5 Implementing Common Development Scenarios

This chapter provides step-by-step tutorials for common development scenarios.

This chapter includes the following topics:

5.1 Adding a Web Part as a Portlet

By default, the ASP.NET Web Part editor zone supports three different types of preferences (referred to as Personalization). This section illustrates how to work with the default preferences. The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET also supports custom Personalization editors.

In the example below, steps 1-3 create an ASP.NET Web Part just as you would for consumption in ASP.NET outside a WSRP producer, and steps 5-8 add the Web Part to the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET. Refer to the Microsoft documentation for more details on how to create Web Parts from User Controls (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc300767.aspx).

  1. Open a Visual Studio Web Application Project and create a Web User Control named TestPreferences.ascx.


    The Visual Studio project must be a web application project, not a web site project, and must have a project type of Visual C#.
  2. Add three labels named lblStringPref, lblBooleanPref, and lblEnumPref.

  3. Create three properties that include the [Personalizable, WebBrowsable] attribute. Match the label display values to the properties as shown in the example code below:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
           lblBooleanPref.Text = "Checkbox Pref: " + _boolPref;
           lblStringPref.Text = "Text Pref: " + _stringPref;
           lblEnumPref.Text = "Dropdown Pref: " + _enumPref;
       #region Preferences
       private string _stringPref = "";
       private bool _boolPref = false;
       public enum TestEnum
           ListItem1, ListItem2, ListItem3
       private TestEnum _enumPref = TestEnum.ListItem2;
       [Personalizable, WebBrowsable]
       public string TextPref
           get { return _stringPref; }
           set { _stringPref = value; }
       [Personalizable, WebBrowsable]
       public bool CheckboxPref
           get { return _boolPref; }
           set { _boolPref = value; }
       [Personalizable, WebBrowsable]
       public TestEnum DropdownPrefs
           get { return _enumPref; }
           set { _enumPref = value; }
  4. Test that the code compiles before continuing.

  5. Make a copy of the existing \ASPNET_AJAX_sample folder under installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets and rename it TestPreferences.

  6. Replace the Simple_DateTime.ascx file with the TestPreferences.ascx file you created in steps 1-3.

  7. Copy the compiled assembly from your Visual Studio project to the installdir\wsrpdefault\bin folder.

  8. Update the default.aspx file in installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\TestPreferences to reference your control instead of the Simple_Date_Time control. The resulting code should look something like the following:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/portlets/Resources/MasterPages/WSRP.Master" Title="Content Page Test" %>
    <%@ Register src= "~/portlets/TestPreferences/UserControl/TestPreferences.ascx" tagname="TestPreferences" tagprefix="uc1" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="webpartcontrol" Runat="Server">
        <uc1:TestPreferences ID="TestPreferences1" runat="server" />
  9. Update the installdir\wsrpdefault\wsrp-producer.xml file to include your portlet as follows:

    • Make a copy of an existing <portlet> element and its contents.

    • Change the handle, display name, description, title, and short title elements to the correct values for the new portlet.

    • Update the <url> node under the <portlet-mode> element to point to your portlet.

    For the example above, the <portlet> element would look like the following:

      <description lang="en">Test Preferences</description>
      <description lang="fr">Test Preferences</description>
      <display-name lang="en">Test Preferences</display-name>
      <display-name lang="fr">Test Preferences</display-name>
      <title lang="en">Test Preferences</title>
      <title lang="fr">Test Preferences</title>
      <short-title lang="en">Test Preferences</short-title>
      <short-title lang="fr">Test Preferences</short-title>
  10. Register the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET by pointing your WSRP consumer at the WSDL URL that is in the shortcut Start > Programs > Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET > WSRP 2.0 WSDL. (Refer to the product documentation for your WSRP consumer portal for details on how to register a WSRP producer WSDL.)

  11. The portlet should now be available in your WSRP consumer. Test the portlet:

    1. Add the portlet to your portal. You should see the three labels showing the default values set for the preferences in the TestPreferences.ascx file.

    2. Access the preference editor according to the documentation for your WSRP consumer portal. You should see the same preference editor you would see if you added your own Web Part editor zone in .NET. Change the preferences, click Close, and observe that the labels change.

    3. Log out and log back in to your portal. The preference values you changed should be persisted.

5.2 Adding a Web Part with ASP.NET AJAX Controls

A key feature of the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET is support for controls that are rendered using ASP.NET AJAX.

This tutorial starts with the example in the previous section. Again, most of the steps are typical tasks required to set up an ASP.NET Web Part to use ASP.NET AJAX functionality. Refer to the Microsoft documentation for details on how to set up ASP.NET AJAX script managers and update panels.

  1. Open the project you created in Section 5.1, "Adding a Web Part as a Portlet."

  2. From the AJAX Extensions portion of the Visual Studio toolbox, add a Script Manager and an Update Panel.

  3. Add a label, a text box, and a button inside the Update Panel.

  4. Add a label, a text box, and a button outside the Update Panel. When you are finished, the source view should look something like the following:

    <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" 
    CodeBehind="TestPreferences.ascx.cs" Inherits="TestPref.TestPreferences" %> 
    <%@ Register Assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, 
    Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" 
        Namespace="System.Web.UI" TagPrefix="asp" %> 
    <asp:Label ID="lblStringPref" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><br />
    <asp:Label ID="lblBooleanPref" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><br />
    <asp:Label ID="lblEnumPref" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><br />
    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtAjax" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <asp:Button ID="btnAjax" runat="server" Text="PostAJAX" /><br />
        <asp:Label ID="lblAjax" runat="server" Text="AJAX post here"></asp:Label>
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtPostback" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
    <asp:Button ID="btnPostback" runat="server" Text="Postback" /><br />
    <asp:Label ID="lblPostback" runat="server" Text="Postback content here"></asp:Label>
  5. Modify the page load method so that text box entries are displayed in the label. The source code for the page load method will look something like the following:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                lblBooleanPref.Text = "Checkbox Pref: " + _boolPref;
                lblStringPref.Text = "Text Pref: " + _stringPref;
                lblEnumPref.Text = "Dropdown Pref: " + _enumPref;
                lblAjax.Text = txtAjax.Text;
                lblPostback.Text = txtPostback.Text; 
  6. Test that the code compiles before continuing. (You can also register the control in an ASPX page in your Visual Studio project to test that it is working. See the Visual Studio documentation for details.)

  7. Open the TestPreferences.ascx file in a text editor and remove the asp:ScriptManager control. The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET references an ASP.NET Master Page that registers a ScriptManager, and ASP.NET does not allow more than one ScriptManager per application. See the Microsoft documentation on Master Pages and ScriptManager for more information.

  8. Test that the code compiles before continuing.

  9. Replace the installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\TestPreferences.ascx file with the latest version.

  10. Replace the compiled assembly in the installdir\wsrpdefault\bin folder.

  11. Return to your portal, refresh the portlet and test its functionality again.

5.2.1 Managing AJAX Outside the .NET Framework

There may be times when you want to control XMLHttpRequests directly, rather than rely on the ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX controls. To do this, you must account for the fact that URLs are transformed via the WSRP proxy. This tutorial provides the steps necessary to get a simple AJAX project working.

  1. This example starts with the code from the previous example. Under the asp:Label in the previous sample, add the following code:

    <!-- Added for simple AJAX sample -->
    <br />
    <asp:ListBox ID="listBoxPets" runat="server">
        <asp:ListItem Text="cat" Value="cat" Selected="True"/>
        <asp:ListItem Text="dog" Value="dog" />
        <asp:ListItem Text="bird" Value="bird" />
        <asp:ListItem Text="fish" Value="fish" />
    <!-- This href URL will be properly transformed by WSRP proxy -->
    <a id="hiddenposturl" href="AjaxPostDestination.aspx" visible="false" ></a>
    <br />
    <!-- Result of selection will be placed here -->
    <div id="AjaxResponse"></div> 

    This code constructs a simple list box with a hidden href that points at the URL to which the XMLHttpRequest will send data. This URL is placed in an anchor href so that the markup transformer will rewrite the URL for the WSRP proxy. (For details on transformation, see Section 5.5, "Using Markup Transformation.")


    In this sample, there are no URLs returned in the response. However, you may need the response from the AJAX request to be transformed by the Portlet Content Transformation rulesets (for example, if you have URLs you want proxied by the WSRP consumer). To do this, add a handle query string argument to the target URL that references the handle you gave the portlet in wsrp-producer.xml. In this sample, the handle would be TestPreferences so the hidden URL would be changed to:
    <a id="hiddenposturl" href="AjaxPostDestination.aspx?handle=TestPreferences" visible="false" ></a>

    You must also make sure that the Content Type returned is text/html (it is text/plain in this sample) or certain WSRP consumers will not properly proxy the transformed URLs. For details on rulesets, see Section 2.2, "Portlet Content Transformation Rulesets."

  2. Under the <div> add the following javascript:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        var xmlHttp;
        /*  Tap into the onchange event so that whenever an item is selected in the
        list box, that value is sent to the server.
        var selectmenu;
        var selectMenus = getElementsByTagNameAndEndingId("select", "listBoxPets");
        selectmenu = selectMenus[0];
        selectmenu.onchange = function() {
            // Prepare the XHR
            // Get the selected value
            var selectedPet = getSelectedPet();
            // get the URL from a hidden argument since this will be transformed.
            var hiddenPetURL = getElementsByTagNameAndEndingId("a", "hiddenposturl");
            // Prepare the request.
            xmlHttp.open("POST", hiddenPetURL, true);
            // Assign this to a function that will process the requested items
            xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange;
            // Important note - If you use application/x-www-form-urlencoded you must include the ;charset=UTF-8 or
            // will not work in Firefox 3.x.  Works fine in all versions of IE.
            xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8");
            // Send the value as post parameters.  This is the suggested methodology
            //  using the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET
            xmlHttp.send("petselection=" + selectedPet);
        Standard AJAX method.  This creates the appropriate XMLHttpRequest 
    (XHR) object, the core of AJAX.
        function createXMLHttpRequest() {
            if (window.ActiveXObject) {
                xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            else {
                xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        This function handles the results of the XMLHttpRequest (XHR).
        This is part of the standard AJAX methodology of using the onreadystatechange
     event of the XHR to manage the results.
        function handleStateChange() {
            if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) {
                if (xmlHttp.status == 200) {
        This helper function grabs the first selection and returns it
        function getSelectedPet() {
            var result = "";
            var options = selectmenu.childNodes;
            var option = null;
            for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
                option = options[i];
                if (option.selected) {
                    result = option.value;
            return result;
        Write out the results returned from the XHR POST
        function parseResults() {
            //var responseDiv = document.getElementById
            var responseDivs = getElementsByTagNameAndEndingId("div", "AjaxResponse");
            var responseDiv = responseDivs[0];
            if (responseDiv.hasChildNodes()) {
            var responseText = document.createTextNode(xmlHttp.responseText);
        This function returns a list of DOM elements that have the tag name specified
     and have an ID that ends in the value supplied.  The reason for this function is
     that ASP.NET prepends control ID's with the webpart zone name and this function
     provides a handy way of locating the our control of interest.
        tagName - DOM tag name to look for (e.g. div, select, p)
        endingID - String that the ID of the DOM elements should end with
        returns - list of DOM elements that have the tag name and have an id that ends
     with value supplied
        function getElementsByTagNameAndEndingId(tagName, endingId) {
            var tagItems = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
            var idValue;
            var idNode;
            var startPos;
            var returnElements = new Array(1);  // Typically only one item
            var j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < tagItems.length; i++) {
                idNode = tagItems.item(i).attributes.getNamedItem("id");
                if (idNode != null) {
                    idValue = idNode.nodeValue;
                    startPos = idValue.indexOf(endingId);
                    if (startPos > -1 && endingId == idValue.substring(startPos)) {
                        returnElements[j] = tagItems.item(i);
            return returnElements;

    The javascript above simply takes the value of a selected listbox item, passes it as a POST parameter to an URL, and then takes the response text and places it in a div. This is mostly standard AJAX methodology with two exceptions. The first is that the URL is grabbed from a hidden href so it will be properly transformed to a WSRP proxied URL. The second is that the URLs cannot contain query string parameters (like most AJAX requests) because they will not be properly appended by the WSRP consumer.

  3. Create the target page that the AJAX request will be sent to by creating a new ASPX page called AjaxPostDestination.aspx in the same directory as the example you created in Section 5.1, "Adding a Web Part as a Portlet."

  4. Paste the following code into the file:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" ValidateRequest="false" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <!-- NOTE that validaterequest is set to false.  This is the only way our hand-rolled AJAX requests will be accepted. -->
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <title>Untitled Page</title>
        <script language="CS" runat="server">
            void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){}
            protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
           // Take over the response writer and send only the results of the selection
           // Turn cacheability off so that each request is viewed as "new"
          // For this simple example, just send back plain text.  A more
              sophisticated JSON or XML response could be set here.
            Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                writer.Write("You selected " + Request.Params["petselection"]);
        <form id="form1" runat="server">

    Note that the Master Page is not referenced; it would serve no purpose since that page is not displayed. Also note that the ValidateRequest attribute is set to false. ASP.NET would throw a validation error without this attribute because the form is not being posted as expected (with more than a single parameter). Finally, note that caching is turned off. Since a query string parameter such as datetime cannot be added to the request, there is no way to make it unique.

  5. Test that the code compiles before continuing.

  6. Replace the installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\TestPreferences\UserControl\TestPreferences.ascx file with the latest version.

  7. Replace the compiled assembly in the installdir\wsrpdefault\bin folder.

  8. Copy the AjaxPostDestination.aspx file to installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\TestPreferences.

  9. Return to your portal and refresh the page where the portlet resides. The portlet should now display a list box with four pets listed in it. When you click on a pet name, you should see the pet selection displayed at the bottom of the portlet.

In summary, to use XMLHttpRequest in your code without using ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX controls, follow the rules below:

  • Put the target URL for an XMLHttpRequest in a hidden anchor tag as an href (or use some other place like a hidden input field) and then grab the value of that href as the target URL to send in the XMLHttpRequest.

  • If you need the response from the AJAX request to be transformed by the Portlet Content Transformation rulesets (for example, you have URLs you want proxied by the WSRP consumer) add a handle query string argument to the target URL that references the handle you gave the portlet in wsrp-producer.xml. For details on rulesets, see Section 2.2, "Portlet Content Transformation Rulesets."

  • Do not use querystring parameters as a way of posting data. Use POST parameters only.

  • Turn off caching in your target page so the request is not cached.

5.3 Adding an ASP.NET Application

If your portlet does not use preferences, you can use the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET to surface an ASP.NET application with WSRP. This tutorial adds an ASP.NET Web Form to the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET.

  1. Create a very simple ASP.NET web form. For example, the test.aspx file below prints Hello World in an ASP.NET label control:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
    <head runat="server">
        <script language="CS" runat="server">
            void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                this.lblTest.Text = "Hello World";
        <title>Untitled Page</title>
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <asp:Label ID="lblTest" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
  2. If the testASPX folder does not already exist under installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets, create it now.

  3. Copy the test.aspx file you created to the testASPX folder.

  4. Modify the ASPX file to reference the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET Master Page as follows:


    It is important to understand that the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET uses a Master Page to render content. Your ASPX file must reference the appropriate content placeholders of the Master Page as outlined below.
    • Remove all DOM elements outside of the <head> and <body>.

    • Replace the <head> element with the content placeholder identified by wsrphead and include any necessary child elements from the <head> element:

      <asp:Content ID="ContentHead1" ContentPlaceHolderID="wsrphead" Runat="Server">
    • Replace the <body> and <form> elements with the content placeholder identified by Main and include any necessary child elements from the <form> element:

      <asp:Content ID="ContentBody1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Main" Runat="Server">

    For example, a modified test.aspx file would look something like the following:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/portlets/Resources/MasterPages/WSRP.Master" Title="Content Page Test" %>
    <asp:Content ID="ContentHead1" ContentPlaceHolderID="wsrphead" Runat="Server">
    <script language="CS" runat="server">
            void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                this.lblTest.Text = "Hello World";
    <asp:Content ID="ContentBody1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Main" Runat="Server">
    <asp:Label ID="lblTest" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
  5. Create a new <portlet> entry in wsrp-producer.xml with a portlet handle named testASPX. Remove the <portlet-mode> element for wsrp:edit since Web Forms do not support preferences.

  6. The <portlet-mode> element for wsrp:view should look like the following:

  7. Add the new testASPX portlet to your portal. You should see Hello World displayed.

In the above example, the C# code was placed directly in the file. If you want to use a code-behind .cs file, simply add that code to an \App_Code subfolder under installdir\wsrpdefault or add the compiled C# assembly to installdir\wsrpdefault\bin, and change the <%@ Page directive in the ASPX file to reference the assembly or class.

5.4 Adding a Help Page

To add a help file for any portlet, simply create an HTML file for the help page and add a new <portlet-mode> element named wsrp:help that points to the help file. For example, create a help page called testASPXhelp.htm in the testASPX directory and then update the <portlet-modes> element as follows:


When you view the portlet in your consumer portal, the help link for the portlet should bring you to the testASPXhelp.htm page.

5.5 Using Markup Transformation

The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET allows you to implement markup transformation to modify URLs and other static content before it is displayed in the browser.

This section includes the following topics:

5.5.1 Transforming Text

This tutorial provides a simplified example that modifies the Hello World text in Section 5.3, "Adding an ASP.NET Application" to read Hello New World.

  1. Open the installdir\wsrpdefault\wsrp-producer.xml file in a text editor.

  2. Go to the <portlet> node with the handle TestASPX and add the following below the <RuleSetRef> element:

        <LookFor>Hello World</LookFor>
        <ChangeTo>Hello New World</ChangeTo>

    For details on ruleset elements in wsrp-producer.xml, see Section 2.2, "Portlet Content Transformation Rulesets."

  3. Refresh the portal page that includes the testASPX portlet. The portlet should now display Hello New World.

5.5.2 Creating a Custom Ruleset

This tutorial illustrates custom URL transformation by modifying the portlet from Section 5.2, "Adding a Web Part with ASP.NET AJAX Controls" to proxy the WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd files generated by the .NET framework when ASP.NET AJAX controls are added. (The Default ruleset defined at the top of the wsrp-producer.xml file ensures that URLs to web resource files generated by the .NET framework (*.axd) are made absolute, but are not proxied as WSRP resources. The practical reason for proxying .axd files would be a scenario in which WSRP consumer portal users are not able to access URLs in your internal network.)

  1. Open the installdir\wsrpdefault\wsrp-producer.xml file in a text editor.

  2. Copy the entire Default ruleset (<RuleSet id="Default">) and rename the id to axdproxy.

  3. Locate the first <RewriterRule> in the new ruleset. In the <ApplyTo> element, add , .axd.

  4. Locate the second and fourth <RewriterRule> elements and remove ,.axd from the <ApplyTo> elements under each.

  5. Make a copy of the third <RewriterRule> (with <LookFor>(src=\")' ). Change the <ApplyTo> element to include only .axd and change <MakeResource> to true.

    The finished ruleset should look something like the following:

    <RuleSet id="axdproxy">
  6. Go to the <portlet> node with the handle TestPreferences and change the <RuleSetRef> element to reference the new axdproxy ruleset (<RuleSetRef>axdproxy</RuleSetRef>), if it exists. If the <RuleSetRef> element does not exist, add it now.

  7. Save your changes to wsrp-producer.xml.

  8. Refresh the portal page the includes the TestPreferences portlet. All URLs with .axd should now be proxied by the WSRP consumer portal. To confirm this, use a DOM inspection tool to search for .axd files; they will be transformed to a URL-encoded value that begins with the URL to the WSRP consumer portal. To compare these URLs with un-proxied URLs, simply switch the <RuleSetRef> for the portlet back to Default.

5.6 Using Portlet Styles

The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET does not require any special steps to apply skins and themes. Styles, themes, and skin management are delegated to the .NET framework. For example, to apply a particular Oracle WebCenter Portal theme, simply place the source .css file in the \App_Themes folder and follow standard .NET rules to apply the style you want to a single control, a single portlet, or a set of portlets.

This simplified tutorial shows how to use built-in ASP.NET functionality to apply a style to all labels in all portlets. For more detailed information, see the Microsoft documentation on ASP.NET themes and skins.

  1. Create a folder in installdir\wsrpdefault\App_Themes and name it MyTheme.

  2. Create a new file that contains the following line:

    <asp:Label runat="server" ForeColor="white" BackColor="green"  />
  3. Save the file in the \MyTheme folder as my.skin.

  4. Open the installdir\wsrpdefault\Web.config file in a text editor.

  5. Locate the <pages> element and add the following attribute: theme="MyTheme". This will make all ASP.NET pages use the themes defined in the App_Themes\MyTheme folder.

  6. View any portlets that contain a label (for example, the portlets in the previous tutorials) and note that the background color is now green.

5.7 Using Interportlet Communication with JavaScript

The most direct way to pass data from one portlet to another is to use JavaScript. This tutorial shows a simple technique that uses one portlet as a master portlet from which a user selects an item. When an item is selected, data is passed to another portlet, which displays detailed information about the item.

  1. First, create the master portlet.

    In Visual Studio, as part of a Web Application Project, create a new Web User Control and name it MasterList.ascx. For ease of deployment, do not put code in a separate file.

  2. Add a label and a list box, but leave the file empty. The contents of the file should look like the following:

    <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
    <asp:Label ID="lblHousingType" runat="server" Text="Select House Type"></asp:Label>
    <asp:ListBox ID="listBoxHousing" runat="server" Height="80px" Width="171px">
        <asp:ListItem>Single Family</asp:ListItem>
        <asp:ListItem>Tenancy in Common</asp:ListItem>
    <script runat="server">
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  3. Add the following JavaScript at the bottom of the file:

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
    // Set up an onchange event for listBoxHousing.
    //This can also be done by adding onChange attribute to the asp:ListBox
    var selectmenu;
    var selectMenus = getElementsByTagNameAndEndingId("select", "listBoxHousing");
    selectmenu = selectMenus[0];
        // Update a hidden field in another portlet.  This is how information will be passed
        // From one portlet to another.
        var i = selectmenu.selectedIndex;
        var text = selectmenu[i].value;
        var portletFrame = getFrameFromSrcAttribute(window.parent.document, "DetailPage");
        var portletContent = portletFrame.contentWindow;
        portletContent.theForm.submitHousingField.value= text;
    This function returns a list of DOM elements that have the tag name specified and
     have an ID that ends in the value supplied.  The reason for this function is that
     ASP.NET prepends control ID's with the webpart zone name and this function
     provides a handy way of locating the our control of interest.
        tagName - DOM tag name to look for (e.g. div, select, p)
        endingID - String that the ID of the DOM elements should end with
        returns - list of DOM elements that have the tag name and have an id that ends with value supplied
    function getElementsByTagNameAndEndingId(tagName, endingId) {
        var tagItems = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
        var idValue;
        var idNode;
        var startPos;
        var returnElements = new Array(1);  // Typically only one item
        var j = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < tagItems.length; i++) {
            idNode = tagItems.item(i).attributes.getNamedItem("id");
            if (idNode != null) {
                idValue = idNode.nodeValue;
                startPos = idValue.indexOf(endingId);
            if (startPos > -1 && endingId == idValue.substring(startPos)) {
                returnElements[j] = tagItems.item(i);
        return returnElements;
    /* This function finds an iframe based on the src element
    docSource - document element to search in for frame
    srcSearch - string value that should be searched for in an iframe's src field
    returns - iframe element
    function getFrameFromSrcAttribute(docSource, srcSearch) {
        var iFrames = docSource.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
        var srcNode;
        var srcValue;
        var returnFrame;
        for (i = 0; i < iFrames.length; i++) {
            srcNode = iFrames.item(i).attributes.getNamedItem("src");
            if (srcNode != null) {
                srcValue = srcNode.nodeValue;
                startPos = srcValue.indexOf(srcSearch);
                if (srcValue.indexOf(srcSearch) > -1) {
                returnFrame = iFrames.item(i);
        return returnFrame;

    The code above takes the item selected from the listbox (a select DOM element), locates the detail portlet, and writes a value to a hidden field. The most important part of this code is how the second portlet is located by looking for the iFrame that contains it based on text in the src attribute that uniquely identifies it. (In this sample, the unique identifier is the folder name under which the portlet will be placed, DetailPage.)

  4. Next, create the detail portlet.

    In Visual Studio, as part of a Web Application Project, create a new Web User Control and name it DetailPage.ascx. For ease of deployment, do not put code in a separate file. Add two ASP.NET labels and a hidden input field. The hidden field is where data from the master portlet will be placed. The contents of the file should look like the following:

    <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
    <asp:Label ID="lblHousing" runat="server" Text="Housing Type Info:"></asp:Label>
    <asp:Label ID="lblHousingTypeInfo" runat="server" Text="None selected"></asp:Label>
    <!-- Use a hidden field to get data from another portlet -->
    <input type="hidden" id="submitHousingField" name="submitHousingField" value=""/>
  5. Add the following code to the bottom of the file.

    <script runat="server">
     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      if (Request.Params != null)
       if (Request.Params["submitHousingField"] != null)
        string housingType = Request.Params["submitHousingField"].ToString();
        // You'd probably look this up in a database in a real case, but simple switch statement used for simplicity
        switch (housingType)
         case "Single Family":
          lblHousingTypeInfo.Text = "Single family homes consist of a structure and the land.";
         case "Condominium":
          lblHousingTypeInfo.Text = "You own a condo, but the building housing the condominium is maintained by the home owners association.";
         case "Cooperative":     {
          lblHousingTypeInfo.Text = "In a Cooperative, you own shares in the corporation that owns the entire building.";
         case "Tenancy in Common":
          lblHousingTypeInfo.Text = "In a TIC, you own a share of the mortgage on the entire building.";
         lblHousingTypeInfo.Text = "Unrecognized housing type selected.";

    The code above writes out values to the label based upon what is passed in a form parameter from the hidden input field. If you look back at the MasterList.ascx file, you will see that it populates a hidden input field called submitHousingField. (In a real implementation, the detail data would be taken from a database rather than hard-coded.)

  6. The next set of steps set up the two Web User Controls you created in the previous steps and surfaces them as portlets using the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET.

    Create the following folder: installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\MasterList.

  7. Add a new file to the folder called default.aspx that contains the following code:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/portlets/Resources/MasterPages/WSRP.Master" Title="Content Page Test" %>
    <%@ Register src= "~/portlets/MasterList/UserControl/MasterList.ascx" tagname="MasterList" tagprefix="uc1" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="webpartcontrol" Runat="Server">
     <uc1:MasterList ID="MasterList1" runat="server" />
  8. Create the following folder: installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\MasterList\UserControl and copy the MasterList.ascx file that you created to this folder.

  9. Create the following folder: installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\DetailPage and add a new file to the folder called default.aspx that contains the following code:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/portlets/Resources/MasterPages/WSRP.Master" Title="Content Page Test" %>
    <%@ Register src= "~/portlets/DetailPage/UserControl/DetailPage.ascx" tagname="DetailPage" tagprefix="uc1" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="webpartcontrol" Runat="Server">
     <uc1:DetailPage ID="DetailPage1" runat="server" />
  10. Create the following folder: installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\DetailPage\UserControl and copy the DetailPage.ascx file that you created to this folder.

  11. Open installdir\wsrpdefault\wsrp-producer.xml in a text editor and add the following <portlet> elements to it. (For more information about the configuration file, see Chapter 3, "Managing Required Script Files.")

      <description lang="en">Housing Type</description>
      <display-name lang="en">Housing Type</display-name>
      <title lang="en">Housing Type</title>
      <short-title lang="en">Housing Type</short-title>
      <description lang="en">Housing Detail</description>
      <display-name lang="en">Housing Detail</display-name>
      <title lang="en">Housing Detail</title>
      <short-title lang="en">Housing Detail</short-title>
  12. Register the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET by pointing your WSRP consumer at the WSDL URL that is in the shortcut Start > Programs > Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET > WSRP 2.0 WSDL. (Refer to the product documentation for your WSRP consumer portal for details on how to register a WSRP producer WSDL.)

  13. Add the HousingType and HousingDetail portlets (these are the names defined in the wsrp-producer.xml file) to a single page in your portal. Whenever you click on a housing type in one portlet, details about the housing type should appear in the other portlet.

This tutorial shows just one simple way that you can add interportlet communication functionality to portlets.

5.8 Adding User Profile Data

This tutorial creates a Web Part that uses user profile data. The Web Part is created as a class that inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart. You could also create a Web User Control to perform the same function. See the Microsoft documentation for more details on both options.


This note is very important for any WSRP consumer that uses preferences as defined in the WSRP specification (including Oracle WebCenter Portal).

ASP.NET supports only one level of nesting for profile properties (properties can only be nested under a <group>), but many of the UserProfile items defined in the specification are nested several levels deep. For example, a user's business email would be defined as businessInfo/online/email and a user's home mobile phone extension would be defined as homeInfo/telecom/mobile/number in the WSRP specification. To account for this, the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET uses the underscore character (_) as a replacement for nested objects. This is shown in the steps that follow where businessInfo/online/email is treated as businessInfo_online.email in the C# code, but referenced in Web.config as:

<group name="businessInfo_online">
  <add name="email" defaultValue="John.Doe@acme.com"/>

This issue does not apply to Oracle WebLogic Portal because it follows the same single level of nesting rules as ASP.NET.

  1. Create a new C# class in Visual Studio and copy in the following code:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Profile;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    namespace TestUserProfile
        public class UserProfileWebPart : WebPart
            Label lblEmailWLP;
            Label lblEmailWSRP;
            protected override void CreateChildControls()
                // Create a label and assign a user profile value.  Try the WLP format and then the standard WSRP format.
                lblEmailWLP = new Label();
                lblEmailWLP.ID = "lblEmailWLP";
                lblEmailWLP.Text = "WLP profile email: " + this.Context.Profile["GroupSpace.email"].ToString();
                HtmlGenericControl br1 = new HtmlGenericControl("br");
                lblEmailWSRP = new Label();
                lblEmailWSRP.ID = "lblEmailWSRP";
                lblEmailWSRP.Text = "WSRP profile email: " + this.Context.Profile["businessInfo_online.email"].ToString();
                HtmlGenericControl br2 = new HtmlGenericControl("br");
  2. Add a reference to System.Core to make sure that the code compiles:

    1. Right-click the solution in the Solution Explorer and choose Add Reference.

    2. Click the .NET tab and scroll down to System.Core.


      If you wait for the entire list to load, you can click the list and start typing System.Core to select the item without having to scroll through the list.
    3. Click OK to accept the new reference.

  3. Compile this code into an assembly called TestUserProfile and copy the assembly to installdir\wsrpdefault\bin.

  4. Open installdir\wsrpdefault\Web.config and update the profile properties so that those referenced by the code are used. Note that in the C# code, profile properties are specified in group.name format.

    Locate the <properties> element and replace it with the following:

      <group name="businessInfo_online">
        <add name="email" defaultValue="John.Doe@acme.com"/>
      <group name="GroupSpace">
        <add name="email" defaultValue="John.Doe@acme.com"/>


    For this example to work, there must be a default value. In Oracle WebCenter Portal or other WSRP consumers that use the WSRP specification UserProfile items the GroupSpace.email property will not be available. Oracle WebLogic Portal uses UserProfile extensions to pass items, so you could not create a nested businessInfo/online/email profile property.
  5. Create a folder under installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets called TestUserProfile.

  6. Copy the default.aspx file from installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\ASPNET_AJAX_sample to your new TestUserProfile folder.

  7. Update the installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\TestPreferences\default.aspx file to reference the new TestUserProfile assembly instead of the Simple_Date_Time control.

    1. Replace src with assembly and reference the TestUserProfile assembly you created.

    2. Replace tagname with namespace and reference the TestUserProfile namespace used by the class.

    3. Add the class name after the : following the tagprefix under the content placeholder.

    The resulting file will look something like the following:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/portlets/Resources/MasterPages/WSRP.Master" Title="Content Page Test" %>
    <%@ Register assembly="TestUserProfile" namespace="TestUserProfile" tagprefix="uc1" %>
     <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="webpartcontrol" Runat="Server">
     <uc1:UserProfileWebPart ID="UserProfileWebPart1" runat="server" />
  8. Update the installdir\wsrpdefault\wsrp-producer.xml file to include your portlet and the profile properties you are using.

    1. Make a copy of an existing <portlet> node and its contents under the <portlets> element.

    2. Update the handle, display name, description, title, and short title elements for the new portlet.

    3. Update the <url> node under each of the <portlet-mode> elements to point to the new portlet. (The wsrp:edit and wsrp:help modes are not necessary.)

    4. Add the profile properties referenced in the portlet to the <profile-item> elements under the <user-profile> element.

    When finished, the new <portlet> node should look like the following:

      <description lang="en">Test UserProfile</description>
      <description lang="fr">Test UserProfile</description>
      <display-name lang="en">Test UserProfile</display-name>
      <display-name lang="fr">Test UserProfile</display-name>
      <title lang="en">Test UserProfile</title>
      <title lang="fr">Test UserProfile</title>
      <short-title lang="en">Test UserProfile</short-title>
      <short-title lang="fr">Test UserProfile</short-title>
  9. The portlet should now be available in your WSRP consumer. (You should have already registered the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET as explained in Section 5.1, "Adding a Web Part as a Portlet.") Add the portlet to your portal. You should see the two labels showing the default values for the profile properties from Web.Config.

  10. Configure your WSRP consumer to send the email preference according to your portal documentation.

    For Oracle WebLogic Portal, use the steps below. (The default WLP Data Sync has a PropertySet called GroupSpace and one of the properties in this PropertySet is called email.)

    1. Log into the Oracle WebLogic Portal Administration Console.

    2. Select Users, Groups, and Roles, and then User Management.

    3. Click the user you have been using to test Web Parts.

    4. Click the User Profile tab.

    5. From the dropdown menu, select the GroupSpace PropertySet. (If this PropertySet does not exist, create a new PropertySet called GroupSpace and populate it with a Single, Unrestricted property called email.)

    6. Enter a value for the email property.

    7. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Portal with the user you edited and view the UserProfile Web Part portlet to see your changes.

5.9 Setting Up Security Tokens

By default, the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET pulls the XML containing a <wsse:Security> element defined in a SOAP header and puts it into the HttpContext.Items collection. The token will only be available for the duration of the ASP.NET request and is identified by the ASP.NET session ID.

Due to the wide number of possibilities that the WS-Security specification allows for structuring security tokens, the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET installation includes the source code for its default security implementation in installdir\wsrpdefault\src. For the default SecurityTokenManager implementation, see the files in the token subfolder. For the default request filter that is applied specifically for WebCenter Portal WSS 1.0 tokens before the tokens are passed to the default SecurityTokenManager, see the files in the util subfolder.

This section provides several tutorials illustrating how to access security tokens in a number of ways.

5.9.1 Displaying a Token in a Web Part

This tutorial creates a simple Web Part that displays a security token. The Web Part created is generic enough that it can be used for looking at any type of wsse:security token (including SAML from Oracle WebLogic Portal or UNT from Oracle WebCenter Portal). The Web Part is created as a class that inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart (you could provide the same functionality with a Web User Control).

  1. Create a new C# class in Visual Studio. Make sure to add a reference to the WSE assembly component Microsoft.Web.Services2 or the sample code will not compile. Copy in the following code:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using System.Xml;
    using Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.Tokens;
    namespace SecurityTokenWebPart
        public class SecurityTokenWebPart : WebPart
            Label lblSamlHeader;
            Label lblUntHeader;
            Label lblSecurityHeader;
            Label lblSamlToken;
            Label lblUntToken;
            Label lblSecurityToken;
            protected override void CreateChildControls()
                // Create text label for SAML token
                lblSamlHeader = new Label();
                lblSamlHeader.ID = "lblSamlHeader";
                lblSamlHeader.Text = "SAML token:";
                HtmlGenericControl br1 = new HtmlGenericControl("br");
                // Retrieve the SAML security token associated with this session, if available
                lblSamlToken = new Label();
                lblSamlToken.ID = "lblSamlToken";
                Object item = HttpContext.Current.Items[Page.Session.SessionID + ".SAML_TOKEN"];
                if (item != null)
                    lblSamlToken.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(item.ToString()));
                    lblSamlToken.Text = "SAML token unavailable";
                HtmlGenericControl br2 = new HtmlGenericControl("br");
                // Create text label for UNT token
                lblUntHeader = new Label();
                lblUntHeader.ID = "lblUntHeader";
                lblUntHeader.Text = "UNT token:";
                HtmlGenericControl br3 = new HtmlGenericControl("br");
                // Retrieve the UNT security token associated with this session, if available
                lblUntToken = new Label();
                lblUntToken.ID = "lblUntToken";
                item = HttpContext.Current.Items[Page.Session.SessionID + ".USERNAME_TOKEN"];
                if (item != null)
                    lblUntToken.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(item.ToString()));
                    lblUntToken.Text = "Username token (UNT) unavailable";
                HtmlGenericControl br4 = new HtmlGenericControl("br");
                // Create text label for security tokens
                lblSecurityHeader = new Label();
                lblSecurityHeader.ID = "lblSecurityHeader";
                lblSecurityHeader.Text = "Security token(s):";
                HtmlGenericControl br5 = new HtmlGenericControl("br");
                // Retrieve all the security tokens associated with this session, if available
                lblSecurityToken = new Label();
                lblSecurityToken.ID = "lblSecurityToken";
                item = HttpContext.Current.Items[Page.Session.SessionID + ".TOKENS"];
                if (item != null)
                    SecurityTokenCollection tokens = item as SecurityTokenCollection;
                    if (tokens.Count > 0)
                        foreach (SecurityToken token in tokens)
                            XmlElement xe = token.GetXml(new XmlDocument());
                            lblSecurityToken.Text += HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(xe.OuterXml);
                        lblSecurityToken.Text = "Security token unavailable";
                    lblSecurityToken.Text = "Security token unavailable";
  2. Add a reference to System.web to make sure that the code compiles:

    1. Right-click the solution in the Solution Explorer and choose Add Reference.

    2. Click the .NET tab and scroll down to System.web.


      If you wait for the entire list to load, you can click the list and start typing System.web to select the item without having to scroll through the list.
    3. Click OK to accept the new reference.

  3. Compile this code into an assembly named ViewSecurityToken.

  4. Copy the assembly into installdir\wsrpdefault\bin.

  5. Create a folder under installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets called ViewSecurityToken.

  6. Copy the default.aspx file from installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\ASPNET_AJAX_sample to your new ViewSecurityToken folder.

  7. Update the installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\ViewSecurityToken\default.aspx file to reference the new TestUserProfile assembly instead of the Simple_Date_Time control.

    1. Replace src with assembly and reference the ViewSecurityToken assembly you created.

    2. Replace tagname with namespace and reference the SecurityTokenWebPart namespace used by the class.

    3. Add the class name after the : following the tagprefix under the content placeholder.

    The resulting file will look something like the following:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/portlets/Resources/MasterPages/WSRP.Master" Title="Content Page Test" %>
    <%@ Register assembly="ViewSecurityToken" namespace="SecurityTokenWebPart" tagprefix="uc1" %>
     <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="webpartcontrol" Runat="Server">
     <uc1:SecurityTokenWebPart ID="SecurityTokenWebPart1" runat="server" />
  8. Update the installdir\wsrpdefault\wsrp-producer.xml file to include your portlet.

    1. Make a copy of an existing <portlet> node and its contents under the <portlets> element.

    2. Update the handle, display name, description, title, and short title elements for the new portlet.

    3. Update the <url> node under each of the <portlet-mode> elements to point to the new portlet. (The wsrp:edit and wsrp:help modes are not necessary.)

    When finished, the new <portlet> node should look like the following:

      <description lang="en">View SecurityToken</description>
      <display-name lang="en">View SecurityToken</display-name>
      <title lang="en">View SecurityToken</title>
      <short-title lang="en">View SecurityToken</short-title>
  9. The portlet should now be available in your WSRP consumer. (You should have already registered the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET as explained in Section 5.1, "Adding a Web Part as a Portlet.") Add the portlet to your portal. Assuming that you have not set up SAML or UNT tokens you should just see Security token unavailable when you view the portlet.

5.9.2 Oracle WebLogic Portal with Default SAMLCredentialMapperV2

The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET is configured to request SAML tokens by default. Oracle WebLogic Portal is set up with a SAML Credential Mapper version (SAMLCredentialMapperV2) that is compliant with this version of the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET by default. This tutorial illustrates how to view SAML tokens from Oracle WebLogic Portal.

  1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server hosting your Oracle WebLogic Portal.

  2. Go to Security Realms > myrealm > Providers > Credential Mapping.

  3. Click SAMLCredentialMapper. (The description should include Security Assertion Markup Language v1.1 and the version should be 2.0.)

  4. Confirm that this is the default setup by clicking the Provider Specific tab and noting that the Signing Key Alias is wsrpconsumerrsa.

  5. Click the Management tab and then click the Relying Party link named rp_00001.

  6. Make sure that both Enabled and Sign Assertions are true (they should be true by default).

  7. Select Include Key Info.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Restart Oracle WebLogic Server (even if WebLogic Server indicates a restart is not necessary).

  10. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Portal and view the portlet you created Section 5.9.1, "Displaying a Token in a Web Part." The portlet should display a raw SAML security token.

5.9.3 Oracle WebLogic Portal with Custom Signing Key

The previous section used the default wsrpconsumerrsa Signing Key Alias. In a typical SAML set up, you would use your own private key to sign SAML assertions. This section explains how to tailor the steps defined in the Oracle WebLogic Portal documentation for creating SAML assertions to account for a WSRP producer created by the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET.

When configuring a Relying Party for the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET, follow the guidelines below:

  • Create the Relying Party with WSS/Sender-Vouches. (You can ignore the Source Site Federation Services portion of the Oracle WebLogic Portal documentation as long as you are using WSS/Sender-Vouches.)

  • Make sure that Sign Assertions and Include Keyinfo are selected.

  • If the Relying Party will not use a value of default (all parties rely on this SAML credential mapper), be sure to put the full URL to the .asmx file defined in your WSRPService.wsdl.

5.9.4 UNT for Oracle WebLogic Portal

This tutorial illustrates how to view UNT tokens with a username and password from Oracle WebLogic Portal. The first two steps make sure the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET is set up to request UNT with username and password when it is registered, and the rest of the steps configure Oracle WebLogic Portal to send UNT tokens with user name and password.

  1. Open the installdir\wsrpdefault\wsdl\2.0\WSRPService.wsdl file in a text editor.

  2. Replace the wsp:Policy element that references SAMLAuth.xml with the following:

    <wsp:Policy s1:Id="UNTAuth.xml">
  3. Open the installdir\wsrpdefault\wsdl\2.0\wsrp_v1_bindings.wsdl file in a text editor.

  4. Replace all instances of SAMLAuth.xml with UNTAuth.xml. You should see the following under the <wsdl:input> elements with the names getMarkup and performBlockingInteraction:

    <wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy">
     <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#UNTAuth.xml"/>


    The PolicyReference URI value is the #Id of the wsp:Policy defined for UNT in installdir\wsrpdefault\wsdl\2.0\WSRPService.wsdl.
  5. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server hosting your Oracle WebLogic Portal.

  6. Go to Security Realms > myrealm > Credential Mappings.

  7. Click New and enter settings that point to the markup endpoints. Leave the defaults except the following:

    • Protocol: http

    • Remote Host: host_name (for example, myproducer.mycompany.com)

    • Remote Port: host_port (for example, 8678)

    • Path: /wsrpdefault/wsdl/2.0/WSRPBaseService.asmx (This is the path after the host and port in the URL. Be sure to begin the path with /.)

  8. Before clicking Next, confirm that the values are correct. You should get a response from http://host_name:host_port/wsrpdefault/wsdl/2.0/WSRPBaseService.asmx.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Enter user information:

    • Local user: A user registered with Oracle WebLogic Server, for example, the weblogic user.

    • Remote user: testuser, the user to send to the producer when the local user is logged in.

    • Remote password: testpassword, the password to send to the producer when the "Local user" is logged in

  11. Click Finish.

  12. Restart Oracle WebLogic Server (even if WebLogic Server indicates a restart is not necessary).

  13. Register your producer with Oracle WebLogic Portal under a new name so that portlets now ask for UNT tokens instead of SAML tokens.

    1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Portal administration console and remove the portlet you registered in Section 5.9.1, "Displaying a Token in a Web Part."

    2. Create a new WSRP producer in the administration console pointing to the same WSRPService.wsdl you used to register the first portlet.

    3. Add the same portlet again.

    4. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Portal as the local user you entered in the Credential Mapper and view the portlet. The portlet should display a raw UNT security token.

5.9.5 SAML for Oracle WebCenter Portal

There are several different SAML token profiles supported by Oracle WebLogic Portal. The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET supports all of the WSS 1.0 options, but does not support WSS 1.1. This tutorial uses the SAML profile that is the most similar to the default provided by Oracle WebLogic Portal (see Section 5.9.3, "Oracle WebLogic Portal with Custom Signing Key"), WSS 1.0 SAML Token with Message Identity. See the Oracle WebCenter Portal documentation on securing a WSRP producer for details on the security token options available.

This tutorial describes the process for setting up this token profile in Enterprise Manager. If you register WSRP producers using WLST, register your producer with the SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_INTEGRITY token type and other arguments that correspond to Enterprise Manager settings described below. You should already have completed the tutorial in Section 5.9.1, "Displaying a Token in a Web Part."

  1. Create a private key pair on the Oracle WebCenter Portal host machine using the java keytool. Set the key algorithm to rsa and the key size to 1024.

    For example:

    keytool -genkeypair -keystore mykeystore.jks -storepass mykeystorepass 
    -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -alias wckey -keypass wckeypass
    -dname "cn=spaces,dc=example,dc=com" -validity 360

    Refer to Oracle WebCenter Portal or Java documentation on generating key pairs.

  2. In Enterprise Manager, go to the Add New Portlet Producer page and select WSRP Producer.

  3. Enter the URL to the same WSDL you used in Section 5.9.1, "Displaying a Token in a Web Part."

  4. In the security section, select the token profile WSS 1.0 SAML Token with Message Integrity.

  5. Choose the custom option and define an Issuer Name. This can be any name.

  6. Specify the Default User, for example, weblogic.

  7. Enter values in the Keystore section of the page based on the values you used to generate the key with the keytool. (Leave the encryption key values empty; they are not required because encryption is not used.)

    • Store Path: Use the value specified for -keystore

    • Password: Use the value specified for -storepass

    • Signature Key Alias: Use the value specified for -keyalias

    • Signature Key Password: Use the value specified for -keypass

  8. Once the producer is registered, add the ViewSecurityToken portlet to a WebCenter Portal portal. If you are logged in (not anonymous) to WebCenter Portal, the portlet should show a SAML token with your user name in the Assertion.

    Note on SAML with Message Protection:

    If you choose to use WSS 1.0 SAML with Message Protection, you must create a private key in the Windows certificate store and import a public key certificate into the java keystore on your WebCenter Portal host machine. Once you have imported the certificate, enter the keyalias you used during the keytool import command as the Recipient Alias. This way the imported certificate will be used to encrypt the message to the producer.

    The process for managing the windows certificate store is explained in the next section, Section 5.9.6, "UNT for Oracle WebCenter Portal." The steps are the same for SAML, except you must select the WSS 1.0 SAML with Message Protection option instead of WSS 1.0 Username Token with Password.

5.9.6 UNT for Oracle WebCenter Portal

There are two different Username token (UNT) profiles supported by WebCenter Portal. The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET supports both of these options. This tutorial describes working with the UNT profile that is the most similar to the default provided by Oracle WebLogic Portal (see Section Section 5.9.4, "UNT for Oracle WebLogic Portal"), WSS 1.0 Username Token with Password. See the WebCenter Portal documentation on securing a WSRP producer for more details on the security token options available.

This tutorial describes the process for setting up this token profile in Enterprise Manager. If you register WSRP producers using WLST, register your producer with the USERNAME_WITH_PASSWORD token type and other arguments that correspond to Enterprise Manager settings described below. You should already have completed the tutorial in Section 5.9.1, "Displaying a Token in a Web Part."

  1. Add a private key in the Windows certificate store on the Windows machine hosting the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET. The following steps show you how to create a private key in LocalMachine>TrustedPeople Store and LocalMachine>Personal Store. Refer to your Microsoft documentation for more information on the Windows certificate store.

    1. Locate the makecert.exe tool. If this tool is not present, download the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

    2. Open a command window that has the makecert.exe PATH dependencies available. If Visual Studio 2008 is present, you can launch a Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt from the Start Menu. If the Windows SDK is present, you can launch a command shell from under the Microsoft Windows SDK folder in the Start Menu.

    3. Create a certificate with the algorithm set to sha1, for example:

      makecert.exe -a sha1 -n CN=DotNetWSRPProducer -sr LocalMachine -ss My -sky exchange -sk DotNetWSRPProducer
  2. Import the key certificate into the TrustedPeople Store and Personal Store of the Windows certificate store. Use the same command window where you ran makecert.exe to run certmgr.exe. For example:

    certmgr.exe -add -c -n DotNetWSRPProducer -s -r LocalMachine My -s -r LocalMachine TrustedPeople
  3. Grant security rights to the certificate for the user running the ASP.NET processes for the IIS application running the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET (by default this is the Network Service user).

    • If you installed the administrator version of WSE 2.0 SP3, use the X509 certificate tool available in the Start Menu, open the certificate from the correct store, view the key file properties, and make sure Network Service has full control.

    • If you do not have the X509 certificate tool, you can still set proper permissions on the certificate you created by going to %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys, finding the most recent file (these are system files so you must configure Windows Explorer to show hidden files), and granting the Network Service user full control.

  4. Locate the certificate in the store.

    1. Bring up mmc.exe from the command line.

    2. From the menu bar, select File, then Add/Remove Snap-in.

    3. Select certificates.

    4. Click Add.

    5. Select Computer Account (to view the LocalMachine contents).

    6. Click OK.

    7. On the left hand side, expand the list of certificates.

    8. Go to the Personal section of the store and locate the certificate you added.

  5. Export the certificate.

    1. Right-click your certificate and select All Tasks, and then Export.

    2. In the wizard, export the public key as a DER encoded binary (DER is X509 format that java keytool likes) with a file name of your choice (for example, dnaakey.der).

  6. Create a private key pair on the Oracle WebCenter Portal host machine using the java keytool. Set the key algorithm to rsa and the key size to 1024, for example:

      -keystore C:\Oracle\Middleware\keystores\mykeystore.jks
      -storepass mykeystorepass
      -keyalg rsa
      -keysize 1024
      -alias wckey
      -keypass wckeypass

    If you already completed Section 5.9.5, "SAML for Oracle WebCenter Portal," use the same key for this tutorial. Refer to your WebCenter Portal or Java documentation on generating key pairs.

  7. Copy the .der file over to the WebCenter Portal server and import the key using the java keytool, for example:

      -keystore C:\Oracle\Middleware\keystores\mykeystore.jks
      -storepass mykeystorepass
      -keyalg rsa
      -keysize 1024
      -alias dnaakey
      -keypass dnaakeypass
      -file C:\Oracle\Middleware\keystores\dnaakey.der
  8. In Enterprise Manager, go to the Add New Portlet Producer page and select WSRP Producer.

  9. Enter the URL to the same WSDL you used in Section 5.9.1, "Displaying a Token in a Web Part."

  10. In the security section, select the token profile WSS 1.0 Username Token with Password.

  11. Choose the custom option.

  12. In the Associated External Application section choose Create New. You will be brought to a new page where you can create a new external application. Give the application a name and click OK. This tells WebCenter Portal to prompt end users to enter the login credentials they want to pass to the WSRP producer portlet.

  13. Once you are returned to the Add New Portlet Producer page, enter values in the Keystore section of the page based on the values you used to generate the key with the keytool. (Leave the encryption key values empty; they are not required because encryption is not used.)

    • Store Path: Use the value specified for -keystore

    • Password: Use the value specified for -storepass

    • Signature Key Alias: Is -alias. (This is the alias given while generating the keystore.)

    • Signature Key Password: Is -keypass. (This is the password for the alias given while generating the keystore.)

    • Recipient Alias: Is -alias (This value comes from importing the certificate (step 6), not generating the key.)

  14. Once the producer is registered, add the ViewSecurityToken portlet to a WebCenter Portal portal. The first time you view the portlet you should see an Update login information link. Click this link and provide a user name and password. This will be the user name and password that is sent to the portlet in the Username and password token (UNT). Once you enter this information the portlet should show a token with the user name and password you entered.

5.10 Using Oracle WebCenter Portal Features

The following features are included specifically for Oracle WebCenter Portal. Since these features are based on WSRP standards there is a possibility they could be applied to any WSRP consumer.

This section includes the following topics:

5.10.1 Using Customization in Oracle WebCenter Portal

This tutorial shows how to enable the Customize option for Web Parts surfaced in an WebCenter Portal portal. This example starts with the TestPreferences portlet described in Section 5.1, "Adding a Web Part as a Portlet."

  1. Open installdir\wsrpdefault\wsrp-producer.xml in a text editor.

  2. Locate the TestPreferences portlet and add a new <portlet-mode> section under the <portlet-modes> element with a name of urn:javax:portlet:mode:custom:edit_defaults. The <supports> element for the portlet with the new value should look something like the following:

  3. Add the TestPreferences portlet to a WebCenter Portal portal, and while in Composer, select the Customize option (wrench icon).

5.10.2 Using Oracle WebCenter Portal Parameters

WebCenter Portal parameters are passed to WSRP 2.0 producers using the navigationalParameters defined in the WSRP 2.0 specification. This tutorial shows how to pass WebCenter Portal parameters to a portlet.

  1. In Visual Studio, open the TestPreferences.ascx Web User Control you created in Section 5.1, "Adding a Web Part as a Portlet."

  2. Add two labels called lblParameter1 and lblParameter2 to the bottom of the form.

    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="lblParameter1" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label><br />
    <asp:Label ID="lblParameter2" runat="server" Text=" "></asp:Label>
  3. Add the following code to the bottom of the Page_Load method:

    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> ParameterCollection = HttpContext.Current.Items["NavigationalParameters"] as
    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>;
    lblParameter1.Text = ParameterCollection["TestParameter1"];
    lblParameter2.Text = ParameterCollection["TestParameter2"];
  4. Test that the code compiles. In particular, make sure that you have System.Collections.Generic referenced.

  5. Update your TestPreferences.ascx and TestPreferences.ascx.cs (and designer .cs file if you created one of these) under the App_Code directory.

  6. Replace the installdir\wsrpdefault\portlets\TestPreferences.ascx file with the latest version.

  7. Copy the compiled assembly from your Visual Studio project to the installdir\wsrpdefault\bin folder.

  8. The following steps are required to inform the WebCenter Portal WSRP Consumer of the existence of these parameters.

    1. Open installdir\wsrpdefault\wsrp-producer.xml in a text editor and locate the TestPreferences <portlet> element.

    2. Above the <supports> element add the following XML:


      Note that the identifier names match the names pulled from the navigational parameters collection in the Page_Load method described in an earlier step.

  9. In a WebCenter Portal page, open Composer.

  10. Add the TestPreferences portlet and click the Edit button.

    On the parameters tab you should see the two parameters you defined, TestParameter1 and TestParameter2.

  11. Enter a value for each parameter and click Apply and Ok.

    You should see the values you entered at the bottom of the portlet.


    The WebCenter Portal WSRP Consumer only utilizes the identifier portion of the navigationalParameter. However, if you have a different WSRP consumer for which you wish to use navigationParameters you may also assign localized values for the description, label, and hint in your wsrp-producer.xml. For example:
       <parameter-description lang="en">parameter1-en</parameter-description>
       <parameter-description lang="fr">parameter1-fr</parameter-description>
       <parameter-label lang="en">parameter1-label-en</parameter-label>
       <parameter-label lang="fr">parameter1-label-fr</parameter-label>
       <parameter-hint lang="en">parameter1-hint-en</parameter-hint>
       <parameter-hint lang="fr">parameter1-hint-fr</parameter-hint>