Creating and Managing Standalone Oracle Traffic Director Domain

You can create a standalone Oracle Traffic Director domain using Configuration Wizard or using the WLST commands as described in the following topics:

Creating a Standalone Domain using the offline WLST commands

  1. Launch the WLST command shell.

  2. Run the following command to create an Oracle Traffic Director standalone domain. For more information, see the otd_createStandaloneDomain command in WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference for Oracle Traffic Director..

    > props = {'domain-home': '$DOMAIN_HOME'}
    > otd_createStandaloneDomain(props)

Creating a Standalone Domain using the Configuration Wizard

  1. Invoke the installer

    $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ -log=config.log
  2. The Create Domain page appears. Use the default values. Click Next.

  3. The Templates page appears. In the Available Templates section, choose Oracle Traffic Director - Standalone 12.2.1 [otd]. Click Next.


    The Basic Standalone System Component Domain - 12.2.1 [wlserver] is selected by default.

    The other OTD templates Oracle Traffic Director - 12.2.1 [otd] and 'Oracle Traffic Director - Restricted JRF - 12.2.1 [otd] are not applicable for standalone domain.

  4. The JDK Selection page appears. Use the default JDK. Click Next.

  5. The System Components page appears. Click Next.


    You need not create system component, as OTD has commands for configuring system components.

  6. The Node Manager page appears. Select the following options and lick Next.

    • Node Manager Type: default/Per Domain Default Location

    • User Name: USERNAME

    • Password: PASSWORD

    • Confirm Password: PASSWORD

  7. The Configuration Summary page appears. Click Create.

  8. The Configuration Progress page appears. This shows the progress of the configuration. After the standalone domain is created successfully, click Next.

  9. The Configuration Success page appears. Click Finish.

Instance Management

  • Start an Oracle Traffic Director instance.

  • Stop an Oracle Traffic Director instance.

  • Restart an Oracle Traffic Director instance.

  • Delete an Oracle Traffic Director instance

  • Reconfigure an Oracle Traffic Director instance.

    Reconfigure will dynamically apply configuration changes on instances without a server restart. Only dynamically reconfigurable changes in the configuration take effect. If there are any changes in the configuration that need a restart, restart required message will be shown on std out.

  • Rotate log files.

    The server saves the old log files and marks the saved files with a name that includes the date and time when they were rotated.
