
00408         * @return a new NamedCache instance.
00409         */
00410         virtual NamedCache::Handle ensureRemoteCache(CacheInfo::View vInfo,
00411                 XmlElement::View vXmlScheme);
00413         /**
00414         * Instantiate a near cache based on the supplied configuration and
00415         * scheme.
00416         *
00417         * @param vInfo       the CacheInfo
00418         * @param vXmlScheme  the cache scheme
00419         *
00420         * @return a new NamedCache instance.
00421         */
00422         virtual NamedCache::Handle ensureNearCache(CacheInfo::View vInfo,
00423                 XmlElement::View vXmlScheme);
00425         /**
00426         * Create a backing Map using the "class-scheme" element.
00427         * This method is a thin wrapper around instantiateAny.
00428         *
00429         * @param vInfo       the cache info
00430         * @param vXmlScheme  "class-scheme" element.
00431         *
00432         * @return a newly instantiated Map
00433         */
00434         virtual Map::Handle instantiateMap(CacheInfo::View vInfo,
00435                 XmlElement::View vXmlScheme);
00437         /**
00438         * Create a CacheLoader or CacheStore using the "cachestore-scheme" element.
00439         *
00440         * @param vInfo      the cache info
00441         * @param vXmlStore  "cachestore-scheme" element for the store or loader
00442         *
00443         * @return a newly instantiated CacheStore or CacheLoader
00444         */
00445         virtual CacheLoader::Handle instantiateCacheStore(CacheInfo::View vInfo,
00446                     XmlElement::View vXmlStore);
00448         /**
00449         * Convert the value in the specified {@link XmlValue} to an int.  If the
00450         * conversion fails, a warning will be logged.
00451         *
00452         * @param vXmlValue  the element expected to contain an int value
00453         *
00454         * @return the int value in the provided element, or 0 upon a
00455         *         conversion failure
00456         */
00457         virtual int32_t convertInt(XmlValue::View vXmlValue) const;
00459         /**
00460         * Convert the value in the specified {@link XmlValue} to an int.  If the
00461         * conversion fails, a warning will be logged.
00462         *
00463         * @param vXmlValue  the element expected to contain an int value
00464         * @param nDefault   the value that will be returned if the element does
00465         *                   not contain a value that can be converted to int
00466         *
00467         * @return the int value in the provided element, or nDefault upon a
00468         *         conversion failure
00469         */
00470         virtual int32_t convertInt(XmlValue::View vXmlValue, int32_t nDefault) const;
00472         /**
00473         * Log a failed type conversion.
00474         *
00475         * @param vXmlValue  element that contains the value that failed conversion
00476         * @param vsType     type that conversion was attempted to
00477         * @param vsDefault  default value that will be substituted
00478         * @param e          root cause of failed type conversion
00479         */
00480         virtual void reportConversionError(XmlValue::View vXmlValue, String::View vsType,
00481                 String::View vsDefault, RuntimeException::View e) const;
00483         /**
00484         * Resolve and inject service serializer elements based on defaults
00485         * defined in the cache configuration.
00486         *
00487         * @param hXmlConfig  the configuration element to examine and modify
00488         *
00489         * @since Coherence 12.1.2
00490         */
00491         virtual void resolveSerializer(XmlElement::Handle hXmlConfig) const;
00493         /**
00494         * Check whether or not a MapListener has to be instantiated and
00495         * added to a Map according to a scheme definition.
00496         *
00497         * @param vInfo          the cache info
00498         * @param hMap           an ObservableMap to add a listener to
00499         * @param vXmlScheme     the corresponding scheme
00500         * @param hMapListeners  map of registered map listeners keyed by the
00501         *                       corresponding map references
00502         *
00503         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the listener is required, but the
00504         *         map does not implement ObservableMap interface or if the
00505         *         listener cannot be instantiated
00506         *
00507         * @since Coherence 12.1.2
00508         */
00509         virtual void verifyMapListener(CacheInfo::View vInfo, Map::Handle hMap, 
00510                 XmlElement::View vXmlScheme, Map::Handle hMapListeners);
00512     // ----- ConfigurableCacheFactory interface -----------------------------
00514     public:
00515         /**
00516         * {@inheritDoc}
00517         */
00518         virtual NamedCache::Handle ensureCache(String::View vsCacheName);
00520         /**
00521         * {@inheritDoc}
00522         */
00523         virtual void destroyCache(NamedCache::Handle hCache);
00525         /**
00526         * {@inheritDoc}
00527         */
00528         virtual void releaseCache(NamedCache::Handle hCache);
00530         /**
00531         * {@inheritDoc}
00532         */
00533         virtual Service::Handle ensureService(String::View vsServiceName);
00535         /**
00536         * {@inheritDoc}
00537         */
00538         virtual void shutdown();
00541     // ----- XmlConfigurable interface --------------------------------------
00543     public:
00544         /**
00545         * {@inheritDoc}
00546         */
00547         virtual XmlElement::View getConfig() const;
00549         /**
00550         * {@inheritDoc}
00551         */
00552         virtual void setConfig(XmlElement::View vXml);
00555     // ----- accessors ------------------------------------------------------
00557     public:
00558         /**
00559         * Return the OperationalContext for this cache factory.
00560         *
00561         * @return the OperationalContext for this cache factory
00562         *
00563         * @since Coherence 3.7
00564         */
00565         virtual OperationalContext::View ensureOperationalContext();
00567         /**
00568         * Set the OperationalContext for this cache factory.
00569         *
00570         * @param vContext  the OperationalContext for this cache factory
00571         *
00572         * @throws IllegalStateException if an OperationalContext was already
00573         *         set
00574         *
00575         * @since Coherence 3.7
00576         */
00577         virtual void setOperationalContext(OperationalContext::View vContext);
00579         /**
00580         * The default XML configuration used when one isn't explicitly passed
00581         * in the constructor for this class.
00582         *
00583         * @return the default XML configuration
00584         *
00585         * @since Coherence 3.7
00586         */
00587         static XmlDocument::Handle getDefaultCacheConfig();
00590     protected:
00591         /**
00592         * Return the cache reference store for this cache factory.
00593         *
00594         * @return the cache reference store for this cache factory
00595         *
00596         * @since Coherence 3.7
00597         */
00598         virtual Object::Handle ensureStoreCache();
00600         /**
00601         * Return the service reference store for this cache factory.
00602         *
00603         * @return the service reference store for this cache factory
00604         *
00605         * @since Coherence 3.7
00606         */
00607         virtual Object::Handle ensureStoreService();
00610     // ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
00612     protected:
00613         /**
00614         * Operational Context for all Services associated with this factory.
00615         */
00616         FinalView<OperationalContext> f_vContext;
00618         /**
00619         * XmlElement that corresponds to used XML cache configuration.
00620         */
00621         FinalView<XmlElement> f_vXmlConfig;
00623         /**
00624         * Store that holds cache references by name and optionally,
00625         * if configured, Subject.
00626         */
00627         FinalHandle<Object> f_hStoreCache;
00629         /**
00630         * Store that holds service references by name and optionally,
00631         * if configured, Subject.
00632         */
00633         FinalHandle<Object> f_hStoreService;
00635         /**
00636         * The parent ThreadGroup for all Services associated with this factory.
00637         */
00638         FinalHandle<ThreadGroup> f_hThreadGroup;
00639     };
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