
This guide provides an overview of Oracle Traffic Director, and describes how to create, administer, monitor, and troubleshoot Oracle Traffic Director instances.


This guide is intended for users who are responsible for installing, configuring, administering, monitoring, and troubleshooting web-tier components such as web servers, reverse proxy servers, and load balancers.

It is assumed that readers of this guide are familiar with the following:

  • Using web browsers

  • Working in a terminal window

  • Executing operating system commands on UNIX-like platforms

In addition, a basic understanding HTTP and SSL/TSL protocols is desirable, though not mandatory.

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The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

What's New in this Release?

This preface introduces the new and changed features of Oracle Traffic Director and other significant changes that are described in this guide, and provides pointers to additional information:

  • Weblogic Management Framework

    Oracle Traffic Director now supports database-based installation, or Restricted JRF-based installation. For more information on installation prerequisites, see Prerequisites for installing Oracle Traffic Director. Oracle Traffic Director introduces the WebLogic Management Framework, a set of tools that leverage Oracle WebLogic interfaces to provide a simple, consistent and distributed framework for managing Oracle. For more information on the WebLogic Management Framework, see What is the Weblogic Management Framework.

  • WebLogic Scripting Tool Commands

    Oracle Traffic Director now supports a command line interface, Weblogic Scripting Tool (WLST). WLST commands are used to configure and administer Oracle Traffic Director.

    There are two types of WLST commands:
    • Online Command

    • Offline Command

    The online commands requires connection to the WebLogic Server. The offline commands does not require connection to the WebLogic Server. Some commands are both online and offline, and can be invoked in both ways. All the commands configured through WLST should be activated.

    For more information, see WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference for Oracle Traffic Director.

  • Multi-tenancy Support

    Oracle WebLogic Server provides a sharable infrastructure for multiple organizations. It allows one domain to support multiple tenants at a time, where a dedicated domain is not required.

    Multi-tenancy provides resource isolation within a domain partition, an administrative and runtime partition of a WebLogic domain dedicated to running application instances and related resources for a tenant. In a typical deployment scenario, WebLogic Server is front-ended by Oracle Traffic Director. When partition tasks are performed from WebLogic Server, Oracle Traffic Director must be configured appropriately to successfully front- end the Web Logic Partition.

    With the Multi-tenancy support, Oracle Traffic Director is configured automatically without user action. For more information see,.

    For more information, see Configuring Oracle Traffic Director and Life Cycle Management.

    For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Using WebLogic Server Multitenant

  • Queueing with Request Limiting

    The requests that overflow are queued and are de-queued as per request priority. The request and response bandwidth can be controlled by this feature.

    For more information, see Tuning the Thread Pool and Connection Queue.

  • Origin Server Traffic Control

    The user can set limit on reusing same origin server connection for multiple requests by the keep-alive option. Bandwidth can be limited and controlled for each origin server. This feature can be used to control the HTTP origin server pools, but, not the TCP origin server pools.

    For more information, see Tuning Keep-Alive Settings.

  • Prioritized Backend Connection Management

    Oracle Traffic Director supports the prioritized requests to the back end server, for critical application requests. With this feature, requests with higher priority are de-queued before the ones with lower priority.

  • ModSecurity Upgrade

    We are upgrading the ModSecurity version used in WAF from 2.6.7 to 2.8.0.

  • Event Notifications

    Oracle Traffic Director supports sending notifications to one or more HTTP endpoints for the following two events:

    • Origin Server Status Change event

    • Request Limit Exceeded event

    For more information, see Event Notifications.

  • High Availability Using Active-Active Failover Mode

    Oracle Traffic Director provides support for failover between the instances by deploying two or more OTD instances on the nodes which are in the same subnet. One of the nodes is chosen as the active router node and the remaining node(s) are the backup router node(s).The traffic will be managed among all the OTD instances.

    For more information, see Setting up Failover.

  • Status Listeners to Check Oracle Traffic Director instances

    Oracle Traffic Director supports configuring a dedicated status listener to check the health of an Oracle Traffic Director instance.

    For more information, see Configuring Status Listener.

  • Support for Front-ending FTP Traffic

    Oracle Traffic Director provides options to enable FTP support on a TCP proxy. You can enable client FTP and server FTP settings on a TCP proxy.

    For more information, see Managing TCP Proxies.