6 Using Generic Business Data Services

This chapter describes how you can use the EDQ-CDS Generic Business Data Services functionality.

This chapter includes the following sections:

6.1 Individual Name Service

The Individual Name Service is used to add a structure to an unstructured name input. It is also used to interpret, validate, and standardize the name input. It provides the following functionality:

  • Verifying if the Full Name input is blank or null, then returning the correct validity status accordingly. For example, ”No Data Valid”.

  • Deriving the structured name by parsing the Full Name, if Full Name input is not blank.

  • Standardizing the input or derived data.

  • Validating the input name gender, if provided, and deriving the gender information from First Name and Title where provided or derived.

  • Checking for gender consistency between input gender and derived gender information.

  • Passing all attributes input back with the service response.

6.1.1 Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Individual Name Service.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Title String Title of individual named (e.g. Dr) N
FirstName String First Name of individual named (e.g. James) N
MiddleNames String Middle Name(s) of individual named (e.g. Alfred) N
LastName String Last Name of individual named (e.g. Herriot) N
Suffix String Suffix of individual named (e.g. Jr) N
FullName String Full Name of individual named (e.g. Dr James Alfred Herriot Jr) N
TreatHanAsKanji String Determines the specific interpretation of supplied Chinese characters. When set to blank or ”N”, treats Han characters as Hanzi, when set to ”Y” treats Han characters as Kanji. Note that the name must be in the format, <Family Name> <Given Name>. N
Gender String Gender of individual named (e.g. Male/M). N

6.1.2 Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Individual Name Service.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
�Title String Title of individual as determined by parser (e.g. Dr).
FirstName String First Name of individual as determined by parser (e.g. James).
MiddleNames String Middle Name(s) of individual as determined by parser (e.g. Alfred).
LastName String Last Name of individual as determined by parser (e.g. Herriot).
Suffix String Suffix of individual as determined by parser (e.g. FRCVS).
ParseResult String The result is ”Pass” if the parser determines the input is a name, ”Review” if more verification is required, and ”Fail” if the input provided is not a name.
ParseComment String Depending on the parse result, this displays the parse comment.
ParseNotes String The notes for the name that does not conform to a name tokenization but could contain pertinent data e.g. extra information (”deceased”), multiple names detected (”Mrs. G Jones”), or unclassified data (”care of”).
NameValid Flag Y, if the name is valid.

N, if not.

NameValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
NameValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
TitleValid Flag Y, if the title is valid.

N, if not.

TitleValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
TitleValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
TitleStandardized String The title output by the standardization process.
TitleOutputValid String Y, if the title output is valid.

N, if not.

FirstNameStandardized String The First Name (s) attribute output by the standardization process.
MiddleNamesStandardized String The Middle Name (s) attribute output by the standardization process.
LastNameStandardized String The Last Name attribute output by the standardization process.
SuffixStandardized String Suffix of individual standardized (e.g. Jr).
FullNameStandardized String Full Name of individual standardized (e.g. Dr James Alfred Herriot Jr).
NameOutputValid Flag Y, if the name output is valid.

N, if not.

NameValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
NameValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
GenderValid Flag Y, if the gender is valid.

N, if not.

GenderValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
GenderValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
GenderFromTitle String The gender derived from the input title.
GenderFromName String The gender derived from the input name.
GenderFromInput String The gender derived from the input gender.
TitleNameGenderConflict Flag If the derived genders differ between title and name, this is set to ”Y”.
TitleInputGenderConflict Flag Y, if the derived genders differ between title and input gender.

N, if not.

NameInputGenderConflict Flag Y, if the derived genders differ between name and input gender.

N, if not.

GenderDerived String Overall gender favouring GenderFromInput then GenderFromTitle then GenderFromName regardless of conflict.
TitleTransliterated String Title transliterated (e.g. مجتهد ->Mujtahid).
FirstNameTransliterated String First Name transliterated (e.g. Влади́мир ->Vladimir).
MiddleNamesTransliterated String Middle Name(s) transliterated.
LastNameTransliterated String Last Name transliterated.
SuffixTransliterated String Suffix transliterated.
FullNameTransliterated String Full Name transliterated.
NameWritingSystem String Writing System(s) identified (e.g. Latin, Arabic).

6.1.3 Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Individual Name Service.

Option Name Message Header Data Type Description Default
Treat profanities as valid optvaltreatprofanitiesvalid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data contains detected profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat suspect names as valid optvaltreatsuspectnamesvalid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data contains suspect/dummy names.

N, returns invalid.

Treat suspect characters as valid optvaltreatsuspectcharsvalid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat no name data as valid optvaltreatnonamedatavalid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Treat no title data as valid optvaltreatnotitledatavalid String Y, returns valid in TitleValid flag when title data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Remove accents optestdremoveaccents String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent.

N, will not remove the accents.

Output invalid names optentoutputinvalidnames String Y, outputs invalid names as raw input to standardized versions of original fields.

N, will not.

Output invalid titles optstdoutputinvalidtitles String Y, outputs invalid titles as raw input to standardized version of original field.

N, will not.

Remove titles optstdremovetitles String Y, removes in-line titles from name fields other than title.

N, will not.

Remove suffixes optstdremovesuffixes String Y, removes in-line suffixes from name fields other than Suffix.

N, will not.

Output case optstdoutputcase String Applies consistent case to all name, ”L” = Lower Case, ”U” = Upper case, ”S” = Sentence case. N
Treat conflict between gender and title as valid optgenvaltreatgentitleconfvalid String Y, return valid in GenderValid flag when gender data contains conflict between derived gender from title passed and gender passed.

N, returns invalid.

Treat conflict between gender and name as valid optgenvaltreatgennameconfvalid String Y, return valid in GenderValid flag when gender data contains conflict between derived gender from name and gender passed.

N, returns invalid.

Treat no gender data as valid optgenvaltreatnodatavalid String Y, returns valid in GenderValid flag when gender input value is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Value for unknown gender optgenunknowngendervalue String U, when gender data cannot be definitively determined from the input data, this data can be passed as output. (for unknown). For blank outputs, this can be set to a blank string by deleting the contents of the option value. U
Remove accents and diacritical marks in transliteration optetrnsremoveaccentsandmarks String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent.

N, will not.

Apply transliteration corrections optetrnsapplycorrections String Y, applies name specific transformations to the standard transliterated version of the name to give them common forms. e.g. Aliaksandrovich à= ALEKSANDROVICH.

N, will not.


6.2 Country Service

The Country Service is used to validate country name, country code, and nationality inputs and outputs standardized ISO versions of the country name, country codes, and a standard version of the nationality. If only one of the country name and country code is supplied, it will derive the other. If both are provided it will check the consistency and indicate any conflicts, and either override one of the outputs, or output blank values, depending upon options set. For a nationality input, it will also derive an associated country name and country code.

6.2.1 Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Country Service.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
CountryId String Id to identify the record on output. N
CountryName String Country Name to be validated and standardized. If the input is a CountryCode that will also be handled. N
CountryCode String Country Code to be validated and standardized. It can be ISO-3166-1 2 letter, 3 letter or numeric code. If input is a CountryName that will also be handled. N
Nationality String Nationality to be validated and standardized. N

6.2.2 Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Country Service.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
CountryId String The countryid that was input with this record, if provided.
CountryNameValid Flag Y, for valid input country name.

N, for an invalid input country name.

CountryNameValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation failed/passed.
CountryNameValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
CountryNameOutputValid Flag Y, if the country name output is valid and standardized.

N, if not valid and standardized.

CountryNameISO String ISO Standard version of the country name, this can be one of the following:

- The ISO form of the CountryName input.- The ISO country name derived from the Country Code input. - The raw input if OutputInvalid (see Section 6.2.3) was Y.

CountryNameAbbreviated Flag Abbreviated version of the CountryName output above – shorter version of the ISO Country name commonly used in web forms, etc.
CountryNameWasDerived Flag Y, if the country name is derived from country code.

N, if not.

CountryNameConflict Flag Y, if the country name was derived, but was different from the standardized country name input which was invalid.

N, if not.

CountryNameConflictCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
CountryNameConflictDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
CountryCodeValid String Y, the country code is valid.

N, if not.

CountryCodeValidationCode String Code to indicate why the validation failed or passed.
CountryCodeValidationDescription String Description of country code validation code.
CountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Alpha-2 String Standardized 2 letter country code.
CountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Alpha-3 String Standardized 3 letter country code.
CountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Numeric-3 String Standardized numeric country code.
CountryCodeOutputValid String Y, if the country code output is valid.

N, if not.

CountryCodeWasDerived String Y, if the country code was derived from country name input.

N, if not.

CountryCodeConflict String Y, if the country code was derived from the country name input, and was different from the input country code.

N, if not.

CountryCodeConflictCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
CountryCodeConflictDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
NationalityValid String Y, for a valid nationality.

N, for an invalid nationality.

NationalityValidationCode String Code to indicate why the validation failed/passed.
NationalityValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
NationalityStandardized String Standardized version of the nationality.
NationalityCountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Alpha-2 String ISO-3166-1 2 letter country code corresponding to the input nationality, if successfully standardized.
NationalityCountryNameISO String Standard ISO country name corresponding to the input nationality, if successfully standardized.
NationalityCountryNameAbbreviated String Standard ISO country name corresponding to the input nationality, if successfully standardized.
NationalityOutputValid String Whether the Nationality output is valid (Y) or not (N).

6.2.3 Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Country Service.

Option Name Message Header Description Default
Treat no data as valid opttreatnodatavalid Whether to treat ”No data” inputs as valid.

Y, treats as valid.

N, treats as invalid.

Output invalid values optoutputinvalid Whether to output invalid values in the standardized version of the output.

Y, to output the invalid values.

N, not to output the invalid values.

Output case optoutputcase Output case (applies to Country Name and Nationality only, Country Code is always upper case).

U, is the upper case.

L, is the lower case.

M, for mix of upper and lower cases.

M (Mixed)
Conflict handling optconflicthandling Whether to handle the conflict or not.

Reject- it will not allow the conflicts in country name and country code. If it conflicts, both the outputs are blank.

CountryNamePriority- if there is a conflict it will prioritize the country name, if valid, and output the derived country code.

CountryCodePriority-if there is a conflict it will prioritize the country code input and output the derived country name.


6.3 Entity Name Service

The Entity Name Service is used to validate, standardize, and interpret the entity name inputs. It provides the following functionality.

  • Examining the Entity Name, Subname and Suffix inputs.

  • Checking if the input is blank or null, and returning the correct validity statuses according to the ”No Data Valid” options.

  • Validating the data against lists of profanities, suspect names, and suspect characters (as defined by the customer), and returning the correct validity statuses according to the chosen options.

  • Identifying and standardizing legal name data (e.g. Ltd, GmBH) using global standardization data (according to localized standards where available).

  • (Optional) Removing the legal name data from in-line name data.

  • Transliterating standardized output into Latin.

  • Providing full name versions of the standardized and transliterated data, appending or pre-pending the legal name data identified depending on the locality discerned.

  • Re-casing all the standardized and transliterated output according to options chosen.

  • Passing back all attributes to service caller.

6.3.1 Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Entity Name Service.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
entityname String Name of Entity (e.g. Oracle Corporation)� N
entitysubname String Subname of Entity (e.g. Cambridge Office) N
entitysuffix String Legal name data of Entity, expected to represent the entity's legal incorporation status (e.g. PLC, LLP, GmBH) usually a suffix N
treathanaskanji String N, treats Han characters as Hanzi, Y, treats Han characters as Kanji. Determines the specific interpretation of supplied Chinese characters e.g. いし子 Kanji (Japanese子) à Ishiko; Other (Chinese子) à Ishi Zi. N

6.3.2 Output Attributes

This following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Entity Name Service.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
entitynamevalid Flag Y, if the entity name is valid.

N, if not valid.

entitynamevalidationcode String Indicate which check was failed (if any).
entitynamevalidationdescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
entitynamestandardized String Standardized name of Entity (e.g. Oracle).
entitysubnamestandardized String Standardized subname(s) of Entity (e.g. Cambridge).
entitysuffixstandardized String Standardized suffix of Entity (e.g. Ltd), if not provided as input, extracted from provided information.
entityfullnamestandardized String Concatenation of all Standardized name fields, with &rsquor;best guess' positioning of suffix information.
entitynameoutputvalid Flag Y, for valid entity name output.

N, for invalid country name output.

entitynametransliterated String Name transliterated (e.g. ГУП "ТЭК СПб" à GUP ”TEK SPb”).
entitysubnametransliterated String Subname transliterated (e.g. Санкт-Петербурга à Sankt-Peterbúrg).
entitysuffixtransliterated String Suffix transliterated (e.g. 株式会社à KK).
entitynamewritingsystems String Writing System(s) identified in input text.

6.3.3 Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Entity Name service.

Option Name Message Header Data Type Description Default
Treat profanities as valid optevaltreatprofanitiesvalid String Y, returns valid in entitynamevalid flag when name contains profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat suspect names as valid optevaltreatsuspectnamesvalid String Y, returns valid in entitynamevalid flag when name contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

Treat suspect characters as valid optevaltreatsuspectcharsvalid String Y, returns valid in entitynamevalid flag when name contains detected suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat no name data as valid optevaltreatnonamedatavalid� String Y, returns valid in entitynamevalid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Treat profanities as valid (standardize version) optestdtreatprofanitiesvalid String Y, returns valid in entitynameoutputvalid flag when data for standardization contains profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat suspect characters as valid (standardize version) optestdtreatsuspectcharsvalid�� String Y, returns valid in entitynameoutputvalid flag when name for standardization contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat suspect names as valid (standardize version) optestdtreatsuspectnamesvalid� String Y, returns valid in entitynameoutputvalid flag when name for standardization contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

Treat no name data as valid (standardize version) optestdtreatnonamedatavalid� String Y, returns valid in entitynameoutputvalid flag when name for standardization is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Remove accents (standardize version) optestdremoveaccents String Y, changes accented characters in standardized fields to their unaccented equivalent.

N, will not.

Remove Suffixes optentremovesuffixes String Y, removes in-line suffixes from standardized name fields other than entitysuffix.

N, will not.

Output invalid names optentoutputinvalidnames String Y, outputs raw input to standardized versions of original fields when standardized name is invalid according to options.

N, will not.

Output case optentoutputcase String Y, applies consistent case to all standardized and transliterated output name attributes, ”L” = Lower Case, ”U” = Upper case, ”S” = Sentence case,

N, will not.

Remove accents and diacritical marks in transliteration optetrnsremoveaccsandmarks String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent in transliterated fields e.g. श्रीमत Śrīmatī à Srimati.

N, will not.

Apply transliteration corrections optetrnsapplycorrections String Y, applies name specific transformations to the transliterated version of the name to give them common forms. e.g. Aliaksandrovich à ALEKSANDROVICH.

N, will not.


6.4 Email Service

The Email Service is used to validate and standardize a given email address. It provides the following functionality.

  • Checking the input data presented to see if it is blank or null.

  • Checking the syntactic correctness of the given email address.

  • Extracting the email user name and domain name.

  • Checking the user portion of the input email address against profanities and suspect names.

  • Checking the user portion of the input email address to see if it is a commonly used generic email user, such as ”info” or ”admin”.

  • Performing standardization.

  • Standardizing the case of the standardized email address, user name, and domain according to the option set.

6.4.1 Order of Validation

The Validation checks will take place in the following order:

  • Blank Check

  • Syntactic Validation

  • Profanity Check

  • Suspect Name Check

  • Generic Name Check

6.4.2 Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Email Service.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
EmailId String Id to identify the record on output N
Email String Email address to be validated Y

6.4.3 Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Email Service.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
EmailId String Email Id as input for the record, if provided.
EmailValid Flag Y, if the email is valid.

N, if not valid.

EmailValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
EmailValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
EmailOutputValid Flag Y, if the email output is valid and standardized.

N, if not.

EmailStandardized String Standardized version of the input email or raw value, if Output Invalid Values is set to Y and email is invalid.
UserName String The username of the email address e.g. ”jon.smith”.
Domain String The domain of the email address e.g. ”oracle.com”.

6.4.4 Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Email Service.

Option Name Message Header Description Default
Treat profanities as valid opttreatprofanitiesvalid Y, for treating profanities as valid.

N, for not.

Treat suspect names as valid opttreatsuspectnamesvalid Y, for treating suspect names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat generic names as Valid opttreatgenericnamesvalid Y, for treating suspect names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat no data as valid opttreatnodatavalid Y, for treating blank data as valid.

N, for not.

Output invalid values optoutputinvalid Y, for outputting invalid values.

N, for not.

Output case optoutputcase U, for standardizing output case to upper.

L, for lower.

Retain generic usernames optretaingenericusernames Y, for retaining generic usernames.

N, for not.


6.5 Published Processors

The following section provides a guide to the published processors which are available in conjunction with the Business Data Services. Published Processors are available for use in custom processes created in the EDQ and can be found in the tool palette.

6.5.1 Standardize Country Code Processor

The Standardize Country Code Processor takes a country code as input and outputs the related ISO country name, abbreviated name, ISO 3 letter, 2 letter and numeric codes. If supplied with a country name it also outputs the relevant country names and codes, with a validation code indicating that the input was a country name. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Standardize Country Code Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Country Code String The input country code. Y
Output Invalid String Y, to output the invalid values in the standardized version of the output.

N, not to output the invalid values.

Output Case String

Output case (applies to Country Name and Nationality only, Country Code is always upper case).

U, is the upper case.

L, is the lower case.

M, for mix of upper and lower cases.

Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Standardize Country Code Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
CountryCodeOutputValid String Y, for valid outputs.

N, for invalid.

CountryCodeValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
CountryCodeValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
CountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Alpha-2 String Standardized 2 letter country code.
CountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Alpha-3 String Standardized 3 letter country code.
CountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Numeric-3 String Standardized numeric country code.
CountryNameISO String ISO Standard version of the country name
CountryNameAbbreviated String Abbreviated version of the country name. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Standardize Country Code Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.

Output Invalid String Y, to output the invalid values in the standardized version of the output.

N, not to output the invalid values.

Output Case String Output case (applies to Country Name and Nationality only, Country Code is always upper case).

U, is the upper case.

L, is the lower case.

M, for mix of upper and lower cases.

M (Mixed)

6.5.2 Standardize Country Name Processor

The Standardize Country Name Processor takes country name as an input and standardizes it to its associated ISO country name, abbreviated name, and ISO 3 letter, 2 letter numeric codes. It also outputs the nationality associated with the country name. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Standardize Country Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Country Name String The input country name. Y
Output Invalid String Y, to output the invalid values in the standardized version of the output.

N, not to output the invalid values.

Output Case String Output case (applies to Country Name and Nationality only, Country Code is always upper case).

U, is the upper case.

L, is the lower case.

M, for mix of upper and lower cases.

Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Standardize Country Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
CountryNameISO String ISO standardized version of the country name.
CountryNameAbbreviated String Shorter version of the ISO name.
CountryNameValid String Y, for valid input country name.

N, for an invalid input country name.

CountryNameValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
CountryNameValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
CountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Alpha-2 String Standardized 2 letter country code.
CountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Alpha-3 String Standardized 3 letter country code.
CountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Numeric-3 String Standardized numeric country code.
Nationality String Associated nationality. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Standardize Country Name Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Treat No Data as Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats no data as invalid.

Output Invalid String Y, to output the invalid values in the standardized version of the output.

N, not to output the invalid values.

Output Case String Output case (applies to Country Name and Nationality only, Country Code is always upper case).

U, for upper case.

L, for lower case.

M, for mix of upper and lower cases.


6.5.3 Standardize Nationality Processor

The Standardize Nationality Processor takes nationality as an input, standardizes it, and also outputting its associated ISO country name and country code. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Standardize Nationality Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Nationality String The input Nationality Y
Output Invalid String Y, to output the invalid values in the standardized version of the output.

N, not to output the invalid values.

Output Case String Output case (applies to Country Name and Nationality only, Country Code is always upper case).

U, is the upper case.

L, is the lower case.

M, for mix of upper and lower cases.

Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Standardize Nationality Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
NationalityOutputValid String Y, if the nationality output is valid.

N, if not valid.

NationalityValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
NationalityValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
NationalityStandardized String Standardized version of the nationality.
NationalityCountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Alpha-2 String Standardized ISO 2 letter country code associated with the nationality.
NationalityCountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Alpha-3 String Standardized ISO 3 letter country code associated with the nationality.
NationalityCountryCode-ISO-3166-1-Numeric-3 String Standardized ISO numeric code associated with the nationality.
NationalityCountryNameISO String ISO country name.
NationalityCountryNameAbbreviated String Abbreviated country name. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Standardize Nationality Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Treat No Data as Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.

Output Invalid String Y, outputs raw input to standardized versions of original fields when standardized name is invalid according to options.

N, will not.

Output Case String Y, applies consistent case to all standardized and transliterated output name attributes.

L = Lower Case

U = Upper Case

S = Sentence Case

N, will not.


6.5.4 Validate Country Code Processor

The Validate Country Code Processor takes a country code as an input and validates it for its correctness. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attribute of the Validate Country Code Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Country Code String Input country code Y
Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attribute of the Validate Country Code Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
CountryCodeValid Flag Y, if the country code is valid.

N, if not.

CountryCodeValidationCode String Code to indicate why the validation failed or passed.
CountryCodeValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Validate Country Code Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.


6.5.5 Validate Country Name Processor

The Validate Country Name Processor takes country name as an input and validates it for its correctness. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attribute of the Validate Country Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Country Code String Input country name Y
Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Validate Country Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
CountryNameValid Flag Y, if the country name is valid.

N, if not.

CountryNameValidationCode String Code to indicate why the validation failed or passed.
CountryNameValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Validate Country Name Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.


6.5.6 Validate Nationality Processor

The Validate Nationality Processor takes nationality as an input and validates it for its correctness. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Validate Nationality Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Nationality String Input nationality Y
Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Validate Country Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
NationalityValid Flag Y, if nationality is valid.

N, if not.

NationalityValidationCode String Code to indicate why the validation failed or passed.
NationalityValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Validate Country Name Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Treat No Data As Valid String Y, treats no data as valid.

N, treats as invalid.


6.5.7 Standardize Email Address Processor

The Standardize Email Address Processor takes an email address as an input, extracts the user name and domain, and standardizes the email address. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Standardize Email Address Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Email Address String Input email address Y
Output Invalid Values String Y, outputs invalid values.

N, outputs blank string

Output Case String Y, applies consistent case to all standardized and transliterated output name attributes.

L= Lower Case

U= Upper case,

S = Sentence case,

N, will not.

Retain Generic Usernames String Y, retains generic user names.

N, sets generic user names to a blank string.

Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, for treating profanities as valid.

N, for not.

Treat Suspect Names As Valid String Y, for treating suspect names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat Generic Names as Valid String Y, for treating generic names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat No Data as Valid String Y, for treating blank data as valid.

N, for not.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Standardize Email Address Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
EmailOutputValid Flag Y, if email is valid and standardized.

N, if not.

EmailStandardized String Standardized email address.
EmailUsername String The user name of the email address.
EmailDomain String The domain of the email address.
EmailValidationCode String Code to indicate why the validation failed or passed.
EmailValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Standardize Email Address Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Output Invalid Values String Y, outputs invalid values.

N, outputs blank string

Output Case String Y, applies consistent case to all standardized and transliterated output name attributes.

L= Lower Case

U= Upper case,

S = Sentence case,

N, will not.

Retain Generic Usernames String Y, retains generic user names.

N, sets generic user names to a blank string.

Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, for treating profanities as valid.

N, for not.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, for treating suspect names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat Generic Names as Valid String Y, for treating generic names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat No Data as Valid String Y, for treating blank data as valid.

N, for not.


6.5.8 Validate Email Format Processor

The Validate Email Format Processor takes an email address as an input and validates the correctness of the email address. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Validate Email Address Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Email Address String Input email address Y
Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, for treating profanities as valid.

N, for not.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, for treating suspect and dummy names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat Generic Names as Valid String Y, for treating generic names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat No Data as Valid String Y, for treating blank data as valid.

N, for not.

N Output Address

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Validate Email Address Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
EmailValid Flag Y, if email is valid.

N, if not.

EmailValidationCode String Code to indicate why the validation failed or passed.
EmailValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Validate Email Address Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, for treating profanities as valid.

N, for not.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, for treating suspect and dummy names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat Generic Names as Valid String Y, for treating generic names as valid.

N, for not.

Treat No Data as Valid String Y, for treating blank data as valid.

N, for not.


6.5.9 Standardize Entity Name Processor

The Standardize Entity Name Processor takes number of fields representing an entity name as an input and standardizes the case of the characters. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Standardize Entity Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Entity Name String Name of the Entity (e.g. Oracle US) N
Entity Subname String Subname of the Entity (e.g. Utah Branch) N
Entity Suffix String Legal name data of the Entity (e.g. LLP) N
Remove Accents String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent.

N, will not remove the accents.

Output Invalid Names String Y, outputs invalid names as raw input to standardized versions of original fields.

N, will not.

Remove Suffixes String Y, removes in-line suffixes from name fields other than Suffix.

N, will not.

Output Case String Applies consistent case to all names.

L = Lower Case,

U = Upper case,

S = Sentence case.

N, will not.

Treat No Name Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data contains detected profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Characters as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, returns valid EntityNameValid flag when name data contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Standardize Entity Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
entitynameoutputvalid String Y, returns valid if recognized as standardized or variant of standardized.

N, return in valid.

entitynameoutputvalidationcode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
entitynameoutputvalidationdescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
entitynamestandardized String Standardized name of Entity.
entitysubnamestandardized String Standardized subname of Entity.
entitysuffixstandardized String Standardized suffix denoting legal entity of Entity named.
entityfullnamestandardized String Concatenation of all Standardized name fields with a logical positioning of suffix information. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Standardize Entity Name Processor.

Option Name Data Type Description Default
Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data contains detected profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Characters as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, returns valid EntityNameValid flag when name data contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

Treat No Name Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Remove Accents String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent.

N, will not remove the accents.

Output Invalid Names String Y, outputs invalid names as raw input to standardized versions of original fields.

N, will not.

Output Case String Applies consistent case to all names.

L = Lower Case,

U = Upper case,

S = Sentence case.

N, will not.

Remove Suffixes String Y, removes in-line suffixes from name fields other than Suffix.

N, will not.

Profanity Reference Data String Reference data for profanities. Name-Entity Profanities
Suffix Standardization Reference Data String Reference data for suffix standardization. Name - Entity Suffix Standardizations
Suspect Characters Reference Data String Reference data for suspected characters. Name - Entity Suspect Characters
Standardize Accented Characters Reference Data String Reference data for standardized accented characters. Text - Standardize Accented Characters
Suspect Names Reference Data String Reference data for suspected names. Name - Entity Suspect Names

6.5.10 Transliterate Entity Name Processor

The Transliterate Entity Name Processor takes entity name of one writing system as an input and transliterates it to the Latin writing system. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Transliterate Entity Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Entity Name String Name of the entity. N
Entity Subname String Subname of the entity. N
Entity Suffix String Legal name data of the entity. N
Treat Han As Kanji String Y, treats Han characters as Kanji.

N, treats Han characters as Hanzi.

Remove Accents and Diacritical String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent e.g. श्रीमती à Śrīmatī à Srimati

N, will not.

Apply Transliteration Corrections String Y, applies name specific transformations to the standard transliterated version of the name to give them a common form e.g.Aliaksandrovich à ALEKSANDROVICH

N, will not

Output Case String Y, applies consistent case to all name.

L = Lower Case,

U = Upper case,

S = Sentence case.

N, will not.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Transliterate Entity Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
entitynametransliterated String Name transliterated(e.g. ГУП "ТЭК СПб" à GUP ”TEK SPb”)
entitysubnametransliterated String Subname transliterated(e.g. Санкт-Петербурга à Sankt-Peterbúrg)
entitysuffixtransliterated String Suffix transliterated (e.g. 株式会社à KK)
entityfullnametransliterated String Full name transliterated, (e.g. 株式会社電通 à KK Dentsū)
entitynamewritingsystem String Writing System(s) identified in input text (e.g. Пеки́н à Cyrillic) can be multiple (e.g. 東京 (トウキョウ) à CJK, Katakana) Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Transliterate Entity Name Processor.

Option Name Data Type Description Default
Remove Accents and Diacritical Marks in Transliteration String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent e.g. श्रीमती à Śrīmatī à Srimati

N, will not.

Apply Transliteration Corrections String Y, applies name specific transformations to the standard transliterated version of the name to give them a common form e.g.Aliaksandrovich à ALEKSANDROVICH

N, will not

Unicode Block to Writing System Reference Data String The reference data that contains the unicode block associated with the countries where they are used. Other
Transliteration Corrections Reference Data String Reference data that contains the corrected version of the transliterated data. Transliterate - Entity Transliteration Adjustments
International Entity Script Name Map Reference Data String Reference data that contains the international script name for the phrase. Name - Entity International Script Map
Kanji Name Map Reference Data String Reference data that contains the transliterated name for the Kanji name. Transliterate - Entity Japanese Script Map
Cyrillic Custom Character Map Reference Data String Reference data that contains the transliterated characters of the original cyrillic characters. Transliterate - Entity Cyrillic Transliteration Character Map
Cyrillic Delimiters String This contains the cyrillic delimiters. А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ы ь э ю я ё Ӣ Ə Ӯ Ћ Љ Ұ Є Қ Ђ Ў Ъ Џ Ә Ї Ғ Њ Ү Ќ Ѓ Ң Ө Ҷ Ё Ҳ
Output Case String Y, applies consistent case to all name.

L = Lower Case,

U = Upper case,

S = Sentence case.

N, will not.


6.5.11 Validate Entity Name Processor

The Validate Entity Name Processor takes an entity name as an input and validates it for the correctness. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Validate Entity Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Entity Name String Name of the Entity (e.g. Oracle US) N
Entity Subname String Subname of the Entity (e.g. Utah Branch) N
Entity Suffix String Legal name data of the Entity (e.g. LLP) N
Treat No Name Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in EntityNameValid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, returns valid in EntityNameValid flag when name data contains detected profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Characters as Valid String Y, returns valid in EntityNameValid flag when name data contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, returns valid EntityNameValid flag when name data contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Validate Entity Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
entitynamevalid Flag Y, for a valid entity name.

N, for invalid.

entitynamevalidationcode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
entitynamevalidationdescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Validate Entity Name Processor.

Option Name Data Type Description Default
Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, returns valid in EntityNameValid flag when name data contains detected profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Characters as Valid String Y, returns valid in EntityNameValid flag when name data contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, returns valid EntityNameValid flag when name data contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

Treat No Name Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in EntityNameValid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Profanity Reference Data String Reference data for profanities. Name-Entity Profanities
Suspect Characters Reference Data String Reference data for suspected characters. Name - Entity Suspect Characters
Suspect Names Reference Data String Reference data for suspected names. Name - Entity Suspect Names

6.5.12 Derive Gender Processor

The Derive Gender Processor takes name, title or gender as an input and derives the correct gender. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Derive Gender Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Title String Title of individual named (e.g. Dr) N
First Name String First Name of individual named (e.g. James) N
Gender String Gender of individual named (e.g. Male/M/男) N
Value For Unknown Gender String When the gender data cannot be definitively determined from the input data, this data can be passed as an output.

Can be set to a blank string in order to return a blank value when the gender cannot be determined.

U (Unknown) Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Derive Gender Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
GenderFromTitle String The gender derived from the input title.
GenderFromName String The gender derived from the input name.
GenderFromInput String The gender derived from the input gender.
TitleNameGenderConflict Flag Y, if the derived genders differ between the title and name.

N, if not.

TitleInputGenderConflict Flag Y, if the derived genders differ between the title and input gender.

N, if not.

NameInputGenderConflict Flag Y, if the derived genders differ between the name and input gender.

N, if not.

GenderDerived String Overall gender favouring GenderFromInput then GenderFromTitle then GenderFromName, regardless of the conflict. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of Derive Gender Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Value for Unknown Gender String When the gender data cannot be definitively determined from the input data, this data can be passed as an output.

Can be set to a blank string in order to return a blank value when the gender cannot be determined.

U (Unknown)
Title - Gender Map reference data String Reference data that contains the gender associated with the title. Name - Title Gender Map
Name - Gender Map reference data String Reference data that contains gender associated with the name. Name - Name Gender Map
Name - List of Genders reference data String Reference data that contains the standardized gender associated with list of localized genders. Name - Gender List

6.5.13 Standardize Individual Name processor

The Standardize Individual Name Processor takes an individual name as an input and standardize the case and usage of the accented characters. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of Standardize Individual Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Title String Title of individual named (e.g. Dr) N
First Name String First Name of individual named (e.g. James) N
Middle Names String Middle Name(s) of individual named (e.g. Alfred) N
Last Name String Last Name of individual named (e.g. Herriot) N
Suffix String Suffix of individual named (e.g. Jr) N
Full Name String Full Name of individual named (e.g. Dr James Alfred Herriot Jr) N
Remove accents String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent.

N, will not remove the accents.

Output invalid names String Y, outputs invalid names as raw input to standardized versions of original fields.

N, will not.

Output invalid titles String Y, outputs invalid titles as raw input to standardized versions of original fields.

N, will not.

Remove suffixes String Y, removes in-line suffixes from name fields other than Suffix.

N, will not.

Remove titles String Y, removes in-line titles from name fields other than Title.

N, will not.

Output case String Applies consistent case to all name, ”L” = Lower Case, ”U” = Upper case, ”S” = Sentence case.

N, is no change.

Treat no name data as valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Treat no title data as valid String Y, returns valid in TitleOutputValid flag when title data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Treat profanities as valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data contains detected profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat suspect characters as valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat suspect names as valid String Y, returns valid NameOutputValid flag when name data contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of Standardize Individual Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
TitleStandardized String Title of individual named. (e.g. Dr)
TitleOutputValid String Y, if the title output is valid. N, if not.
TitleValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
TitleValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
FirstNameStandardized String First Name of individual standardized (e.g. James).
MiddleNamesStandardized String Middle Name of individual standardized (e.g. Alfred).
LastNameStandardized String Last Name of individual standardized (e.g. Herriot).
SuffixStandardized String Suffix of individual standardized (e.g. Jr).
FullNameStandardized String Full Name of individual standardized (e.g. Dr James Alfred Herriot Jr).
NameOutputValid Flag Y, if the name output is valid.

N, if not.

NameValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
NameValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code. Options

The following table provides a guide to the output of Standardize Individual Name Processor.

Option Name Data Type Description Default
Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data contains detected profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Characters as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, returns valid NameOutputValid flag when name data contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

Treat No Name Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameOutputValid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Treat No Title Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in TitleOutputValid flag when title data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Remove Accents String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent.

N, will not remove the accents.

Output Invalid Names String Y, outputs invalid names as raw input to standardized versions of original fields.

N, will not.

Output Invalid Titles String Y, outputs invalid titles as raw input to standardized versions of original fields.

N, will not.

Output Case String Applies consistent case to all name, ”L” = Lower Case, ”U” = Upper case, ”S” = Sentence case.

N, is no change.

Remove Suffixes String Y, removes in-line suffixes from name fields other than Suffix.

N, will not.

Remove Titles String Y, removes in-line titles from name fields other than Title.

N, will not.

Title Standardization Reference Data String Reference data for standardized titles. Name - Title Standardizations
Profanity Reference Data String Reference data for profanities. Name-Entity Profanities
Suspect Characters Reference Data String Reference data for suspected characters. Name - Entity Suspect Characters
Suspect Names Reference Data String Reference data for suspected names. Name - Entity Suspect Names
Suffix Standardization Reference Data String Reference data for suffix standardization. Name - Entity Suffix Standardizations
Standardize Accented Characters Reference Data String Reference data for standardized accented characters. Text - Standardize Accented Characters

6.5.14 Transliterate Individual Name Processor

The Transliterate Individual Name Processor takes name data as an input from one writing system and transliterates it to the Latin writing system. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of Transliterate Individual Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Title String Title of individual named (e.g. إمام‎). N
First Name String First Name of individual named (e.g. Γιώργος). N
Middle Names String Middle Name(s) of individual named (e.g.Johnathan). N
Last Name String Last Name of individual named (e.g. 劉). N
Suffix String Suffix transliterated (e.g. ป.จ.ว. à PChW) N
FullName String Full Name of individual named (e.g. 九条 望実 (のぞみ)). N
TreatHanAsKanji String Y, treats Han characters as Kanji.

N, treats Han characters as Hanzi.

Determines the specific interpretation of supplied Chinese characters e.g. いし子 Kanji (Japanese子) à Ishiko; Other (Chinese子) à Ishi Zi

Remove accents and diacritical marks in transliteration String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent e.g. श्रीमती à Śrīmatī à Srimati

N, will not.

Apply transliteration corrections String Y, applies name specific transformations to the standard transliterated version of the name to give them a common forms. e.g. Aliaksandrovich à ALEKSANDROVICH.

N, will not.

Output case String Y, applies consistent case to all standardized and transliterated output name attributes.

L = Lower Case

U = Upper Case

S = Sentence Case

N, will not.

M Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of Transliterate Individual Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
TitleTransliterated String Title transliterated (e.g. مجتهد à Mujtahid).
FirstNameTransliterated String First Name transliterated (e.g. Влади́мир à Vladimir).
MiddleNamesTransliterated String Middle Name(s) transliterated (e.g. 杜甫 à Dù Fǔ).
LastNameTransliterated String Last Name transliterated (e.g. 福澤 à Fukuzawa).
SuffixTransliterated String Suffix transliterated (e.g. ป.จ.ว. à PChW)
FullNameTransliterated String Full Name transliterated (e.g. 반기문 à Ban Ki-moon).
NameWritingSystem String Writing System identified in input text (e.g. Пеки́н à Cyrillic) can be multiple e.g. (東京 (トウキョウ) à CJK, Katakana). Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of Transliterate Individual Name Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Remove Accents and Diacritical Marks in Transliteration String Y, changes accented characters to their unaccented equivalent e.g. श्रीमती à Śrīmatī à Srimati

N, will not.

Apply Transliteration Corrections String Y, applies name specific transformations to the standard transliterated version of the name to give them a common forms. e.g. Aliaksandrovich à ALEKSANDROVICH.

N, will not.

Unicode Block to Writing System Reference Data String The reference data that contains the unicode block associated with the countries where they are used. Transliterate - Unicode Block to Writing System
Transliteration Correction Reference Data String The reference data that contains the corrected transliterated version of the text. Transliterate - Transliteration Adjustments
International Known Name Map Reference Data String The reference data that contains the transliterated version of the international scripts. Name - International Name Map
Arabic to Latin Name Map Reference Data String The reference data that contains transliterated name for the given arabic name. Name - Arabic Name Transcriptions
Arabic Custom Transliteration Character Map Reference Data String The reference data that contains the roman characters for the associated arabic characters. Transliterate - Arabic Transliteration Map
Arabic Delimiters String This contains the arabic delimiters ا ب ل م د ن ي ع ح ه ز ر س و أ ك ص ى ة ظ ض ق ش ف ج ت ی ط خ غ ک ئ ذ إ آ ء ؤ پ ث ہ ں ٌ ُ ﮓ ې
Kanji Name Map Reference Data String Reference data that contains the transliterated name for the Kanji name. Transliterate - Kanji Name Map
Cyrillic Custom Character Map Reference Data String Reference data that contains the transliterated characters of the original cyrillic characters. Transliterate - Cyrillic Transliteration Character Map
Cyrillic Delimiters String This contains the cyrillic delimiters. А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ы ь э ю я ё Ӣ Ə Ӯ Ћ Љ Ұ Є Қ Ђ Ў Ъ Џ Ә Ї Ғ Њ Ү Ќ Ѓ Ң Ө Ҷ Ё Ҳ
Output Case String Output case (applies to Country Name and Nationality only, Country Code is always upper case).

U, is the upper case.

L, is the lower case.

M, for mix of upper and lower cases.


6.5.15 Individual Unstructured Name Parser Processor

The Individual Unstructured Name Parser Processor currently exists as a template. It takes text representing an individual name (mainly Latin names but other names are also parsable) and determines components of the name such as family names, given names, titles, suffixes. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Individual Unstructured Name Parser Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Full Name String Full Name for parsing. Y Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Individual Unstructured Name Parser Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
Title String Title of the main individual as determined by parser (e.g. Dr).
FirstName String First Name of the main individual as determined by parser (e.g. James).
MiddleNames String Middle Name(s) of the main individual as determined by parser (e.g. Alfred).
LastName String Last Name of the main individual as determined by parser (e.g. Herriot).
Suffix String Suffix of the main individual as determined by parser (e.g. FRCVS).
ParseResult String Pass, means parser identified, with a reasonable doubt, the structure of the name.

Review, means further verification is requires because parser guessed the structure of the name.

Fail, means parser could not determine the structure of the name or it is identified as not a name.

ParseComment String Depending on the parse result, this displays the parse comment.
ParseNotes String The notes for the name that does not conform to a name tokenization but could contain pertinent data e.g. extra information (”deceased”), multiple names detected (”Mrs. G Jones”), or unclassified data (”care of”).

6.5.16 Validate Gender Processor

The Validate Gender Processor takes gender of the individual as an input and validates it for its correctness. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Validate Gender Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Title String Title of individual named (e.g. Dr) N
First Name String First Name of individual named (e.g. James) N
Gender String Gender of individual named (e.g. Male/M) N
Treat Conflict Between Gender and Title as Valid String Y, return valid in GenderValid flag when gender data contains conflict between derived gender from title passed and gender passed.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Conflict Between Gender and Name as Valid String Y, return valid in GenderValid flag when gender data contains conflict between derived gender from name and gender passed.

N, returns invalid.

Treat No Gender Data as valid String Y, returns valid in GenderValid flag when gender input value is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Validate Gender Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
GenderValid Flag Y, for Valid.

N, for Invalid

GenderValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
GenderValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Validate Gender Processor.

Property Name Data Type Description Default
Treat Conflict Between Gender and Title as Valid String Y, return valid in GenderValid flag when gender data contains conflict between derived gender from title passed and gender passed.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Conflict Between Gender and Name as Valid String Y, return valid in GenderValid flag when gender data contains conflict between derived gender from name and gender passed.

N, returns invalid.

Treat No Gender Data as valid String Y, returns valid in GenderValid flag when gender input value is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Gender List Reference Data String The reference data that contains the standardized gender of the associated localized gender. Name - Gender List
Title - Gender Map reference data String Reference data that contains the gender associated with the title. Name - Title Gender Map
Name - Gender Map reference data String Reference data that contains gender associated with the name. Name - Name Gender Map
Name - List of Genders reference data String Reference data that contains the standardized gender associated with list of localized genders. Name - Gender List
Validation Code Reference Data String Reference data that contains the short and long description of the validation processor code. Data Services - Validation Codes

6.5.17 Validate Individual Name Processor

The Validate Individual Name Processor takes individual name as an input and validates it for its correctness. Input Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the input attributes of the Validate Individual Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description Mandatory
Title String Title of individual named (e.g. Dr). N
First Name String First Name of individual named (e.g. James). N
Middle Names String Middle Name(s) of individual named (e.g. Alfred). N
Last Name String Last Name of individual named (e.g. Herriot). N
Suffix String Suffix of individual named (e.g. Jr). N
Full Name String Full Name of individual named (e.g. Dr James Alfred Herriot Jr). N
Treat No Title Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in TitleValid flag when title data is blank or null.N, returns invalid. N
Treat No Name Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data contains detected profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Characters as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, returns valid NameValid flag when name data contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

N Output Attributes

The following table provides a guide to the output attributes of the Validate Individual Name Processor.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
NameValid Flag Y, if the name is valid.

N, if not.

NameValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
NameValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code.
TitleValid Flag Y, if the title is valid.

N, if not.

TitleValidationCode String Code to indicate why validation passed/failed.
TitleValidationDescription String Provides a readable description of the meaning of the code. Options

The following table provides a guide to the options of the Validate Individual Name Processor.

Option Name Data Type Description Default
Treat Profanities as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data contains detected profanities.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Characters as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data contains suspect characters.

N, returns invalid.

Treat Suspect Names as Valid String Y, returns valid NameValid flag when name data contains suspect names.

N, returns invalid.

Treat No Name Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in NameValid flag when name data is blank or null.

N, returns invalid.

Treat No Title Data as Valid String Y, returns valid in TitleValid flag when title data is blank or null.N, returns invalid. N
Profanity Reference Data String Reference data for profanities. Name - Profanities
Suspect Characters Reference Data String Reference data for suspected characters. Name - Suspect Characters
Suspect Names Reference Data String Reference data for suspected names. Name - Suspect Names
Title Standardization Reference Data String Reference data for standardized titles. Name - Title Standardizations