4.2 How to Create a Mapping Group

To create a new local or global mapping group:

  1. To create a mapping group that is local to the solution, select the Mapping Groups under that solution and right-click to select New. To create a global mapping group, right-click to Global Mapping Group in the Resources Navigator. If the Resources Navigator has no global mapping groups then click the plus icon +in the Resources Navigator, select Global Resource Library, and then select Global Mapping Group.

    The Create New Mapping Group or New Global Mapping Group window opens.

  2. Provide a name and optional description for the Mapping Group and click OK.
  3. If the mapping editor window does not open automatically, double click the new mapping group in the Projects Navigator or Resources Navigator.
  4. Add tables from the Global Resource Library by dragging and dropping them from the library into the source and target panes of the mapping editor.

    To select a list of tables you can use Shift-click on the first and last table in the set, use Control-click to select multiple individual tables, or use the + button in the source and target mapping editor panes to manually add schema and table names. In the column mapping editor the equivalent + button allows you to add columns manually.

  5. Drag and drop the table or schema names from either the Source or Target pane to the other pane to create a source/target table mapping. If you drag the tables to a white area it will do an exact 1:1 mapping. If you drag a table name from one pane to the other and drop it directly on the other table name, it will create an explicit mapping.

    For example, if Table EMP1 in Source is to be mapped with EMP_BACK1 in Target, drag EMP1 from Source and drop it on EMP_BACK1 at Target. EMP_BACK1 appears as a Mapped From table for EMP1 indicating a successful mapping.

    You can also use the keyboard to perform the same action. When a source or target schema does not have a reference to any specific Resources Navigator schema and the name matches a particular database name in the Resources Navigator, a confirmation dialog is displayed to associate the resource. You can select Yes to complete the mapping.

    If you select a table as target in the Mapping Editor which is not mapped, the Properties Inspector displays a Mapped From text box. You can enter the source table name which will be validated against a valid source table references and can be mapped to target table if the source table is valid.

  6. You can also use the AutoMap button to automatically create mappings for table names that are same between Source and Target. Source tables can be mapped to more than one Target table and more than one Source table can be mapped to a single Target table.